I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1008: Storm Canyon

Beamon Beast has a group rage skill. Once released, all Beamon Beasts on the battlefield will fall into a violent state, weakening their defenses, increasing their attack power and attack speed, which can cause a lot of damage in a short time. .

However, this group rage has a duration of only 30 seconds, and after the rage, it will fall into a state of weakness for half an hour. At this time, all attributes of the Behemoth monster will drop, and the strength will drop by one level. , Which is roughly equivalent to a six-level unit.

The battle is in a deadlock, and the situation has begun to lean towards the side of the elemental camp, and no changes will be made. After the number of Titan giants and Beamon giants are equal, even if this card is lifted, the battle situation will not help. .

"Furious!" Said an appraiser of the dungeon camp.

"Furious, don't raise this card again, I'm afraid we won't have a chance to use it." Another appraiser's face showed an anxious look.

"Five meters back!" The leader of the appraisers of the elemental camp shouted.

With the order, more than ten Titan giants are fighting and retreating. While waving their light sticks to fight, they retreat towards the area behind the elemental camp behind them.

At this moment, almost all Beamon giants roared in unison, a layer of rich blood, blooming from their bodies, the body that was already five or six meters in length, expanded once more, and pressed completely After the height of the Titan Giant.

The violent Beamon Giant rushed towards the Titan Giant with a kind of agility that was extremely uncoordinated with his body. The sharp claws in his hand kept waving, and the attack speed was twice as fast as before. On the Titan Giant There were scratches on the surface of the heavy armor. Ten seconds later, the heavy armor on several Titan giants broke apart directly, exposing the body made of super strong alloy inside. The original solid defense was in a fierce ratio. In front of the monster, it is not worth mentioning.

"Leave half of the Titan Giant, and the remaining retreat to the back of the turbulent canyon." Commander of the elemental assessor ordered.

After a short while, half of the Titan Giants stayed behind, blocking the Beamon Giants, and the rest of the Titan Giants and everyone in the Elemental Faction retreated toward the turbulent canyon behind them.

The Gorgeous Canyon is a narrow passage of about 100 meters in length, lined by towering cliffs. To enter the territory of the Elemental Camp, you must pass through this canyon.

The appraisers of the Puppet Element camp seem to have unified their strategic thinking long ago. After hearing the orders issued by the appraisers' leaders, there was no hesitation. After leaving half of the Titan giant, everyone else retreated toward the canyon.

Seeing the elemental camp receding, the appraisers in the dungeon camp burst into cheers.

"Break, they ran away!" An appraiser of the dungeon camp roared excitedly.

"We won, we won, and the second-tier combat capability passed. We are also people with second-tier combat capability, hahaha!" Some people wept with joy and did not know how many times he had failed. He was so excited.

"They didn't lose, we didn't win. Are you blind? They still have at least half of the Titan Giants, and still have the power of a battle!" Su Ming growled angrily.

"Su Ming is right, continue to pursue, we must eliminate them all!" The leader of the dungeon camp roared loudly, took the lead in riding a wild wolf mount, and rushed towards the army of the element camp.

"Having lost half of the seventh-level units, how could they still have the hope of winning? Even if they were made now, there would be no way to make so many!" An appraiser from a dungeon said indifferently, but still drove the mount Followed the leader and ran forward.

After the violent Beamon giant, around the Titan giant less than half of them desperately attacked, the hard alloy, under their sharp claws only persisted for just ten seconds, was torn apart, However, two Titan giants were also killed by the Titan giant's struggling counterattack.

"Eight two, we won this time." Looking at a roaring Beamon giant, and a pile of broken steel at their feet, a dungeon examiner's smile appeared on his face.

Thirty seconds later, the broken Titan giant was left behind, all of which were destroyed, and the blood-red light on Beamon's body gradually dissipated, and the entire body was halted.

"Continue to catch up, don't stop, be sure to eliminate all elemental camps!" The appraiser leader of the dungeon camp shouted.

"The Bemon monster is now in a weak state, which is equivalent to a Tier VI unit. Even if the number is doubled, it is not necessarily an opponent of the element camp. It is better to rest for half an hour until the Bemon monster has fully recovered before catching up. "Su Ming suddenly stopped the leader of the dungeon assessor.

The appraisal leader's face showed hesitation, and after a long pause of groaning, he nodded slowly, saying, "Okay, now we have the advantage, rest for half an hour, and wait for the Bemon monster to recover. Take it all down. "

Uh ...

"Boss, they didn't catch up." An appraiser with hawk-eye said to the leader of the elemental camp appraiser.

"The other party is not an idiot. The Bemon giant is now in a weak state, and its strength is equivalent to a six-level army. At this time, don't you die?" The leader of the element camp assessor sneered: "Now our number of Titan giants is only Half of the other party, when they have completely recovered from the Behemoth monster, I am afraid that when their self-confidence reaches its maximum ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ As long as they dare to enter this canyon, even if there are more Behemoth monsters, they have to The burial is here to prepare the brothers and wait for my order! "

Twenty-five hours later, the appraisers of the dungeon camp rushed to the entrance of the turbulent canyon and saw the narrow road ahead. The appraisers of the dungeon camp suddenly hesitated.

"Tora, go and investigate the situation in the previous canyon, and see what is going on in the element camp. Is there an ambush in this canyon?" The appraiser leader of the dungeon camp said to a leader hero wearing a fur coat next to him.

"Observe, sir!" Torah nodded, picked up a bone whistle hanging around her neck, and blew it gently. A sharp voice sounded through the sky, and a huge hawk fell from the air.

Tola whispered in the ear of the hawk, and then fed it a piece of fist-sized jerky. The hawk flew up and flew across the canyon.

There was a word in Moutola's mouth, two eyes bloomed with green light, and at the same time, the hawk-eyes flying in the air also bloomed green light.

Vision sharing!

This is a special skill that Torah has as an animal trainer and can share vision with her pets.

Eagle 隼 quickly circled around the gorge, and then flew towards the elemental camp on the other side of the gorge. At this time, seven or eight Titan giants were blocking the other end of the gorge and looked like they were ready to stay.

Uh ...

PS: Thanks for the 100 starting point coin that "is your Jiege" ~

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