I have a city in the desert

Chapter 818: You Demons

The soldiers got into the car and night came, and they just stared at the neon lights out the window in a daze.

They have seen a lot in such a clean and beautiful city, but at this moment they have another state of mind.

At the Chengdong factory, after the car stopped, a group of soldiers entered the factory gate under the escort of the guards.

As soon as he entered the factory gate, a man in shabby clothes was being pushed to the door by several big men.

"I don't want to go, I don't want to go, let me go back, let me go back!"

"What are you doing? Let go of him, you demons!"

Richard pushed the guard away and rushed over. He never lacked a sense of justice, and it was this sense of justice that made him willing to risk his death to attack the airport.

"Let me go back, let me go back!"

The Ahan people on the ground are still struggling.

Jiang Chen walked over, and several security guards hurriedly let go of the Ahan.

"Hello, Brother Jiang!"

"what happened?"

The moment the Akhanate was released, the old Akhanate ran towards the workshop with a lame leg.

"Brother Jiang, he, he needs a rest!"

"You demons, what do you want him? Kill him and let him rest?"

Richard was about to rush to beat the security guard as he spoke, but several guards caught him.

"what happened?"

After Jiang Chen frowned, the security guard sighed and said, "Brother Jiang, he has been working for 25 hours!

He heard that this batch of rush-made cotton clothes were for the Akhanate refugees in the south, so he worked crazy overtime and did not want to rest!"

When the security finished speaking, the struggling Richard stopped his struggling hand.

"Why don't you rest?"

"He, he wanted to make a cotton-padded jacket for his daughter in the south. He said that his daughter liked wearing his cotton-padded jacket the most, but his daughter was killed by a US plane on the way back..."

After the security had finished speaking, Jiang Chen clenched his fists.

Walking into the factory, Jiang Chen saw the old Akhanate man at a glance. His hair was gray and his forehead was covered with wrinkles.

"Don't be afraid, Nasha, there are cotton-padded clothes, there are cotton-padded clothes, dad makes this one, and the leader will send people to the south. Let’s not be cold this year..."

"Don't do it! Nasha is dead! She was already dead on the road!"

The security guard roared, wiped his eyes and began to cry.

The needle in the old man's hand fell to the ground, and he hurried to pick it up. One of the broken legs had no strength, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

The worker next to him hurriedly went to help him. He couldn't help him. He was like a pile of mud, but his hands were still holding the floral cotton jacket. He thought that Nasha would be warm and beautiful.

In the factory, everyone stopped what they were doing, and they all began to weep bitterly.

"Why? Why? We have run home, why are we still dead?"

A worker holds the dead Akhanate and hammers his head straight, he hates, he hates the world!

Jiang Chen raised his head. He tried to keep his tears from falling. Such tragedies happen every day. He thought he could be numb, but...

On the bus, the special soldiers of the Sea Dog Marine Corps didn't know how to get on the car. They were confused, and they began to think about the meaning of starting this war.

"I will kill you all when I come back from Future City."

Jiang Chen’s voice rang from the car, and no one stood up to resist this time.

Because they knew that they were sinners and they committed war crimes against humanity in the Akhanate.

They don't know how many Akhanates have lost their homes and loved ones. They are not worthy to live in this world.

When the car arrived at the subway station, more than 300 people took the lightning-fast subway for the first time. Before they died, they were curious about everything, and they found everything beautiful.

Sark City, the prosperity here is far beyond their imagination, for the first time they felt that they had come to a prosperous place that did not belong to the earth.

Only the endless operations on the operating table of the Salman Hospital can bring them to the world.

In the future city, the towering super buildings are beyond the reach of Manha, and the tourist markets that could have been very attractive are all closed.

If it is not closed, the bustling streets are definitely the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Returning from the Future City, all the Sea Dog Special Forces members cried. They knew the beauty of this world. They knew that their country was about to destroy it with their own hands, and they became their accomplices. They felt this was simply unforgivable...

"I want to see the leader! I want to see the leader! I want to stop the coalition forces, they are simply committing a crime!"

Nearing Maraca, Richard finally made a decision, he is not afraid of death, he is afraid that his death is worthless!

At twelve o'clock in the evening, at the press conference in Malaca, Richard stepped onto the podium without handcuffs for the first time.

"Hello everyone, I'm Captain Richard of the Sea Dogs. Let me call me that, because after I was captured, they promoted me to comfort my family.

But here, I want to say, I will not die!

You always make me loyal to the United States, loyal to the army.

But today I can live to understand that what I want to be loyal to is justice!True justice!

Therefore, I hope that those who have not been fooled by Bugaopu will donate to me and those who have been abandoned by him behind me.

We must live, we must devote ourselves to the new anti-war struggle, and we must let everyone in the world know that Saha is just!

They are the ones who really help the Akhanate. The coalition forces are bad guys. They have never really helped the Akhanate. They have also become a nightmare for the Akhanate!"

After Richard finished speaking, several reporters asked questions.

Button Times: If you betray your motherland in this way, you will accept the trial of the free people!

"No, the coalition forces are betraying the people. They are executioners. I think if you come to Saha to interview the people of the Akhanate, you will know how stupid what you said today!"

Great Eagle Empire: Did they force you to surrender or do you fear death?You are a group of deserters, and you will be punished when you come back. Have you made it clear?

"Go back? Why do I want to go back? The United States has fallen, and they will be dragged down by the war here. Saha is the future of mankind!"

After Richard finished speaking, some media became angry again.

Hanchao Guo Zaobao: You are a coward. The people of the United States will not be fooled by you. We will continue to attack as always. We will certainly eliminate the anti-human Saha area!

"You are anti-human! And you, you damn newspaper, you damn Park Jinghao, do you know how much he wants to live?

Do you know how much his wife who just married and gave birth to a baby wants him to live?

It was you, you killed him with your own hands, just for your hypocritical national confidence!"

After Richard finished speaking, the Cold Wave Country Morning Post started to be confused again.

Hanchao Guo Zaobao: Saha is the enemy of all mankind. Without Saha, our country’s Xingxing Group, Daya Automobile Group, TV stations and entertainment companies would not go bankrupt!

Now Saha has hollowed out our fashion designers and the backbone of the plastic surgery and beauty industry. It is he who has made us people in the cold wave country lose their jobs!

It was also he who made the people of the cold wave countries from a little prosperous to the most festering country in East Asia!

"Why don't you ask your Cui Chenghao? Why don't you send the murderer to the court?

It was you who caused your own desolation by your own hands. Who do you blame?"

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