I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1014: Change camp

I saw Song Jian flying over, a few people in Tutan looked at the flame wing behind him, their faces were surprised.

"It's hard to imagine. He even has a pair of light wings. Has he already acquired the blood of a high-ranking angel?" Tutan whispered.

"Only such a strong man is qualified to eliminate us, and seeing his light wing, I suddenly discovered that the Cloud City he built, and the Cloud City that I saw about the world in the city's government house, are still There is a big difference. "Another assessor said.

不错 "Yes, if it's a cloud city in this world, it only takes a few months to build it, and it's impossible to appear in the battle mode ..."

"All right, he's here, keep the most decent!" Tutan stared at Song Jian, and said to the others the first two steps in the battle.

"Where did the others go?" Song Jian asked with curiosity as the appraisers of the four element camps stopped in place.

"They are not willing to fail. They want to give you some trouble. They have already gone to the farthest main city. As long as they occupy it, you must capture the main city they occupy to obtain the final victory!" Tutan's face was revealed. There was a smile, and at the last moment, he wanted to see the flustered expression on Song Jian's face, but no surprise, he didn't gain anything.

"Oh, isn't it really a headache!" A faint smile appeared on the corner of Song Jian's mouth: "Then the four of you, do you take your fate?"

"We failed!" Tutan spread his hands and said with a unique voice of the water element: "This war was planned by me. Since it has failed, then I will bear the consequences of the failure calmly, at least with the last trace of dignity. Now you You can kill us and completely eliminate us! "

的 The battle ahead has entered the final stage. Many lower-ranking units have begun to flee. Catherine has led the army to leave the castle, and began to hunt down these runaway soldiers.

"Actually, you have another option ..." Song Jian laughed after watching the four appraisers who stayed in place: "I don't know if you would like to change camp and become one of my leader heroes?"

什么 "What, is it okay?" Tutan's face looked surprised.

Can the appraisers still become leader heroes to each other? If so, then how can such obvious bugs exist?

If everyone who enters the assessment world becomes a leader hero of one person, does it not mean that everyone can pass the assessment?

If such a thing really happens, I am afraid that this second-tier combat capability assessment will become the biggest joke.

Song Jian also got a system prompt after he was about to win, but there are restrictions on recruiting people who are also appraisers to become leader heroes. The entire camp recruits appraisers from other factions to become leader heroes. The total number cannot exceed ten. .

Moreover, the appraisers who are recruited as leading heroes will pass the assessment with the most basic passing line, that is, pass the assessment with C + level evaluation, which is difficult for many people to accept.

When Song Jian finished speaking of these restrictions, the expectations in the eyes of the four appraisers suddenly disappeared.

Those who can enter this special assessment world are full of confidence in themselves. They will enter this special assessment world if they want to gain a stronger combat force. Otherwise, with their strength and background, they can already pass. The second-order combat capability was evaluated.

"If this is the case, I can only say thank you for your kindness. It is impossible for the people of the Tutan family to pass the second-level combat assessment with a C + rating." Tutan shook his head and refused.

If you really pass the assessment with a C + assessment, then the reward you get will probably be at most similar to the B-level assessment of the ordinary second-level assessment. For Tutan, the ordinary second-level assessment will get an A- or even A-level assessment. It should be very sure.

Song Jian was not surprised by Tutan's rejection. He nodded and looked at the other three appraisers: "Well, do you want to pass this test with a C + rating?"

"Thank you for your kindness, I'll wait for the next assessment!"

"I also refuse, it's still a long time anyway, it won't be too much for me to wait again."

The other two appraisers successively refused, but the last appraiser showed hesitation.

Wu Songjian did not urge, but just waited quietly. For any appraiser, this choice is very difficult to choose.

"I'm willing to be your leader hero!" Tataya hesitated for ten minutes, and finally made her own decision.

"Tataya, even if this assessment fails, I would like you to be a member of the Tutan family. You can wait until the next assessment, but if you pass only a C + level assessment, then the future achievements are limited. Entering the Tutan family may have little hope, "Tutan said, glancing at Tataya.

Tataya's perseverance and persistence are all seen by Tutan. The reason why the elemental camp can persist until now has an inseparable relationship with Tataya. If he did not persist in completing a series of tasks, he won The Titan Giant made drawings, and I am afraid that the Elemental faction has long been eliminated by the Dungeon faction.

"Sir, I'm 38 years old this year ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ I've been stuck in the second-tier combat assessment for nearly ten years!" Tattaya's face showed a helpless smile, and whispered: "In fact, I have already made a decision. If this assessment fails again, I will not continue to wait for this special assessment world. Next time, I will choose an ordinary assessment world, but with my current strength, Even in the ordinary assessment world, you may not be able to get high scores. It is better to pass this assessment with a lower evaluation ... "

"I respect your choice, Tataya. Although the Tutan family cannot accept you, I am still willing to be your friend ..." Tutan sighed in his heart and said softly.

"Thank you, sir!" Tattaya said, lowering her head.

"Okay, dear ones, you can kill us." Tutan said calmly to Song Jian: "But before being eliminated, I was curious how you would deal with those who escaped, after all, counted Tataia, you have only three leading heroes. It is not easy to catch up with them. Maybe in the end, because of their existence, this assessment will not pass. "

When Tataya heard it, her face suddenly changed, and she looked at Song Jian nervously.

"Oh, no matter how fast they are, can angels fly fast?" Song Jian laughed.

As soon as the chanting voice fell, the twelve angels, who had been guarding the castle walls, flew in two different directions. This scene made Tutan's face suddenly look surprised.

"He, they are not fighting arms, but ..."

Uh ...

PS: Thank you for "100 God Coins" for "Wushen Zhao Yun"

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