I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1017: your Highness

Yun Tutan and the two other appraisers who rejected Song Jian's recruitment were all regretful.

"Damn, there must be a victor to purchase this restriction. I knew early on that I had promised the recruit of the gods ..." Tutan looked at the items that only the victors could buy, and he regretted his eyes. famous.

商品 The products displayed on this counter are mostly just ordinary products that can also be purchased in the game world, but what Tutan really values ​​is those unique products that can only be purchased here.

"Tu Xingguang Gun Artillery Design Drawings, Adaptive Steel City Wall Design Drawings, and Dominant City Guard Manufacturing Drawings. These items are enough for me, but they require the winner to buy ..." The appraisers who had many times in the city looked regretful.

"Tataya, can you buy these drawings?" Tutan turned to look at Tataya.

"You can buy them, but none of these items can be traded, and you can only use them yourself ..." Tataya said in distress.

"Tataya, I am willing to hire you to be a member of the Tutan family and enjoy the treatment of elite members, as long as you can buy one of these drawings, and then learn by yourself, build for our Tutan family ..." Tutan As soon as his eyes lighted, he said immediately.

"But these drawings are very demanding to learn, at least senior designers can do it, I want to learn from scratch ..." Tataya's face looked embarrassed.

"Our family is willing to provide all the resources ..." Before Tutan had finished speaking, he heard a sarcastic laughter from an appraiser next to him.

"Oh ~, it's funny. Can senior designers use resources to pile them up?" A woman in a red dress stared at Tutan with a squinting eye and laughed: "What do you think senior designers are? Life occupations that can be piled up with resources? Even the simplest architectural designer who wants to be promoted from elementary to intermediate. If you do n’t have a certain talent, do n’t even think about it, let alone a senior designer. If you do n’t have your own unique design philosophy and Do n’t want to be a senior designer when designing a work, and do you think that there will be no requirements for promotion to senior designers, can you go up only by accumulation of proficiency, naive! "

Futtan froze and turned to look at the woman in the red dress: "Beauty, Princess Melina ..."

The woman in the red dress turned out to be the daughter of the Grand Duke of the City of Anthem. Tutan hurriedly saluted to Princess Melinya and said, "Have seen Her Royal Highness, thank Her Royal Highness for my confusion ..."

Although the Tutu family belongs to the city of evil, there are still many industries in the city of hymns, and they dare not offend the imperial princess in front of her.

"Hum, in the assessment world, you killed my lord hero and attacked my castle, but you have never seen such respectfulness!" Princess Melinia glanced at Tutan with an angry look and said with a cold hum.

"Why, what? Her Royal Highness also participated in this assessment?" Tutan cold sweat came down, at this time he realized that he had eliminated too many people in the assessment world. After the elemental camp obtained the Titan Giant manufacturing drawings, Began to encroach on the territory of other camps, and eliminated all the appraisers from other camps.

Su Tutan suddenly thought of something. Looking around, he found that the appraisal leader of the dungeon camp didn't even know when he left here, and a bitterness appeared on his face.

You know, the appraisers of the dungeon and elemental camp almost eliminated most of the people present. For the appraisers of the ordinary dungeon and elemental camp, no one else can remember, but the appraisers of the two camps are absolutely It is an impressive character.

"Elemental camp, ha ha ha, well done, beat my **** army up and down, okay, okay!" Prince Sara looked at Tutan with red eyes and said with gritted teeth.

"Damn, offend another big brother!" Tutan secretly sighed.

"Okay, everything in the assessment world is all supernatural. Being eliminated is our strength and luck, and we won't blame you." Princess Melinia glanced at Tutan coldly and said loudly.

"Yes, such a powerful figure from the Tutan family is gratifying!" Prince Sara also said in a strange tone of yin and yang.

Tutan is about to get cold sweat, but the expressions of these two are not like they will not blame.

"Did you get the Titan Giant-made drawings in the assessment world, and then almost turn the elemental camp?" Princess Melinia turned her head and looked towards Tataia.

"Yes, yes, Your Royal Highness!" Tataya said nervously to Princess Melinya.

不错 "Yes, it is amazing to be able to focus on a series of tasks in the assessment world and complete them by one person!" Princess Melina sighed.

To know that none of the tasks obtained in the assessment world is simple. Even a lucky gem must slaughter a black dragon. It is conceivable how difficult it is to complete the task of obtaining the Titan Giant manufacturing drawings. Taya did not rely on the help of other people. She only completed one task with the strength of one person and received the final reward. It can be said that this perseverance and strength have exceeded 90% of the people present.

"If you want ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ You can come to the city of Anthem and be one of my staff!" Mei Linya laughed: "And the rewards you get this time can be used to enhance your strength ! "

"Princess, Your Royal Highness, I don't know where I can help you, do you value me so much?" Tataia was a little excited, but looked more nervous.

"I just want to know, who was the one who recruited you last?" Princess Melina asked.

"Are you talking about the appraiser of the human camp?" Tataya glanced up and looked up at Princess Melinya: "He is a **** dependent, not a person of our world."

"Gods of dependents?" Mei Linya nodded and said, "What else? I want to know some details about him, for example, how did the elemental camp defeat in the end? What kind of strength does this **** of relatives have?"

"His Royal Highness, I can tell you all this information, there will never be any reservations." Tutan said quickly, his face full of flattering smiles.

Princess Melinya froze, then suddenly laughed: "Oh, I'm in a hurry too. I'm afraid that the message of the god's relatives will spread throughout the city of the hymn, and I don't need to be in a hurry."

At this moment, Song Jian's figure slowly appeared in front of the counter. Seeing this scene, all the appraisers who have not left all focused on him, and they appeared so late, except for the final winner. Is there anyone else?

Uh ...

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