I have a city in the desert

Chapter 776: Apple President Comes to the Desert

When the Sa Saha mobile phone was established, that was when 5G mobile phones were just popularized across the country.

5G mobile phones are the era of Guowei, and 6g mobile phones are the era of Kudamatsu and Nisso. This is also the reason why Kudamatsu and Nissuo can squeeze into the top 10 in the world.

On 6g mobile phones, Rotten Apple mobile phone started cooperation with Saha Communications early.

Rotten Apple has its own mobile phone research and development center in Sark City. They developed a new 6g mobile phone using the faster 6g communication in the Shaha area.

Then when the global 6g signal was connected, it quickly occupied the global market.

But the 7g technology is different. At present, Saha Communications has not opened the 7g network to the outside world, but Saha mobile phones have been tested in the 7g communication field in advance.

This also means that after the 7g era, when other mobile phone manufacturers are still studying new mobile phones, Saha mobile phones can already be mass-produced 7g mobile phones.

Hearing that Rotten Apple is coming to a communications company to discuss the business of testing the 7g network, Jiang Chen thinks this is an opportunity.

So he flew directly back to the special zone in a plane, and then rushed to the Saha Communications Group in Qingshan City.

After arriving at the Saha Communications Group, it was already evening.

In order to negotiate with the person in charge of the Rotten Apple Group, Jiang Chen specifically urged the Communication Group to retain the person in charge of the Rotten Apple Company.

It was time for dinner, so Jiang Chen directly called and asked the Communications Group to arrange for the people from the Rotten Apple Company to wait for him at the Rose Manor Hotel.

At the Rose Manor Hotel, at the beginning of summer, roses are in full bloom.

Through the sea of ​​roses, the vice president from Rotten Apple's headquarters was very shocked.

This is his first visit to the Shaha area. His original impression of the desert was very poor and backward.

But he never expected that after coming to Qingshan City, the high-rise buildings in Qingshan City and the living standards of the people have far surpassed many cities in the United States.

Especially the garbage disposal technology of Qingshan City and the communication technology of Qingshan City. So many scientists in the United States have not developed 6g technology, but 6g communication has been overcome here.

Now they have developed 7g communications, which is why the vice president James insists on visiting Qingshan City.

"Beautiful, Very beautiful!"

Along the way, apart from praising James, there were no other words to think of.

Even when he came to the world of rose painting, James had a kind of place he wanted to settle here.

"Hello, welcome to the Saha area, my name is Jiang Chen."

Hearing that Jiang Chen, who created the civilization of the entire Saha area, was about to come to see him personally, James stood excitedly at the gate of the Rose Manor and waited for nearly half an hour.

After seeing James from a distance, Jiang Chen opened the door and greeted him.

Jiang Chen has never been a big-hearted person.

"Hello, the city you built is so spectacular!

You plant grass in the desert and the technology for creating an environmental protection system is simply unparalleled!"

After James finished speaking, he clasped Jiang Chen's hands tightly. Really, if you don't experience it yourself, it's really hard for you to feel the greatness of a person's making history.

"Excuse me, Mr. James, go inside!"

The Rose Hall, as the most luxurious private room in the Rose Manor, stands in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the Rose Hall and one can see the magnificence of half of the Rose Mountain.

The last time Jiang Chen hosted someone here, he hosted Song Weiping from Sark City a few years ago.

At that time he was a poor young man, and now he is a super leader with a population of tens of millions and trillions of rich people.

"Brother Jiang, Mr. James loves our desert very much. He also said just now that he would like to settle down here if possible!"

This time, I was accompanied by Luo Weiping, President of Saha Communications Group. The previous President of Saha Communications Group has been transferred to the Minister of Communications of the Future City.

"is it?"

"Beautiful, the sea of ​​flowers here is very beautiful! I heard that the future city is more spectacular than Qingshan City. I didn't believe it at first, but after seeing the scenic spots on the edge of the future city so magnificent, I believed it!"

After James finished speaking, Jiang Chen said with a smile: "If you like it, President Luo, come back and make arrangements. The Rose Garden Villa will give Mr. James a set!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, James became excited instantly.

He heard that Jiang Chen was a very atmospheric person, but he never expected Jiang Chen to be so atmospheric.

"No, no, it's too precious!"

Nowadays, the villas in Rose Manor have been sold at an average price of close to 200,000 yuan per square meter. If you have no identity, you cannot buy it if you have money.

"No matter how precious the house is, there must be someone who appreciates it!

Mr. James, don't shirk it. Someone who looks at the desert like this will make me happy to know you."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Mr. James did not refuse any more. He knew that if he refused, he would not give face to people of Jiang Chen's level.

"Then thank you Mr. Jiang, I think my wife and children will like it very much!"

After the two people had finished talking, the waiter over there had brought red wine, and the red wine had not been poured yet, Mr. James shook his head.

"No, no, I prefer white wine to red wine!

I am a Hua Guotong, and I have been very interested in Chinese culture since I was a child.

When I came here, I heard that the baijiu here is very famous, I want to try it."

After James finished speaking, Jiang Chen also laughed: "The feelings are good. It happens that there are a few bottles of Wanjiang old wine in my car. This wine was personally prepared for me by their president. If Mr. James is happy to drink, look back. Give you another box!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he threw the key to a waiter next to him, and the waiter hurriedly went to fetch the liquor in the back seat of the Jiangcheng car.

After taking the wine, the waiter filled a few people. Mr. James picked up the wine glass and sniffed it lightly, then opened his mouth and took a sip.

Soon he closed his eyes and became drunk.

When all the wine was in his taste buds, Mr. James opened his eyes: "Good wine! Dear Mr. Jiang, I am afraid that the box of wine will have to be moved to my car in advance."

After Mr. James finished speaking, a group of people laughed.

"Don't worry, as long as you live here in the future, and I will take you to see the owner of the winery later, you must have a lot of common interests."

Several people were talking, drinking for a while, and chatting for a while about the future of the desert and the loss of future communications. The more they talked, the more speculative they were.

A little bit of time passed, and when the wine was full, several people entered the subject.

"Mr. James, there is something I want to cooperate with you.

Everyone knows that the best mobile phone and computer system in the world is Nenghe Zhuoan.

Your mobile phone system is not as popular as Zhuoan, but the user viscosity of the system is very high.

So, I want to be able to connect on 5G and 6g mobile phones, what do you think?"

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