I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1002: Chaos

Song Jian found that the distance between his main city and the resource points under his control did not change, except that the resource point farthest from the main city was originally a fairy mountain, but now it has become a tower camp. Resource point.

The game system split the entire area occupied by the respective factions from the original area, and then pieced these areas together to form a map of the battle mode, which greatly reduced the distance between each appraiser. If you wish, Assessors can even turn all areas on the map in half a day.

"The occupied area of ​​the human camp seems to be the smallest ..." Song Jian looked at the area representing the human camp on the electronic map, and groaned to himself.

The human camp is a blue area on the electronic map, only one tenth of the nearby towers and element camps, and the towers and element camps are not the largest in the territory, which makes Song Jian feel the pressure.

You must know that the larger the area of ​​the territory, the more resource points and recruitment points will be occupied, and the stronger the strength will be.

"Each of their camps has at least five appraisers, and some camps even have a dozen or so. Judging from the number of people, I should be in an absolute disadvantage." Looking at the distance, Song Jian secretly said, "I just don't know that. What are the reliance on the appraisers who actively initiate the battle mode! "

There is absolutely no weak person who can participate in the second-level combat performance assessment. They dare to take the initiative to open the battle mode, and they definitely have the confidence to win.

However, with twelve Behemoth monsters, each one is equivalent to a 50-level dominance BOSS. No matter who it is, everyone will surely start the battle mode.

"Should I send troops to occupy the resource points of other appraisers?" Song Jian touched his chin secretly, but after a while thinking about occupying the resource points, it would be better to capture the opponent ’s main city and eliminate the appraisers.

At present, the main city of all appraisers does not exceed three levels at most. For Song Jian, only a Red Lotus Sword Formation can directly level a main city to the ground.

When Song Jian was about to leave the city to attack other camps, a red system announcement suddenly appeared in front of Song Jian.

System: Dungeon camp appraiser, captures a main town of the elf camp, eliminates one elf camp appraiser, and gains 100 points of military skill;

This system announcement was issued three times in a row, which surprised all appraisers. Even other appraisers in the dungeon camp were guessing that this was a pioneering initiative made by the big brother.

In a third-tier main city of the dungeon camp, seven or eight appraisers are gathering at the main city hall to discuss how to win the final victory in this battle mode. After this announcement appeared, the entire meeting appeared a brief silence. Then, almost everyone eagerly discussed it.

"Which master is this, he has captured a main city by himself!"

"Oh my god, the battle mode has just been turned on for less than half an hour. It only took him more than ten minutes to eliminate an appraiser. Including the time to rush, the entire battle was estimated to have taken five minutes!"

"What are we going to do here? Contact him quickly and hug this golden thigh. This assessment is just a trickle!"

"Contacted him long ago, but he never responded!"


In fact, when they first entered the assessment world, the players in the dungeon camp began to contact each other, but in the end they found that one person never responded to their contact, which annoyed others, but did not expect that the other party was actually a "True Big Brother", disdain to associate with them at all.

A player in the dungeon camp opened an electronic map, pointed to a main city that had just turned yellow, and said, "He just captured the main city of this elf camp. According to the order, the next main city should be Here, the closest verdant castle, shall we go and meet him? "

"Of course I'm going, this is the best chance for melee!" A dungeon lord immediately patted the table and shouted, with an excited expression on his face.

"We are going to assist him in eliminating the appraisers from other camps. How can we say that he is fighting melee." Another appraiser immediately retorted.

"Yes, he has only one person. Even if his strength is strong, he may be framed by other people's conspiracy and tricks. We are on the side to help win the assessment. As for the merit, it is only secondary." The appraiser echoed.

Although I don't know what the merit is, but everyone is a person who passed the first-order combat capability assessment. Presumably, this merit should be the same as the contribution point in the first-order combat capability assessment. It is a form of currency needed to purchase treasures after the assessment. .

"Hum, hypocrisy!" The lord who said melee memo snorted and sat down. Although he was very disdainful of other people's claims, this excuse was better than "melee merit" after all. Adopted unanimously.

Seeing this system announcement, Song Jian was also very surprised. He didn't expect anyone to be faster than him.

"Competition? This thing can't be allowed." Song Jian said to himself, riding a unicorn, and commanding Gutua and Catherine: "You two are guarding the main city, I will go out."

After speaking, without waiting for the two to respond, Song Jian left the castle directly and ran towards the main city of the nearest tower camp.

Not long after, the system announcement once again appeared to occupy the main city to eliminate players.

System: Human camp appraisers, captured a tower camp main city, eliminated a pottery camp appraisers, and obtained 100 military exploits;



In the main city of the **** camp, Prince Sara smashed the conference table fiercely. The original plan of the joint camp appraisers to siege the human camp together was not started yet, and was disturbed by the appraiser of the dungeon camp. A mess, there is no way to proceed.

"Are the appraisers in this dungeon camp crazy? What did he get and dare to face so many appraisers alone?"

"Maybe he recruited a seventh-ranking unit?" Someone speculated.

"It's impossible. At this stage, you can only recruit second-tier and third-tier troops. You can already be lucky to be able to recruit four-tiered soldiers. Seventh-tier soldiers and seven-tiered soldiers in the wild. Who can fight except the guy in the human camp? "Someone countered.

You know, the recruiting points of the seven-level arms in the field are also garrisoned at level seven. Maybe there is not one, but it is equivalent to the strength of the fifty-level master BOSS. Even if there is only one garrison, each faction There are at most a dozen people, how could it be siege?

But what they didn't know was that someone actually occupied a recruiting point for a 7th-level army in the field, and the 7th-level army he now owns is not one, but a whole dozen.

System: Undead camp appraisers occupy a stronghold camp main city ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ A strong camp appraiser is eliminated and gains 100 battle achievements!

"The undead camp has begun?" Prince Sarah froze.

"Sir, they are fighting for the battle!" A **** camp appraiser stood up and shouted.

"Sir, even if we can't pass this assessment, but we can't give up our achievements. Each of those treasures in the final assessment store is valuable!" Another appraiser echoed loudly.

Prince Sara's face was cloudy, and it took a long time before she gritted her teeth and shouted: "Offensive, go and occupy the nearest main city!"

The tacit understanding of all camps was disrupted by Su Ming. Now everyone is fighting for merit, not wanting to win the assessment. After all, in front of a group of Bemon monsters, these are only two or three levels of arms. The appraisers did not even have the ability to resist at all. The chaos has now begun, and all the camps have begun to become a pot of gruel, rushing towards the nearest rival camp.


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