I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1001: Battle mode is on

There are two magics left, one is the water-based Holy Healing, and the other is the Qi-based attack acceleration. The name of the Holy Healing sounds powerful, but in fact it is similar to a bottle of primary healing potion, and it can only be used by a single person. After the level is increased, it can only increase the amount of treatment, and cannot be used for a wide range of people.

Attack acceleration can increase your own attack speed by 5%, and rising to the top can increase your own attack speed by 30%, which is also a good first-level magic.

It's just that these first-level magics are placed in the game world, which is equivalent to silver-grade skills. Song Jian learned all of them, and then devoured Wan Jianjue, only increasing the proficiency of Wan Jianjue by 2%, which is better than nothing.

"Unfortunately, you can't wait until the magic guild is built to a high level ..." Song Jian looked at the magic guild with a regret in his eyes.

Level 1 magic is equivalent to silver quality skills, level 2 is equivalent to gold, level 3 is equivalent to dark gold, level 4 is equivalent to epic, and level 5 is equivalent to legendary quality skills. In this world, level 5 magic is also Call it a curse.

However, it is also the fifth-level soil magic. The magic of summoning the earth element cannot be compared with the thunder bomb. Thunderbolt claims to be the strongest single magic damage in all magic, and summoning earth elements can only summon a bunch of fifth-level soil elements. Even if these earth elements are all upgraded to stone elements, they are just a group of six-level arms. In high-level battles, it can only be used as cannon fodder. Some cannon fodder with relatively high defensive power is only used.

"If the entire castle is to be upgraded to the fifth level, I'm afraid the time it takes needs to be calculated in years ..." Song Jian thought secretly in his heart, and couldn't help sighing.

Only the resources needed to upgrade the fifth-level castle is an astronomical figure. I am afraid that the resources of a kingdom can be collected to collect all these resources. In addition, various buildings must be built to upgrade the magic guild to the fifth level. Song Jian must at least Stay in this world for several years.

"Forget it, let's go all out to deal with the second-tier combat capability assessment." Song Jian sighed: "I just don't know which assessor actually took the lead in recruiting the third hero. Doesn't he know that time is on their side? Is it? "

If no one has suddenly recruited a third leader hero, I am afraid that the battle mode will be delayed for several days. During this time, if the resources are sufficient, it will be enough to upgrade a second-level castle to a third-level castle.

Almost all appraisers are cursing the appraiser who recruited the third leader hero. As long as the second hero is recruited, they will be subject to the opening of the battle mode. The vast majority of appraisers will only have one appraisal because of fear of the human camp. However, the time for recruiting the third hero will be extended indefinitely. Song Jian also believes that he is the person most likely to recruit the third hero.

In the dungeon territory, an appraiser looked at a dozen Beamon giants standing more than eight meters tall with a confident smile on his mouth: "With this Beamon giant warrior, the battle mode The sooner it is, the greatest benefit to me. Even if the human in the human camp is more powerful, can he defeat the siege of more than a dozen Behemoths? "

The Beamon Beast is the most powerful level 7 unit in the dungeon camp. It is said to be a powerful race comparable to the dragon. This dungeone's assessor found a Beamon beast's lair in the wild, which cost him A legendary quality one-time prop, finally occupied this behemoth beast's lair, and for so many days, he was trying to collect resources every day, recruiting all beam beavers produced by beam lair.

He was the only one of all appraisers, except Song Jian, who did not have a round with other appraisers. The moment he occupied Beamon ’s Lair, he understood that this appraisal had no meaning to him. .

The twelve behemoths were the limit of his recruitment. He sold almost all the items that could be sold on his body to make up the resources. He believes that at present, he can only lead the appraisers of the second and third grade arms. For him, Not even the enemy is counted. From start to finish, his goal is only one, that is the assessor of the human camp.

Watching the time elapsed, Su Ming stood on a dilapidated main city and waited quietly. The dungeon castle he occupied has almost no trace of construction. In the castle, he only built a first-class exchange. After all, he needs to convert all resources into resources to recruit Bemon monsters, otherwise he wo n’t Recruited so many Beamon Giant Warriors. Peerless Tangmen fo

Song Jian recruited both of his heroes and waited quietly for the battle mode to open.

System: Battle mode will open in 5 seconds, five, four, three, two, one!

System: The battle mode is on, please prepare yourself!

Song Jian only felt a flower in front of him, and a whirlwind of feelings came to his heart, as if he was thrown into a high-speed rotating washing machine and he couldn't help closing his eyes.

He didn't open his eyes until the dizziness slowly subsided.

"Well, nothing seems to have changed?" Song Jian looked around, and found that he was standing in front of the city main mansion, and there was no change before the dizziness.

However, he soon discovered the anomaly. The electronic map that originally only lighted a small area was turned on now, and the camps were distinguished by color on the map. The resource points they occupied, the main city, and the recruitment sites for the field barracks were all gathered on a map.

"This is simply the ability to change the world ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but fortunately in the game ..." Song Jian was shocked and said to himself.

In the eyes of Song Jian, this is just a game, but in the eyes of the indigenous peoples such as Gutua and Catherine, they don't think it is a game, but a living real world.

It's just that they don't have Song Jian's electronic map and don't know what happened.

"Master Lord, what happened?" As a magician, Gutua is much more sensitive to space than ordinary people. Although he doesn't know what happened, he can clearly feel that although the surrounding environment looks like Nothing has changed, but in fact they are no longer where they were.

This feeling was paradoxical, but Gutua knew in their hearts that they must have encountered some sort of magic similar to space transfer.

Just then, a grand voice sounded in the sky.

"The appraiser battle mode is open. The only camp winner will be determined within seven days. If the only camp winner is not determined within seven days, all appraisers will fail this assessment!"


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