I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1004: Martial arts

Which arms can compete with Beamon?

The appraisers of all the element camps all stood up, staring at the scroll that rushed into the man's hand.

"What kind of arms make the scroll?" A huge water elemental examiner asked.

"The Titan Giant's making scrolls!" The man replied.

"Titan giant? Isn't that the 7th class of the tower camp, how could it be in your hands?" Water Element wondered: "Are you trading from the tower camp assessors?"

"They have this thing, how can it be traded, this is what I just completed a hidden mission." Tataya glanced proudly and said, "I got this mission as soon as I entered the game, and you said not to waste In this task, I would like to occupy more resource points and arms recruitment points, how about it, I did not expect it. "

Upon entering this assessment world, Tataya encountered a wounded snake girl while searching. The snake girl issued a serial task to Tataya. This task was not only time consuming, but also rewarded for each task completed They are few. Many people persuade Tataia to give up this task, but Tataia has persisted.

He did not complete this mission until the Battle Mode was opened. During the Battle Mode, Tataya, who did not even have a castle, was almost abandoned by other appraisers of the Elemental Faction, but he was still working tirelessly to complete this Snake Woman. Published tasks.

In the end, with the help of Tataya, the Snake Girl evolved into an eight-armed naga, which is not inferior to the tower's seventh-level giant giant puppet.

Tataya's persistence finally paid off. Eight-armed Naga handed a drawing of the Titan Giant as the final mission reward to Tataya.

The Titan Giant is a Level 7 arm of the Tower Camp. Its combat effectiveness is not weaker than that of the Behemoth Giant, and the Titan Giant can also attack from a long range. For huge enemies, it will increase the damage by 20%. The only weakness is that it is slower .

When I heard that it was a drawing made by the Titan Giant, the appraisers of some elemental camps immediately began to think carefully. One appraiser smiled slightly and said to Tataya, "Do you sell this drawing, a city of light? An estate with an area of ​​not less than 300 acres, how about changing your drawing? "

"50 million doomsday, buy your blueprint!" The appraisers of the other element camp said directly.

Almost all of the people who can enter the world of the second-level combat performance assessment are elites in various cities or disciples in a large family. If this scroll leaves the world and is placed in any auction house, it will not sell at such a high price, but now, in this particular environment, whoever owns this scroll will have second-order combat power. The hope of assessment, we must know that this special assessment world, once completed, the assessment will never be lower than A +, even if it is S level.

Manor and money are all foreign things. Only when they are strong is the fundamental. If they can really get an S-level evaluation, it is worth the price for the attribute points.

"Sorry, this is a mission reward. It cannot be traded, it cannot be discarded, and it can only be destroyed." Tattaya shared the attributes of the drawing with regret.

After everyone looked at the properties of this drawing, those careful thinkers immediately sighed and shook their heads in their hearts.

"It's really a good luck guy!" The appraiser who was willing to pay 50 million Doomsday before, scolded him in his heart.

As a Tataya who does not even have a castle, he will be kicked out of this world in one day. Most importantly, in the assessment of the world, Tataya's all time is used to complete this hidden task, only Occupied two mills and a forest farm. Even with this drawing, he has no resources to create a Titan giant, and must rely on the power of the owner of the elemental camp.

"From now on, the elemental camp takes Tataya as the core, helping him quickly form an army of the Titan giant. All the people will turn in all the resource points and distribute their military achievements according to their contributions!" The eldest son William said immediately.

"And, Zurgan, don't you own two castles, let them out, and give them to Tataia, whether our elemental camp can pass this assessment depends on how many Titan giants can be made!" William fisted hard Slammed the conference table and shouted.

Before, I could not see any hope. William had given up the assessment in his mind, but now the hope is in front of him, and William will naturally hold it tightly.

"Go over the Beamon monster!" An appraiser of the elemental camp roared.

"Go over the Beamon dagger!" The appraisers from almost all elemental camps also roared.

Since this drawing cannot be bought, in order to pass this assessment, the appraisers of all the element camps have made a decision in support of Tataia to make more Titan giants after weighing in their hearts. This is for everyone There are good things, and no one will hide them.

For a time, everyone gave away most of the resources to Tataya for free. It could be said that Tataya had nothing, and suddenly turned from a marginal figure in an element camp to a key core in determining the outcome of the assessment.

The elemental camp is crazy about making the Titan giants. Su Ming already has eighteen Beamon giants in his hands at this time. The appraisers of the dungeon camp are not much worse than the elemental camps. They are also a collective effort to make Su Ming recruit All of the behemoths at the point were recruited.

The eighteen Bemon monsters are simply an invincible torrent. If it were not for limited daily action, I am afraid that Su Ming had already shot more than half of the map.

Evil Wolf Castle ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ in the conference room.

The appraisers of the dungeon camp looked at the map. Almost one-third of the area had been occupied by the dungeon, and all of them looked cheerful and talked to each other with relaxed topics.

"You guys, I think we should reduce the fighting frequency now!" One appraiser from the dungeon camp took two shots, attracted everyone's attention and said, "Now we have a winning ticket, we should consider getting more. It's time to march. "

"More merit? Can't we get merit every time we conquer a castle, how can we get more merit?" An appraiser asked.

"We have seven or eight people for occupying a castle. How much is each talent? Don't you think it's too small?" The appraiser who attracted everyone's attention said with a smile: "Eighteen behemoths It is too wasteful to capture a castle. If we each have one or two, plus our original strength, we are fully capable of occupying a castle by ourselves. "

Immediately after the words fell, Su Ming's face suddenly became gloomy, while the other appraisers began to talk, and all became excited.


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