Chapter 6: Digitization

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

In a blur, Lin Yun heard a distant voice in his mind.

“Skynet detected. Enter?”

Lin Yun could only feel a dull headache. As he slowly opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the white ceiling.

“You’re awake. How are you feeling?” Lin Yun was touched by Lin Tianhao’s tired voice.

Lin Yun looked around. He was in a small, brightly-lit room. The red cross symbol on his white bed sheet was very obvious. He suddenly realized that he was in the hospital.

“Dad. I’m feeling much better. How many days have I spent lying here?” He struggled to sit up.

Lin Tianhao smiled and said, “Don’t get up. Your Spirit hasn’t recovered yet. You’ve been lying here for three days. A very cute girl sent you here.”

Very cute girl? That must be Feng Ke. Lin Yun noticed Lin Tianhao’s bloodshot eyes and hurriedly said, “Dad, I’m feeling much better. Please go and rest.”

Lin Tianhao could not resist yawning. He took out an envelope and handed it to Lin Yun. “I can finally relax after seeing you wake up. I’ll take a nap outside. Clearwater College asked me to pass this letter to you.”

Lin Yun’s heart ached as he watched Lin Tianhao stand up slowly and massage his back with his own hands. He had a feeling that Lin Tianhao had been waiting next to the bed for the past three days.

Finally, Lin Tianhao exited the room, and Lin Yun opened the letter.

“Lin Yun:

We received a report that you cheated during the entrance exam. Our College has decided to re-examine your Spiritual Strength by using a Spiritual Strength detector soon. If you cannot pass the re-examination, your student qualifications will be canceled.”

Lin Yun was shocked as he read that.

His Spiritual Strength indeed did not reach Level 1. During the entrance exam, he kind of cheated. If they really tested him with a Spiritual Strength detector, he would definitely be exposed and expelled by Clearwater College.

What do I do? Lin Yun clenched the letter tightly and frowned as his body trembled. He was not afraid of being expelled. However, he could not bear to see his father disappointed. Ever since Lin Yun was accepted by the Clearwater College special class, he saw his father smile more. However, if he was expelled for cheating, how disappointing and upset would his father be?

As Lin Yun panicked, an electronic voice suddenly sounded in his mind:

“Skynet detected. Enter?”

Lin Yun was spooked. He quickly looked around and saw that nobody was around him. He wondered if he was hallucinating.

However, the electronic voice was heard again.

“Skynet detected. Enter?”

Not a hallucination? Lin Yun felt his heart skip a beat. He suppressed the doubt in his mind and replied silently. “Enter.”

Lin Yun’s vision soon faded to black. A long sword suddenly appeared in front of him. It glowed brightly before flying toward Lin Yun. Then, Lin Yun saw the huge word “Skynet”. At the same time, he heard the familiar electronic voice.

“Welcome to the Skynet System.”

“It’s really the Skynet System!” Lin Yun was surprised. Why can I log into the Skynet without the launcher?

“Host: Lin Yun.

Race: Human from Earth

Suitable for digitization. Initializing digitization. Please wait…”

As Lin Yun heard the electronic voice, he was filled with questions. What’s “digitization”? Why didn’t I hear a voice like this when I logged in previously?

Soon, he heard the voice again.

“Digitization completed. Character attributes:

Lin Yun

Level 1

EXP: 0/10

HP: 213/213

Spirit Strength: 5/9

Physical Attack: 23

Spiritual Attack: 1

Physical Defense: 18

Spiritual Defense: 1

Speed: 12

Sensory: 15 (11+4)

Luck: 10

Active Skill: None

Passive Skill: Sensory Elevation.”

Lin Yun was confused. Why was he assigned attributes as if he was in a virtual game? Due to the presence of ongoing wars, the Human Alliance had banned all types of virtual games. He only heard of their existence before, but he never actually played one.

However, he soon calmed down as he noticed that these attributes were completely digitized from his own conditions. In that case, was “Sensory Elevation” the reason behind his unexplained improvement in eyesight?

“Host has yet to clear the One-Star Assessment. Proceed now?”

Without any hesitation, Lin Yun said silently, “Proceed.”

The scenery changed, and Lin Yun saw that familiar jungle again. He listened to the howls of the wolf and felt the eerie atmosphere in the surroundings. He was very sure that this was the One-Star Assessment Venue that he had failed countless times before.

Just then, he heard the voice again.

“Skynet One-Star Qualification Assessment.

Location: Banshee Jungle

Mission Requirement: Please embrace the challenges and kill the Banshee in the jungle. Alternatively, survive for five minutes under the Banshee’s attacks.

Change the perspective?”

As he listened to the new voice, Lin Yun was shocked. “Survive for five minutes? Does that mean that I can pass the assessment as long as I can survive for five minutes?

“This is indeed possible. After all, that Banshee is a weakened Banshee. As long as you possess Level 1 Spiritual Strength, you can stay alert despite its screams. If you strike it a few times, it will disappear. Perhaps, surviving for five minutes is a good way to clear the level.”

As he thought about that, Lin Yun clenched the long sword in his hand tightly and waited for the scene to begin.

Finally, after a gust of wind, Lin Yun walked toward the jungle. He then heard the voice again.

“Change the perspective?”

Lin Yun was stunned for a while before hesitantly saying, “Change.”

After he said that, Lin Yun’s perspective changed. He realized that his point-of-view now originated from mid-air and he was now looking down upon his own body. Subconsciously trying to raise his right hand, he saw himself raising the right hand as well.

Lin Yun felt very strange—as if he was looking at himself from behind. However, this perspective was very broad. He could even see a huge area behind his body. Lin Yun thought for a while before entering the jungle in this perspective.

He easily dodged the rain of arrows. Then, he successfully went around the giant wolf. Finally, he arrived at that dry well.

“If I just have to last for five minutes, I’ll run toward the outside of the jungle once the Banshee is out.” Lin Yun made a decision and stared at the dry well from mid-air.

Suddenly, he noticed that something was about to come out from the dry well. At the same time, the dark clouds cleared to expose the moon. Lin Yun suddenly saw a 300-second countdown timer in his perspective.

Lin Yun immediately “controlled” himself from mid-air to retreat by the original path.

The Banshee appeared at that exact same time and chased after him. The Banshee’s flying speed was obviously much faster than Lin Yun’s movement speed.

“Oh no!” Lin Yun realized that he was in front of the giant wolf now. At the same time, the Banshee behind him was closing in.

There was a giant wolf in front and a Banshee behind. Yet, there were over 200 seconds on the countdown timer. What should he do? Lin Yun had no time to think. This was because the giant wolf was leaping at him directly now.

“I failed again?” Lin Yun was deeply upset.

“Eh? Wait. This giant wolf isn’t attacking me.” Lin Yun saw from mid-air that the giant wolf actually ran in front of the Banshee and howled. The Banshee’s movement speed then slowed down.

“It’s a good opportunity!” Lin Yun was overjoyed and continued running away. No wonder there was an unbeatable giant wolf placed here. So that was its purpose.

However, the Banshee was still moving faster than Lin Yun. Even though Lin Yun never stopped running, the distance between himself and the Banshee was decreasing. Lin Yun prayed silently. “Faster! Just a little faster!”

However, how could his speed of running match the Banshee’s speed of flying?

100 seconds. The Banshee was 50 meters away.

50 seconds. The Banshee was 20 meters away.

After another half a minute, the Banshee caught up with Lin Yun. She opened her mouth.


Banshee Howl!

Is this the end? Lin Yun’s heart ached.

However, he did not hear the anticipated mission failure notification sound. Instead, he heard this:

“You were hit with the Banshee Howl. Spirit Strength -9. Current Spirit Strength is 0. If your Health Points fall to 0, your character will die, and you will fail the mission.”

“Warning, your current Spirit Strength is 0. You cannot utilize Spirit Attacks.”

Lin Yun looked at himself from mid-air, and his heart was filled with shock. It seems like, I have not yet lost?

He suddenly realized how powerful digitization was. Under digitization, he did not feel any pain at all when attacked by the Banshee Howl. Furthermore, he maintained constant top speed during his sprint just now, without feeling any fatigue. It was as if his body was permanently maintained at its peak state under this digitization!

“You were hit with the Banshee Howl. Spirit Strength -9. Current Spirit Strength is 0. If your Health Points fall to 0, your character will die, and you will fail the mission.”

The Banshee Howled again. However, Lin Yun was not worried at all.

Finally, when the countdown reached zero, he heard an electronic voice:

“Skynet One-Star Qualification Assessment.

Challenger: Lin Yun

Challenge Result: Success.

Calculating rewards. Please wait…”

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