I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1003: Super arm

Su Ming rode a mule, slowly walked towards the next castle, and after occupying a main city of the elven city, he plundered a lot of resources and was able to recruit another Beamon giant, but today's recruitment The number has been used up. If you want to recruit, you must wait until the next day.

With these resources, Su Ming became more determined in his heart. He also became less concerned about the wear and tear of the Behemoth monster. After all, as a party to the attack, the soldiers suffered great damage without the siege vehicle. of.

Now one of Su Ming ’s twelve Behemoth Beast Warriors has been severely damaged, with less than a third of his health. Although he can slowly recover along the way, before he reaches the second elven main city, Obviously, this Behemoth monster cannot participate in the next battle.

"Occupy the three main cities today, and put together the resources to recruit the Bemon monster tomorrow." Su Ming glanced at the electronic map and said to herself.

The next elven main city is called the Emerald Castle, but it is just a second-level castle. Looking from a distance, Su Ming found by surprise that there was a large group of people around the castle.

Upon entering, all of these people were actually appraisers of the dungeon camp.

Seeing Su Ming coming with more than a dozen behemoths, the appraisers of the dungeon all showed shocked faces.

"Seventh class, Beamon giant, oh ..."

"Twelve, he actually recruited so many Level 7 troops!"

"Who knows him?"

"I seem to have seen him in the mercenary union of the sin capital ..."


A group of people whispered, guessing Su Ming's identity.

"This ... brother, we are all appraisers in the dungeon camp. There is no conflict of interest with each other. How about joining forces together?" An appraiser in the dungeon camp came out on horseback and told Su Ming.

"United? What can you do to help me?" Su Ming looked at the others and the team led by them with disdain, most of them were only second- or third-level units, big ear monsters, wolf knights, half-orc warriors, of which Two or three appraisers possessed Level 4 ogre fighters. These fighters were more than two meters tall and had a stench all over them, holding a thick and thin wooden stick in their hands and kept facing The other arms around roared.

However, after the Bemon monster approached, these ogre fighters lay on the ground one by one and did not dare to move. The other dungeon arms also showed a fearful look on their faces, and kept facing. Go back.

"Haha, it looks like there is no siege vehicle in this brother's team. Attacking the castle with soldiers has suffered a lot. I think one of your behemoths seems to have blood left ..." The appraiser came out with a right hand, and a white light was scattered to the behemoth Bemon that was still blood. Soon, Bemon began to recover a little blood.

"A level of magical sacred healing?" Su Ming raised an eyebrow, and the other party had upgraded the sacred healing to the top level and released it once, which could restore a soldier's vitality and blood value by 10%.

If it is a low-level unit, 10% of the blood value is not much, but for the seventh-level unit, the 10% of the blood value is too much, and most importantly, the consumption of Holy Healing is extremely high. Small and fully capable of continuous release.

After seeing the other party only cast one time, Su Ming stopped and looked at him with a smile. After a moment of groaning, she nodded slowly and said, "Since this is the case, let's unite."

Seeing Su Ming nodded, the appraisers of the dungeon camp were relieved. You know, even if the dungeon camp won in the end, they could only get the most basic rewards for combat merit.

After seeing that Su Ming has twelve Beamon giants, the dungeons appraisers who originally only hoped to pass the assessment, the aspirations in their hearts also grew like weeds. They not only won, but also got more More achievements, exchange for the best treasures.

Under the leadership of Su Ming, all the appraisers of the dungeon camp began to march towards the Emerald Castle. Dozens of siege vehicles continued to attack the wall of the Emerald Castle. At the moment when the wall collapsed, twelve Bemon monsters With a deafening roar, he rushed towards the castle first. Behind Beamon, a large group of soldiers in the dungeon camp followed, and rushed to the soldiers in the emerald castle ...

All appraisers are placed on a map. Appraisers with the main city become lords. Once the main city is breached, the lords are automatically eliminated, and appraisers without the main city automatically become wandering heroes. If a main city is not occupied within three days, those assessors who do not have a main city will be automatically eliminated.

In this new map, the system just copied all the resources owned by their respective camp appraisers. None of the abandoned castles in this map.

And in the previous world, no castle was occupied. It is impossible to complete the castle in this map, so those who do not have the main city will be automatically eliminated after three days.

There are not many appraisers in this part, only about one-third of them look like. None of them who can enter the appraisal world is stupid. After he obtained the information of the main city, almost all appraisers began to look for abandoned castles. The examiner of the castle just had bad luck, and he has never found a castle that can be occupied.

The dungeon camp was like a blaze of fire, which began to burn and spread around. In just two days, all players in the two camps were eliminated. This also made everyone in the other camps self-dangerous, and Su Ming had The news of more than a dozen behemoths also spread to the ears of other camps.

"How else is this? Seven ranks, or a dozen, I am afraid that even the guy in the human camp is not an opponent of the dungeon camp!" A bitter smile appeared on the face of the examiner of one element camp.

"Why didn't I randomly set up a dungeon camp? It was all about lying and winning ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and I was able to mix a lot of merit!"

"Hey, the 7th-level fire phoenix of the element camp didn't even see the shadows. The Bemon monster appeared, and the players of other camps would not be allowed to live at all!"

At this moment, a group of flames rushed into the main city meeting room of the element camp appraiser. This is also an appraiser of the element camp, but his current image is a fire element.

"Everyone, the opportunity for victory has appeared." The appraiser shouted cheerfully: "Look, what is this?"

In his raised hand, a dazzling scroll glittered and caught everyone's attention.

"What is it, a scroll of skills?" Some appraisers asked with a frown, "Even if it is a fifth-level tight wrinkle magic scroll, I'm afraid you can't kill more than a dozen behemoths ..."

"Haha, this is not a magic scroll, but a production scroll. With it, we can create a super army that can compete with Beamon's monster." The appraiser rushed in gleefully.


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