I have a city in the desert

Chapter 775: The era of foreign father has passed

Not only the security guards, but even foreigners are confused.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't the lobby manager come up and drive away young people like Jiang Chen to please their foreign dad?

"Grass, blind! You all fucking blind!"

"Brother Jiang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will fire them right away, you are fired, get out of here!"

After the lobby manager finished speaking, the door opened again after a few moments.

A fifties-year-old man in a suit fell into the conference room with a plop because of running too fast.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang, who hit you? I killed him!"

The person here is no one else, but the president of Chengnan International Hotel.

After the president finished speaking, the security guards were even more daunted. Who is this?Why did their president come in person?

Also, there are not many in this world that can make their president call brother!

"These little beasts, President, I have fired them!"

After the lobby manager finished speaking, the president pointed to several security guards and shouted: "Expulsion? It's not that simple! Tell you, do you guys know who you offended?

Kneel down and apologize to me right away, otherwise no one will dare to speak if you die here!"

This is really not the president's arrogance. Although Jiang Chen does not hold any official position in Beijing, he does not have any privileges.

However, Jiang Chen is also the highest military commander in the Saha area specially appointed by China, and his rank is at the level of theater commander.

Moreover, Jiang Chen still holds the lifeblood of China's freedom from desert encroachment, so even if he kills people, they can't help him.

After all, you die Jiang Chen, you are waiting to subdue the country...


Several security guards knelt on the ground in an instant. They are all at the bottom of the society, so they habitually look at their faces.

"Get up, get up for me if it's a Chinese!

I'll remember it later, the Chinese stood up, and foreigners are grandsons, don't be the damn father to make offerings!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the lobby manager hurried up and kicked the security guards and shouted, "Don't thank Jiang brother!"

Two of these security guards were relatives of the lobby manager, so he was anxious to go up and knock them on the head with a stool.

Only if the attack was ruthless, Jiang Chen could save them when he saw them pitifully.

After the lobby manager shouted, several security guards hurriedly shouted: "Thank you Jiang, thank you Jiang! We will never kneel and lick foreign dogs again!"

After several security guards were pushed out, the face of Zhuoan Huaguo's president turned green.

He wanted to humiliate the people in front of the people, but he didn't expect to be scolded by foreign dogs without being humiliated. How could this be tolerated?

"You are the president of the hotel? This person insults us foreigners. If you don't deal with it quickly, I will directly report to the embassy."

After speaking, the foreigner looked at the president of the hotel with a joking expression. Under normal circumstances, as long as he took out this assassin, no company would dare to disobey him.

"Handle, handle it now!

From now on, you immediately get out of the Chengnan Hotel!

In addition, when the notice goes on, go to Beijing, oh no, all the national Saha hotel groups will block him!

Hold on, inform the Star Hotel Association that all employees of Zhuoan Company are not allowed to stay in star hotels, and they are not allowed to stay in one star hotel!

Whoever violates the ban will be blamed on our Star Hotel Association for removing it!"

Shangjing Chengnan International Hotel is one of the top three super hotels in Shangjing. The president of the hotel is also the vice chairman of the Shangjing Hotel Association and the director of the National Star Hotels Association.

Moreover, the president of the Shanghai Hotel Association is called Huang Dong, and he also serves as the president of the National Star Hotel Association.

Huang Dong's other position is the chairman of Saha Hotel Management Group. He manages nearly 100 super seven-star hotels in Saha Group. There are countless five-star hotels.

"No, no, no! You must be crazy, losing customers like us is selling mobile phones for this, you will regret it!"

The foreigner was shocked, and he kept waving his hands in protest.

Before the security came in, the president of Chengnan Hotel Group and the lobby manager personally lifted him and threw him out.

Some people are like this, shamelessly.

This time, I won’t give you a face. All Zhuo’an employees can only live in small hotels on the roadside in the future.

When you talk about business and open the annual meeting, go to the hotel, and see if you are still doing high-end, hehe, go to the roadside stall!

After throwing out the head of Huaguo of Zhuoan Company, Jiang Chen rubbed his temples and his brain hurt. After all, this matter was messed up.

"After the notice, chain hotels won't let them stay, and they are not allowed to open rooms for those with more than 100 standard rooms."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the president of Chengnan Hotel hurriedly nodded and ran out to issue orders.

After the order was issued, at noon, President Zhuo An left the Chengnan International Hotel and went to the Hotel Association to complain about the Chengnan Hotel. He was directly bombarded by the Hotel Association.

The foreigner was very angry. He ran to the Beijing government to make a complaint. The government found that Jiang Chen had blocked him, and they shook their heads helplessly.

After all, a boss of Zhuo An is compared with someone like Jiang Chen worth trillions, and they naturally know how to choose a team.

After all, this guy is a foreigner, and he is also a foreigner. They are all foreigners. Don't ask anyone the fucking privileges.

From the Shangjing government, it was noon.

The foreigner is very particular, he must go to the hotel to eat, so the assistant took him to Narada Hotel.

However, what made the foreigner depressed was that he was kicked out as soon as he entered Narada Hotel.

I couldn't live in a six-star hotel, so I changed to a five-star hotel and went to Huayuan International Hotel. I just went in and was kicked out.

Five stars cannot be changed to four stars, and four stars cannot be changed to three stars. In the end, the direct change to ordinary Hanting hotel chains was rejected.

They can't live in Beijing anymore, they can only fly to Shanghai.

Arriving in Shanghai, the hotels in Shanghai are also unable to stay.

It wasn't until two o'clock at night, when a group of foreigners were living on the street, that he knew how powerful Jiang Chen was.

However, it was too late, and the entire Zhuoan Company was all pulled into the blacklist.

Zhuoan’s medical card cannot be used in pharmacies, Zhuoan’s employees cannot stay in star-rated hotels, and Zhuo’an’s employees are not yet able to seek medical treatment in Saha’s hospitals. All the blockades have come.

After blocking Zhuo'an Company, Jiang Chen was busy thinking about the next Star Wars.

Since he had missed Zhuo An's system, he had to find another mature system that could replace Zhuo An.

And speaking of the more popular mobile phone and computer systems in the world, except for Zhuo An, it is the system of the rotten apple.

Rotten Apple is the leader in the mobile phone industry. His unique mobile phone system is also the main reason why they dominate the mobile phone and computer industry.

So after thinking, Jiang Chen decided to find Rotten Apple for cooperation.

It happened that there was a call from the digital town. After Rotten Apple negotiated with the mobile phone screen manufacturer, they decided to come to the digital town to discuss cooperation on 7g mobile phone technology.

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