I have a city in the desert

Chapter 940 What's going on, little brother

For those bases that Jiang Chen plans to build overseas, there really isn't much money to make.

On the contrary, Jiang Chen will lose a lot of money, because Jiang Chen is not like others, others are trying to invade others to make money or plunder resources.

On the land occupied by Jiang Chen, he will do everything possible to build him so that the people in his area can lead a truly happy life.

Jiang Chen said his bottom line, and Ambassador Cui of Pangguo over there calmed down.

As an ambassador, he usually visits Future City.

So he knows the strength of the Saha area, this kind of strength is really not comparable to their weak Jin Pang country.

Ambassador Cui looked at Secretary Fang sitting on the chair. He did offend many people today.

"Well, Xiao Cui, you also listen to my advice.

Now your best choice is to rule by marking.

When it comes to fighting, everyone knows that you can't fight at all.

Stop, for the sake of your people.

From now on, stop the war and let your soldiers go home to farm.

In addition, Xiaojiang gives you 50 billion, which is enough for your people to eat for a whole year.

Now I will talk about my face.

In order to get rid of poverty as soon as possible, I propose that we establish an international development zone at the border between the East Asian Federation and the Golden State.

This development zone will be built on the land of Xiaojiang, when all the people of Jin Panguo can come here to work and earn extra money.

When your people are rich and they learn the technology, they can return to Jin Treason to develop Jin Pang country.

This is the best home for Jin Pang country.

Xiao Cui, if you don't agree, then I can't help you adjust."

After the UN Secretary-General finished speaking, everyone looked at Jiang Chen.

When it comes to building a development zone, Jiang Chen really doesn't mean that.

But speaking of the Secretary-General's face, Jiang Chen nodded and agreed.

Seeing Jiang Chen nodded and agreed, everyone persuaded Ambassador Cui.

"Promise, what are you waiting for?

Do you really want to subdue your country if you don't agree?"

"Brother Jiang is really a good person! He is really a person who works hard for the better development of the world.

Look at us, Langyi, we are originally a very poor country.

Especially after the desert covers most of our oil fields, the lives of our people are even more uncertain.

But Brother Jiang exchanged land for us, and also gave us a city directly!

This city has also built roads for us, and now we have moved the capital here.

In the future, we will also be able to share the southern airport, and our people can go shopping in the Saha area and go to the Saha area for medical treatment in the first time.

Moreover, because of our superior geographical location, many investors have taken a fancy to the location of our capital.

Now we, Longyi, have used the city that Brother Jiang gave us as a foundation for construction. Our people are not many, so I don’t know how much it has improved!"

President Amili of Rangi admires Jiang Chen most.

After Da Jiangshen exchanged land for him, he returned to the country and called an emergency meeting.

After everyone heard that Jiang Chen was going to give them a city that can accommodate 5 million people, they chose to move the capital here without hesitation.

It is indeed beneficial for them to move the capital here.

Among other things, when their population moved to Borat, Saha Water Supply Group also specially repaired the pipeline to Borat.

From then on, the people of Borat who lived in the desert were able to drink fresh, sweet and cheap tap water.

Water is the most important thing in the desert.

With water, and the fact that Borat is closer to the Saha city cluster, all the investors are looking here.

Langyi has since transitioned from being an oil country to a country of comprehensive development.

After Amili's persuasion, Ambassador Cui of Jin Pangguo finally lowered his head helplessly.

"I cannot promise such an important thing, I need to ask our head of state for instructions."

After Ambassador Cui finished speaking, everyone nodded.

So Master Cui went to the next room and dialed the number of their country.

After more than three hours of discussion, Ambassador Cui finally walked out of the room.

After he came out, tired Jiang Chen fell asleep on the sofa.

"We agree to the request made by the Desert Oasis Kingdom, and we hope that the Desert Oasis Kingdom can increase the compensation a little bit.

We need at least 60 billion in compensation, and we require the East Asian Federation to build a development zone for us.

This development zone must be able to provide employment for at least 50,000 people, if the Desert Oasis Kingdom can agree.

Then we are willing to accept the ruling of the United States."

The golden fat lion opened his mouth, Jiang Chen would definitely not accept this if it were put in the usual way.

However, at this moment Secretary Fang also stood out.

Although Secretary Fang is very angry, Jin Pangguo is his neighbor after all.

"Xiao Jiang, if you have a loss, you will have a loss.

There is no good solution, I think that's it!"

After Secretary Fang finished speaking, Jiang Chen always gave Secretary Fang the face of Shangjing.

"Okay, it's up to the Secretary-General and Secretary Fang's face today. I agree with this matter.

Also, let me emphasize again that this is not war compensation, but my personal assistance."

After negotiating a peace agreement with the cold wave countries, under the witness of the United States, Jiang Chen signed an agreement with the ambassador.

After signing the peace agreement, Jiang Chen knew that the unrest in Southeast Asia was finally over.

After the meeting of the United States, Jiang Chen, accompanied by Guan Xu, began to make donations to Jin Pangguo.

In addition to donations, they have to discuss the construction of an international development zone.

Regarding the location of the International Development Zone, Jiang Chen decided to leave the matter to Lao Jin.

So Jiang Chen had a meeting with Lao Jin in the cloud conference room.

Opening the cloud conference room, Lao Jin's face was very haggard at the moment.

"Brother Jiang, I have received the armistice agreement from Jin Pangguo.

Thank you, Brother Jiang, for being willing to do so much for me and the people of the cold wave countries."

"My brother is polite, Lao Jin now I want to discuss something with you.

Kim Pangguo made a request, and they asked you to teach Cui Zhixuan to Kim Pangguo.

You also know that Jin Pangguo is a place of great success, and they need to give an explanation to the people who have always worshiped their leader."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Lao Jin nodded.

Even if Cui Zhixuan is not handed over to Jin Pangguo, Lao Jin will sentence Jin Zhixuan to death for war crimes.

Because during Kim Ji-hyun's administration, the war he launched led to the death of nearly a million people in the cold wave country.

"Okay, this satisfies them!"

"One more thing, they need 60 billion in assistance.

With this money, I let the Saha region provide assistance to them.

With this 60 billion spent to them, I can't help you much with the East Asian Federation.

So from now on, if you build the East Asian Federation, you will have to pay all the expenses yourself.

Of course, I won't knock you down either.

Your place is close to the sea, so I plan to move all ship-related companies in the Saha area to the East Asia Alliance.

With the participation of these companies, plus your Dalong Automobile Group, these cities in the East Asian Federation will be sufficiently developed and prosperous."

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