I have a city in the desert

Chapter 941: Hard to ride a tiger

Jiang Chen plans to relocate all of his shipbuilding industry to the East Asian Federation.

Therefore, the East Asian Federation needs good planning.

When it comes to planning, Lao Jin discussed with Jiang Chen.

After nearly 6 hours of discussion, the two finally reached an agreement.

First, the cold wave country has lost its capital.

Therefore, the capital of the East Asian Federation cannot be located in the capital of the original cold wave country.

After discussion, Jiang Chen decided to locate the capital of the East Asian Federation in Ganshan City, the second largest city in the cold wave country.

Ganshan City is a port city. It is the largest port in the original cold wave country and one of the busiest ports in the world.

The economic foundation here is relatively good, and the infrastructure is basically completed.

Therefore, setting it as a capital saves a lot of construction costs, and as a port city, his ships can travel to all parts of the world.

This is exactly what Jiang Chen needs.

After determining the capital, Jiang Chen determined the major cities of the East Asian Federation and their plans and positioning.

The first is Weishan City, which is also a seaport city.

The coast and inland here form a unique natural landscape which is very beautiful.

Therefore, Jiang Chen regards here and Qizhou Island as the main tourist cities of the East Asian Federation.

In addition, Daejeon City, under its control, was originally the education capital of the cold wave country.

There are nearly 60 advanced educational institutions here, and he also has nearly a dozen science and technology research institutes.

According to incomplete statistics, there were more than 150,000 students in Datian City.

So Jiang Chen is very fortunate that this city is still under his control, so Jiang Chen's positioning of Datian City is the education capital of the East Asian Federation.

In addition, there is the light city, which is a city with a very long history.

Moreover, his culture and art are particularly developed, so Jiang Chen positioned him as the literary capital of the East Asian Federation.

After locating several mega cities, Jiang Chen placed the shipbuilding industry planned by the East Asian Federation in several seaport cities such as Ganshan City.

In order to fully develop the major cities of the East Asian Federation, Jiang Chen moved the automobile manufacturing industry to the East Asian Federation.

After all the planning was completed, Jiang Chen and Lao Jin jointly established a development zone with Jin Pangguo.

This development zone is located in Dachuan City, a port city just captured by Jinpangguo.

Dachuan is the third largest city in the urban cold wave country, and it is also a seaport city.

It has many conditions for being a top city in the world.

So Jiang Chen decided to build a development zone here, and Jiang Chen will move many factories that require a lot of labor here.

After everything was planned, the next step was to let Lao Jin execute it.

Because the cold wave country is not an agricultural country, most people here don't have to farm.

After taking over the United States, Lao Jin directly announced one thing.

Begin immediately, disband all the troops of the cold wave country.

All the young people returned to their hometowns, and all the factories in the cold wave countries resumed production.

In addition, the East Asian Federation announced that all cities under the East Asian Federation will accept immigrants from all over the world.

However, as the East Asian Federation, with its industrial base and rapid development of civilization, all its immigration conditions are not simple.

It can be said that after the East Asian Federation now belongs to the Desert Oasis Kingdom, his value has increased a bit more than before.

Because of its small size and no strong military means to back it up, the development of the former East Asian Alliance was bound to be restricted.

The East Asian Federation is different now. The East Asian Federation is backed by a military empire desert oasis kingdom.

In addition, the East Asian Federation is backed by the strong economic and corporate capabilities of the Oasis Kingdom.

Coupled with the supply of medicines in the Sahara region and the support of super universities, the current East Asian Federation has long become a more popular place than many cities in the Sahara region.

After immigration began, people from many countries flocked to the East Asian Federation.

They can enjoy the most beautiful coastal scenery in the world in the East Asian Federation.

They can enjoy Sakha medical conditions in the East Asian Federation, as well as those immigrants who take the college entrance examination.

They may not be admitted to many good universities in many countries, but it is different when they come to the East Asian Federation.

The East Asian Federation is part of the Desert Oasis Kingdom. Candidates here can directly apply for the super universities in the cities under the Desert Oasis Kingdom.

Not only that, they can also apply for universities in the East Asian Federation.

Because there are so many well-known universities in the Saha area, this virtually reduces the test pressure of many candidates.

So once this policy was launched, it quickly attracted immigrants from several countries, led by China, who were tortured by the college entrance examination.

However, the desert oasis kingdom is not as easy as everyone thinks.

All colleges and universities in the Desert Oasis Kingdom are easy to enter, but not easy to get out.

You have to work harder in college than high school to graduate easily.

After the East Asian Federation started immigration, Jiang Chen was also busy in the Saha area.

Jiang Chen has a lot to do. First of all, he has to deal with the young people.

The time agreed to kill them is coming soon. Although Jiang Chen wants to help them, Jiang Chen must give his people an explanation.

Now that the knife was placed on these people's heads, Jiang Chen was not the only one holding the knife.

In the spring inquiries, on the first day of the cut date, all the people were excited.

They held a ceremony of confession, just to liberate those who were killed by the United States and Rosha.

On this day, all the youths of the United States and Rosa countries were extremely nervous.

They were also extremely afraid, and they hoped that Jiang Chen could save them.

But Jiang Chen never appeared.

Guan Zu and the others sat in the meeting room in the office of Jiang Chen, a small wooden house town, silent.

"Brother Jiang, are you really going to kill them all?

That's tens of millions of people!

If the Qing people died in our place for so many years, we still don't know how much infamy we will bear in the future."

After Guan Zuo finished speaking, the mayors of several other cities also nodded.

"Brother Jiang now has more than 180 countries in the world, and fewer than 90 have actually joined the United States.

Most of these 90 are poor countries, and those countries such as Europa, which are truly prosperous, are on the sidelines.

If we kill so many people this time, countries such as Europa will definitely attack us with this.

At that time, if there is a wave of boycotting us in the world, the economy of our Saha region will collapse."

This world is like this, success is also popular, and failure is also popular.

"I also know the truth, but we suddenly said to let them go, how do we explain it to our people?"

Jiang Chen frowned.

Now he is really a bit difficult to ride a tiger, because things have far exceeded his expectations.

The husband originally thought he could control public opinion, but Jiang Chen never expected that his people would be so enthusiastic.

They eagerly wanted to kill all these people and avenge their compatriots.

"Brother Jiang, I have a way!

Tomorrow, before the execution, Brother Jiang, you will have a live broadcast.

This live broadcast is equivalent to telling the world that the invasion of us will end.

Leave the rest to me!"

Just when Jiang Chen didn't know what to do, Xia Haidong stood up.

After Xia Haidong finished speaking, Jiang Chen nodded in relief.

He has always trusted Lao Xia Jiangchen.

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