I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1007: Hole card

The element camp fought against the dungeon camp from the beginning. After all, the addition of two seventh-level units was already the decisive factor, and a group of lords and heroes who mastered the Holy Healing had their own army. It was given to other people. They used all their mental power to heal the Beamon giant. The Titan giant was war-torn and could only be repaired with skills similar to "maintenance" after the damage, but unfortunately, this way The faction of the skill element did not master.

This was an additional skill after the castle was built to the seventh level and the Titan Giant processing factory was created. At the beginning, Tataya only obtained the Titan Giant manufacturing drawings, and did not acquire skills like repair at all.

Although this is a slight advantage, it further increases the weight of the dungeon camp victory.

"The Titan giants are really horrible, they can attack long distances, they can also fight in close combat, and the defense is too thick, not only has a thick layer of heavy armor on their bodies, but even their bodies are also made of special steel ..." The lord, after cutting down a gargoyle, couldn't help but sigh.

"The damage caused by units below level 6 is extremely low, but the Bemon monster is different. It is of the same level as it, and its claws can easily tear its heavy armor defense ..." Another The lord laughed: "The most important thing is that we have more Beamon than they!"

"The scale of victory is tilting towards us, everyone in the dungeon, we have won!" An appraiser of the dungeon issued a cry of victory.

"The final victory is ours!" Almost all the appraisers of the dungeon shouted in excitement.

At this moment, behind the elemental camp, a hero riding a war horse suddenly appeared, he rushed directly into the battlefield, and instantly released a huge Titan giant, bringing the approaching collapsed situation, and immediately stabilized. Came down.

"What happened? How could there be another Titan Giant!"

"It seems to be led by a new hero who just joined the battle."

"Damn, as long as the resources are sufficient, they will continue to make the Titan Giants. Everyone is faster, we cannot give them the opportunity to delay the war, otherwise we are in danger!"

The appraisers in the dungeon camp suddenly panicked. When they were fighting, obviously there was no idle behind the element camp, and the Titan giant was still being created, but they did not have the opportunity to recruit a new Beamon giant because of the recruitment point. Today's recruitment quota has been used up, and you can only wait until the next day to recruit!

"Tell my brothers, be stable, as long as we can hold back time, victory will be ours sooner or later." The leader of the elemental camp appraiser, a hint of coldness in the eyes of the huge element of water.

Everything is within the control of his plan. Although Tataya is making the Titan Giant 24 hours a day, he spends too much time to complete the task, leaving too little time for the elemental camp to make the Titan Giant.

There is no way. You can only fight against the dungeon camp's attack in the battle while letting Tataya make the Titan giant. The resource points occupied by the element camp are also enough for Tataya to make the Titan giant. Now it is only limiting his creation time .

The war continued for more than an hour. The elemental camp was a bit unbearable, and the front began to slowly retreat, but it was planned to retreat, not a defeat.

The difference in strength between the two sides pulled up to two seventh-level units, three Titan giants were destroyed, and two Beamon giants died because of injuries.

Although Holy Healing can heal the behemoth of Bemon, but bearing too much Holy Healing will actually lose its life potential in advance, making the effect of Holy Healing worse and worse.

The lower ranks were almost dead, and the appraisers on both sides stopped tacitly, and everyone's eyes were focused on the fight between the Titan Giant and Beamon Giant.

"They can't survive it anymore. The Titan Giant was wounded and completely scrapped, but the Beamon Giant can be restored with divine healing!" An appraiser from the dungeon camp said calmly, but his clenched double Boxing, but exposed his tension at the moment.

"The more the battle drags on, the more unfavorable we are. It has been more than two hours. I am afraid that the other Titan giant will soon be created ..." said another.

As soon as the words fell, I saw a hero coming from behind the element camp. As soon as he was close to the battlefield, he immediately released a Titan giant, and soon the newly created Titan giant roared towards a Beamon. The beast threw a lightning attack.

Watching this behemoth monster fell to the ground by lightning attack, an arm was torn open a wound more than two feet long, there was no blood spurting at the wound, but it was a scorched black, completely attached by lightning attack High-temperature injury closed the wound.

The Beamon giant growled and stood up, rushing towards the Titan giant. Two giant beasts more than five meters tall and tore to each other. The whole land was trembling because of this battle. It's like an earthquake.

"Damn, the gap has been closed again!" Said an appraiser from a dungeon.

Throughout this time, no one has dared to say a declaration of victory. They have found that the direction of the war seems to have gradually begun to exceed their control. The balance of victory is slowly returning to balance and even tilting towards the other side. And go.

"Control the Titan Giant, and go back ten meters!" Said the leader of the element camp, coldly.

More than a dozen large and large objects, while struggling to repel Beamon's attacks again and again, slowly backed away and exchanged space for time. This is the strategy that the elemental camp set when it started fighting.


There was an explosive muffled sound in the body of a Titan giant, and the attack action was delayed. Instantly, two Beamon giants rushed at it and flung it directly to the ground. After a crazy attack, this one The titan giant was torn apart.

On the other side, a behemoth that was too badly wounded and could no longer afford more Holy Healing uttered an unwilling growl ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The Titan giant on the opposite side smashed it with a scepter in his hand. After falling to the ground, he could no longer climb up.

"Another Behemoth Behemoth!"

"Can't continue anymore. Many Beamon monsters have already undergone too much divine healing. No injuries can be cured if we are injured again. We should retreat immediately!" Said an appraiser of the dungeon camp.

"Retreat? No, that will let us slip away even the last chance of victory, give them more time, they will create more Titan giants, defeat us with an overwhelming advantage!" Another appraiser Retorted: "Now it's time for the entire army to press up and inspire the last potential of the Beamon giants. Even if all these Beamon monsters die here, as long as we can defeat them, we can get the ultimate victory. We must not give them any more at this time. Time and opportunity! "

"I knew it early, we should be the first attack element camp, and this variable will not appear!"

"Now it's too late to say anything. If you drag on, there will be no hope of victory. Let's inspire rage. This is our final hole card!"


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