I have a city in the desert

Chapter 819: Public Opinion Bombing

When Richard was arguing with the Cold Wave Country Morning Post, Richard was quickly reminded that the time was up.

Jiang Chen fixed ten minutes for everyone, and their lives were controlled within ten minutes.

"Well, that's it for today. The coalition has abandoned us, and the soldiers who braved the cold and heat to fight for them!

I hope our people will not forget us. I hope my family will stand up and give everyone a fundraising account so that everyone can donate to save me.

You can rest assured that all this money will be used for the reconstruction of the Akhanate, they will not be used for a damn war!"

After Richard went down, James stepped onto the podium.

"Oh, Shet, see what the coalition did?

They abandon us and his people, and Saha will not abandon his people even if the country is destroyed.

Oh, Shet!

I have to say, folks, hurry up to emigrate to Saha, you know, the coalition forces will soon anger the Rosha and China.

I believe it will not be long before the desert group countries will collectively stand up to fight against the United States, and then the United States will fall like the cold wave countries!"

After James finished speaking, the media scolded him more, but Jiang Chen no longer cared about this issue.

In the early morning of the next day, there was a nationwide demonstration in the United States. The people were very dissatisfied with the sacrifice of more than 700 people in the United States.

At the same time, the marching people demanded that the government pay the aggression money to rescue James and others.

The demonstration lasted for a whole day. The United States dispatched a large number of police officers to maintain law and order, and the crowd did not disperse until the night.

In the evening, the coalition forces called an emergency meeting.

Because the impact of this Richard incident is too bad!

"This war must be ended! We have a large number of soldiers casualties every day, and we spend a lot of money every day on the supplies of the Akhanate War. It is time to end this damn war!"

After the Prime Minister of Great Eagle Country finished speaking, the President of Turkmenistan, who has always been firm, also frowned.

"They used an atomic bomb! This is simply a foul! We must fight back!"

"I agree with the use of atomic bombs to completely erase Saha from the earth, otherwise this war will continue and it will only be a waste of our national strength and people's hearts!"

"I'm afraid no one will support me anymore. Media polls show that my approval rate has dropped to 10%. I will definitely not be president next term."

After the Australian President finished speaking, Bugaop sat in a chair and kept thinking.

"President, just received the news that the German Mystery military base was bombed and our oil depot was bombed. More than 4,000 soldiers died. Please decide."

After the Secretary of State finished speaking, Bugaopu's face leaked an incredible look.

"How did they do it?"

"The special aerial bomb, once dropped like an atomic bomb, can't run away. I think it's time to start an atomic war."

After the Secretary of State finished speaking, Burgops nodded after thinking about it.

"They used nuclear weapons in violation of regulations, and we must retaliate!"

After Bugop finished speaking, Prime Minister Big Eagle nodded and said: "It's time to launch a nuclear strike against them!"

"Let's vote!"

Soon a group of people voted, and eleven countries voted unanimously for the nuclear strike against the Sakha region.

At the end of December, Bugaopu gave a speech in the United States. At this moment, with the withdrawal of countries such as China and Rosa, the United States has become Bugaopu’s own United States.

Bugaopu published the theory of the threat of the Saha to the world, so the US proposed a nuclear strike on the Saha area.

The proposal was passed quickly. After the proposal was passed, the United States announced a plan for nuclear strikes in the Saha area and warned the people of the Saha area to evacuate the Saha area as soon as possible.

After the United States spoke, it quickly aroused the dissatisfaction of the countries surrounding the desert.

The Bakis State took the lead in issuing a statement condemning the actions of the United States. The desert itself is fragile. Instead of protecting him, you run all the way to persecute him. This is the greatest harm to the desert country!

Then Rosha State pointed out that if the United States dares to carry out nuclear destruction in the desert, they are willing to fight the third world war!

China has also condemned and protested. Not only that, but many European countries have also announced resolutions condemning the United States of nuclear strikes on the Saha area.

However, this group of people does not care.

A Rosa country and a Chinese country are enough for them to have a headache, and now they have to come to a Sahara region, then the status of the United States and other countries can really not be maintained.

Therefore, now we must eliminate the budding Sahara region.

At the beginning of January, the United States began to approve the United States to carry out the nuclear strike mission. After receiving the approval of the United States, the United States began to carry out the atomic bomb nuclear strike on the Saha area.

After watching the speech of the United States, Jiang Chen couldn't calm down for a long time.

"The one that should come is always coming."

Jiang Chen sighed and cut off the cigarette in his hand.

"Evacuate all the people of Kerry City to the future West City, and at the same time evacuate all the children of Malaka to the future West City."

In the evening, Jiang Chen dialed a phone call. After the order was given, the mayor of Malaka City Xiao Ma cried while holding the phone.

"Brother Jiang, we can't abandon the people of Malaka!"

"Observe the order. The Sakha region cannot control so many Akhanate people. We can only save their future, and the others can only stay."

"Brother Jiang! Save them, Malaca City has just developed, and the people are innocent!"

Jiang Chen didn't speak, he could only hang up the phone helplessly.

There are more than 10 million people in Malaka City, plus tens of millions of people in the two cities of Tusk and Rameron, these three places almost gather the people of the entire Akhanate.

Twenty million people have no jobs and nothing. This is an unrealistic rescue plan in the Saha area, which has lost its vitality and economy because of the war.

Therefore, Jiang Chen could only choose to give up.

In the early morning, Jiang Chen started a live broadcast, and this time he still chose the global live broadcast.

At the moment the live broadcast started, nearly 1.3 billion people flooded into Jiang Chen's live broadcast room.

China Street Journal: The United States will implement a nuclear strike policy in half a month. Do you have any desire to surrender?

Button Times: It's time to destroy the Saha area. This is a thick scar on humans. Only by destroying it can humans develop healthily.

Huaguo News: We condemn this behavior. This is an anti-human behavior. We call on the United States to remain calm. For the lives of hundreds of millions of people, you should not be the executioner.


"I will not surrender, I will choose to live and die with Saha.

After the nuclear strike, if I am not dead, I think, Americans, please remember the fear of being nuclear striked."

Cold Wave Morning Post: No one can survive the US nuclear strike.

Tuguo International Daily: You will be nailed to the pillar of human shame, and it is because of your stubbornness that hundreds of millions of people in the Saha will die.

Jiang Chen was too lazy not to reply to the bombardment of these newspapers.

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