I have a city in the desert

Chapter 774: Pressing on a 7G mobile phone

Mayor Qian knew that they could no longer compete with other mobile phones in 5G technology, so he put all the treasures on 7G technology.

Even the Mayor Qian of Nisso Mobile, which focuses on 6G technology, is preparing to give up strategically.

"Instability is not enough, increase testing efforts, overtime work that should be worked overtime, and money that should increase money, quickly test the 7G mobile phone system and chip for me to stabilize!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Mayor Qian nodded and said: "Brother Jiang can rest assured that we have invested all the only funds in the research and development of the chip, the research and development of the system, and the purchase of patents."

"I don't just want 7G, but all the current 5G mobile phones and 6G mobile phones have to stand up quickly for me. What Zhuoan system, negotiate for me, I want my mobile phone to be equipped with this system."

Now if you want to defeat the Xingxing mobile phone, the best way is to defeat the Xingxing mobile phone in China.

The loss of the Xingxing mobile phone from the Chinese market is equivalent to cutting off one of his feet.

Jiang Chen is also confident to kill Xingxing mobile phones in China, after all, the trump card of Xingxing mobile phones lies in the screen.

After three years of research on super truck screens and Sahara Glass, Sahha Glass Town has developed four generations of LED glass screens.

This kind of glass screen is clearer and more eye-protecting when applied to mobile phones. Once it was launched, it became the target of major mobile phone brands.

Now even the rotten Apple phones are preparing to abandon the Xingxing Group's mobile phone screens to cooperate with the mobile phone screen manufacturers in Sahara Glass Town.

Therefore, compared to the screen, the star mobile phone is one grade worse.

In addition, in terms of stable communication performance, the three major Saha mobile phone brands are equipped with Saha Communications, the fourth largest communication operator in China, and they are definitely superior to them in terms of network speed experience.

Finally, on the camera, all the Nisso cameras used in Saha mobile phones, his clarity is absolutely acceptable.

There is also the Kudamatsu audio used in mobile phone audio, so that the price of the combination of very particular high-grade products is 10% cheaper than the star mobile phone, and it must have an advantage.

The only disadvantage of the current Saha mobile phone brand is the system, the Warwick system they use.

The Warwick system is not stable enough, and sometimes it will get stuck.

This system is definitely not comparable to Zhuo An, which has been very mature and has occupied the market for so many years.

Therefore, as long as Jiang Chen can negotiate with Zhuoan Systems, it will be easy for Jiang Chen to defeat Xingxing Mobile in China.

Speaking of negotiations, Mayor Qian sighed and said: "We have talked about it last time, and they disagree. However, if Jiang Ge is willing to talk to them, I think there might be drama."

After Mayor Qian finished speaking, Jiang Chen pointed to Mayor Qian and said: "Okay, you can contact their person in charge, and I will talk to them personally."

Now Jiang Chen has put down all his work to supervise this big battle in the mobile phone industry, so he has time!

Three days later, Mayor Qian made an appointment with Zhuo An’s person in charge in China, and then wanted to invite them to the Saha area, but was rejected.

There was no way, Mayor Qian could only tell Jiang Chen, after all, he could only go to Shangjing to talk to Zhuo An's person in charge because he wanted to ask others.

Zhuoan company only gave Jiang Chen five minutes to go to the Beijing South Hotel, and it was all about opening the door of the meeting room.

"Hello, I'm Jiang Chen of Saha Mobile, we want to use..."

The person in charge of Zhuoan Company received Jiang Chen in the conference room. He was a foreigner. He did not entertain Jiang Chen to sit down. Instead, he looked at his watch and said, “It’s in the face of Guowei Lao Zeng. You five minutes, hurry up, we have a meeting soon."

"I want our mobile phones to be equipped with ZhuoAn system. I hope we can cooperate. As long as we can cooperate, you can provide any conditions that I can do."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the foreigner yawned and said: "Sorry, we have reached an agreement with Xingxing Mobile. You are only a small brand, and we cannot offend Xingxing Group, the world's second-ranked company.

Well, your time is up, please go out, we are going to have a meeting."

After the foreigner had finished speaking, Jiang Chen was directly angry. Damn, these years, you are the first to let Lao Tzu run out of the desert and humiliate Lao Tzu so much!

"If you don't cooperate with me, it's not my time, it's your time.

Believe it or not, I will let you and Xingxing phone down in a year!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the foreigner also laughed.

Didn’t he know about Saha mobile phones? It’s just a brand of Huaguo knockoff phones. It can’t even compare with Guowei. How can it be compared with Xingxing Group?

What's more, in the mobile phone system market, they have the largest number of users in the world, more than rotten Apple phones!

"I look forward to it. I have seen a lot of arrogant Chinese like you. Now please get out."

Foreigners always look down on the yellow monkey, and even he was very unhappy when he was sent to China.

"Okay, this is the first time I've seen someone like you.

Now you can get out. Starting today, you will regret it."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the foreigner became even more angry. He cocked his foot and waved, and the yellow-skinned secretary behind him came over.

"Call the security guard to chase him out. Remember, in the future, if such a Chinese dog is introduced by a familiar person, don't delay my time.

Call everyone to come in for the meeting."

After speaking, the foreigner reached out and pinched the secretary's butt. The secretary twisted his butt blush and said, "Yes, boss."

When the door opened, more than a dozen foreigners and yellow-skinned people entered the door. These were all high-level executives of Zhuoan Company.

At the same time, after the secretary made a call at the door, several security guards came in.

The top five and three rough security guards didn't know Jiang Chen, they came up and pointed at Jiang Chen and shouted, "Get out!"

Jiang Chen didn't speak, this kind of Luo Luo didn't deserve to speak to him.

"Have you heard it out?"

"Are you a foreigner father? You guys get out of me."

Several people wanted to do something to Jiang Chen, but due to the presence of the foreigner's father, a security guard came over at random as if throwing Jiang Chen's uniform out.

They do a lot of this kind of things. After all, there are many people who want to find foreigners to invest. The foreigners are the most important guests in their hotels.

"Grass, we were forced to do it, otherwise no one would dare to take care of you."

After the security guard finished speaking, the foreigner lay on the swivel chair with his legs raised up and watched.

"Call your boss over and you will be fired."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he kicked a security guard who rushed over and dialed another call.

Two minutes later, the hotel lobby manager ran up from the first floor in a panic.

It thumped, and the door of the meeting room was kicked open. When the lobby manager saw that some security guards were fighting with Jiang Chen, he picked up the stool in the meeting room and hit a security guard on the head.

The blood donation just flowed down the head of the security guard, and a group of security guards were confused.

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