I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1000: Magical party

"Bone Breastplate: Level 2 Treasure, Equipment Effect: Heroic Strength + 20%, this item is one of the four components of the combined curse armor."

"A combination treasure? A suit?" Song Jian glanced at the piece of equipment that the witch woke up, shook his head, and put it in the parcel box.

For him, the attribute is not very good. It is not worth the expense to sacrifice a equipment bar for 20% of the strength attribute. And these things ca n’t be taken away after leaving the assessment world. It might as well be given to the indigenous people of this world. Increase favorability.

System: You have completed the entrustment of the flower fairy Luna. The mission rewards have been issued in advance. Your favorability with the elves has been increased to be friendly. The cost of recruiting elven warriors has been reduced by 25%. The chance of persuading the elven warriors to be reduced slightly during the battle.

After the corpse witch made the old black dragon into a bone dragon, the title of the black devil was automatically put on its head, and Song Jian killed it, which was equivalent to killing the black demon of the elven mountain and saved it. Elves throughout the mountains.

At this moment, countless bright spots of light suddenly rose in the Dragon's Nest, and they continued to converge on the side of Song Jian, eventually forming a long white training like a galaxy. After turning around Song Jian twice, these spots of light They all flew outside the dragon's nest.

Song Jian saw that all of these light spots were transparent elves the size of fingernails, which are estimated to be the spirit souls killed by the Dark Lord here.

System: You are blessed by many spirits and get special effects: Lucky +1, this effect is permanent and will continue to take effect after leaving the assessment world.

"Well, there are unexpected gains!" Song Jian's eyes brightened. Any gain in this world will disappear after leaving the world, so Song Jian doesn't care too much, but now the effect of this "lucky +1", but It is possible to bring out this assessment world, which makes Song Jian very happy.

The lucky value affects the monster's explosion rate, and also affects the critical strike rate and the probability of skill triggering. At the same time, the higher the better, the better.

I took a look at my lucky value, the previous title of "Savior" directly increased by 5 points, and then I got some lucky value bonuses, and added this lucky value obtained today, Song Jian's luck The value has accumulated to eight points, which is already a very high value.

At this time, a three-hour countdown has appeared in front of Song Jian. Obviously, after three hours, he will enter the battle mode. Although he does not know what the content of this battle mode is, it is nothing more than relying on the resources collected now. Blast soldiers, then capture the main city of the opposing camp, eliminate all appraisers to which they belong, and win the final victory.

Song Jian looked around at the Dragon's Nest again. After killing the corpse witch, the Dragon's Nest seemed to have become a bit cleaner, and the spirit of the undead was gradually dissipating. Before long, it would become an ordinary abandoned cave.

Time is running out, Song Jian has to return to the castle to prepare for the battle, so he didn't search the dragon's nest too much, turned and walked towards the cave entrance.

Until Song Jian left completely, the young corpse dragon came out of the shadow of the lair, looking at Song Jian's direction of departure, eyes full of fear and fear.

"It's too scary. That human being not only killed the two big men, but also killed the master ..." A thick black fog was rolling next to it, and two scarlet lights appeared in the black fog. The sharp voice was emitted from the black mist. After listening, the young corpse dragon nodded slightly, and seemed to agree with the view of the black mist.

"Small man, shall we stay here or find a place again?" The black mist rolled, condensed into a ghost-like monster, floating in front of the young corpse dragon and said: "This is the site of the human camp, stay It's too dangerous here, and we can be attacked by some inexplicable human hero at any time. Let's leave here and return to the territory of the undead camp. "

The corpse dragon hesitated for a moment, and after making a low howl, turned and ran into the depths of the dragon's nest. After a short time, the corpse dragon ran out wearing a whole set of armor, which exudes a strong The breath of the dragon seems to be the treasure of the black dragon before. baby

The ghost sent a "giggling" laughter, and turned back into a black mist, and penetrated into the armor of the corpse dragon. Suddenly, a thick gray covered the surface of the armor, letting the armor breathe out the dragon breath. It suddenly dissipated a lot and became normal.

The corpse dragon turned his head and looked at the dragon nest for a few moments, and his hair growled aloud, and then he ran towards the dragon nest.


Song Jian returned to the castle, only to find that the castle had risen to the first level, and many of the buildings that needed a first-class castle to build were all built.

"Gunners and archers can be recruited in their own castles. The Gryphon Tower needs a level 2 castle to be built. It takes at least a day for the castle to rise to a level 2 castle. It seems that the griffins cannot be built ... Song Jian has some regrets.

"Master Lord, the first-level magic guild has been constructed. Would you like to see it?" Gutua said respectfully to Song Jian.

"Magic guild, so that our heroes can start to learn magic?" Song Jian laughed.

"Yes, everyone who enters the magic guild can learn five first-level magic." Gutua replied.

"It's just first-level magic." Song Jian nodded a little disappointed, but decided to check it out.

Every time the magic guild upgrades, the magic corresponding to the level will appear randomly. Song Jian followed Gutua to a humble stone tower. If it was not clear from Gutua, this is the magic guild. I am afraid Song Jian would think It's just a grocery store for supplies.

"Master Lord, the magic that appears this time has three earth-based magics, one water-based magic and one air-based magic." Gutua introduced ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The three earth-based magics are magic arrows, Protective Aegis and Slow Dafa, the magic arrow of magic should actually be regarded as general magic, not special soil magic. People who learn it can cast an energyless arrow to cause damage to the enemy.

The shield Aegis uses a layer of earth to cover the entire body, improving defense and weakening the enemy's attack strength. However, this effect can reduce 50% against melee and only 20% against long-range damage.

From the perspective of Song Jian, the retarded Dafa is the first-level magic with the best effect. It can only be released to the individual at the beginning, but it can affect multiple enemies after the level is increased. It can not only reduce the enemy's movement speed, but also reduce the attack speed and reaction speed.

"It feels like a drop in intelligence ..." Song Jian said, touching his chin, turning his head and looking at the other two magics.


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