I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1015: 3 rewards

The angels in the assessment world are just seven combat arms. Any action must be carried out under the leadership of a hero.

But the city in the cloud built by Song Jian was obtained from the game world. The angels recruited from the city are essentially different from the angels in this world.

First of all, in terms of strength, because the grade of the game world is much higher than this assessment world, so although they are also angels, the angels recruited by Song Jian are higher in combat effectiveness than the seventh-tier angels in this world. Many, at least can reach the peak of the eighth level.

On the other hand, these twelve angels should be regarded as Song Jian's followers in essence. In this assessment world, they do not exist as arms and can move freely, but they cannot lead soldiers. Hero use.

I therefore directed them to chase after those who escaped without any problems.

Tutan shook his head. Those who escaped the appraisal may not even think that they could not even get close to the castle. They would be caught up by these angels who are more powerful than the boss of the dominion level, and then eliminated them directly.

谢谢 "Thank you for your confusion, I have no problem, you can eliminate us, and hope to meet you outside! I hope to be friends with you," Tutan laughed.

"I also hope to be able to establish friendship with the Tutan family." Song Jian said, waving the Heavenly Sword without hesitation, eliminating all three appraisers from the world.

"Master, sir, what should I do now?" Tataya asked nervously.

Song Jian smiled and said, "You don't need to do anything, just wait patiently."

It didn't take long for the twelve angels to deal with a few appraisers who did not even have a lower-level unit. Soon, in the ears of Song Jian and Tataya, a system was announced to announce the final victory of the human camp. Message.

Chantataya breathed a sigh of relief, and finally a hanging heart fell to the ground, looking at Song Jian's eyes, full of gratitude.

感谢 "Thank you!" Tataya said to Song Jianxing.

Tong Songjian responded with a smile and took a look at his military achievements. In the last battle, he obtained a lot of military achievements, almost several times the accumulated military achievements, and the total military achievements also reached 3,600 points.

This kind of merit is not the most among all appraisers. Some appraisers have more merit. After all, merit is not only obtained through battle. Tattaya has completed difficult serial tasks and has also obtained a lot of merit. What's more, in the end, he continued to make the Titan giant, and also obtained corresponding huge military achievements. Speaking of which, Tataya's accumulated military achievements were even higher than Song Jian's, reaching almost 5,000 points.

At the end of the assessment, only Song Jian and Tataya passed the assessment. Soon, the two entered the assessment and settlement interface. Under a starry sky, Song Jian looked at the translucent light curtain in front of him. Review the information in the world.

"After the assessment, I have beaten all other assessors. The lowest evaluation should be a grade, right?" Song Jian guessed.

However, just before the final battle in the screen of the light curtain, Song Jian used the treasures from the city of the sky to build a cloud city, the light curtain suddenly appeared stuttered, and a few snowflakes appeared on the screen at the same time. It's like when the TV receives bad signals.

This state almost never appears for the entire game.

Soon, line by line fonts appeared on the light curtain.

[After the assessment is completed, all resources of the assessor in the assessment world will be fully recovered, and at the same time, they will be exchanged for military achievements to be distributed! 】

[The appraisers have occupied three main cities, thirty-seven resource points, twelve arms recruitment points in the appraisal world, and exchanged 1100 military achievements! 】

[The appraisers used special treasures in the appraisal world and built the Cloud City. The building cannot be recycled, the building cannot be exchanged for war merit, and the game has a logical error ...]

[Recycling this Cloud City requires rewards for the appraisers. Please choose one of the following rewards within 30 seconds! 】

奖励 [Reward 1: Increase the level of assessment by 80 points for free attributes and 3 points for golden skills! 】

[Reward 2: Examiner's special skill 'Blood Pool Summoning' will be advanced to 'Angel Summoning'. During the battle, twelve archangels can be summoned to assist the battle. The archangel lasts 1 hour and the skill cooldown is 12 hours !! 】

奖励 [Reward 3: The appraisers use the appraisal world as their own space for interview practice! 】

After giving a reward, Song Jian immediately saw a 30-second countdown. After the 30 seconds, the system will randomly give a reward from three choices.

提升 Increase the assessment by one level, increase the free attribute points by eighty, and increase the gold skill points by three points?

Song Jian's eyes first fell on the first reward. This reward is enough to improve his strength, a big cut, and a higher level of evaluation means more rewards. Eighty free attribute points, which is more than evaluation. There are even more attribute points to increase a level. So many attribute points alone are at least an a + level evaluation reward.

There are also three golden skill points. This is the item that Song Jian dreamed of. It allows any skill that is dissatisfied with proficiency to directly upgrade one level of golden skill points. It is entirely possible to directly increase Wan Jianjue by three levels. After the evolution of the air palm print, a seven-story pagoda phantom appeared in the sky ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ It seems that Wan Jianjue can continue to evolve the fourth stage after the third stage, but now because of the level The fourth stage cannot be evolved at all, but after upgrading three levels, the pagoda in the fourth stage can definitely be completely evolved. Do n’t say the fifty-level dominance boss at that time, even a monster that is twice as powerful , Song Jian can kill him completely with one move!

Redeeming such a reward with an already used Cloud City, Song Jian felt too worthy.

But he did not make a choice immediately, but looked at the other two rewards.

The Blood Pool Summoning is advanced to Angel Summoning, which is another coveted reward. You must know that with Song Jian's current strength, the Blood Pool Summoning has almost no help, and the construction of the Blood Pool It also requires a lot of supplies. Until now, it has remained at the third level, and the blood slaves summoned are too small.

However, after the angel summoning is advanced, twelve masters of the 50-level master class are summoned during the battle. At this stage, they can scan any lair of monsters and feel horrible when you think about it.

"This reward is not useless even if I reach the third-tier combat power, but the effect will be smaller, I really can't figure out why it is given such a reward that breaks the balance of the game!" Song Jian shook his head and set his sights on the third Reward on!

Uh ...

Ps: Thank you "keepo" for the reward of 2,000 coins ~

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