I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1018: Legend drawings

Tong Songjian looked at the appraisers in front of the counter somewhat strangely, and they all looked at themselves with a weird look, as if looking at a monster mixed into the crowd.

"Master!" Tataya stepped forward with excitement, shouting respectfully.

Tong Songjian glanced at Tataya and smiled, "Tataya, we have come out of the assessment world. You are not the hero I recruited now, so you don't need to call me an adult."

"Giggle, is this the human camp lord who finally won the victory and passed the assessment, is it really young!" Princess Melinya came over with a smile, and the people next to her gave way.

Tong Songjian glanced at Mei Linya. Although the young girl was young, the temperament emanating from her body was like a lady, with a feeling of grandeur.

"Just lucky." Song Jian laughed and nodded slightly towards Mei Linya.

"I am the daughter of Archduke Hillai, the city of the hymn, Melinia. I am very glad to know you, the one who loves the gods!" Melinia extended her right hand and passed.

Tong Songjian thought that Melinya was going to shake hands with him, but he soon saw that Melinya's hands were facing up, her wrists were slightly raised, and her entire arm gave a very lazy feeling.

"Kissing salute?" Song Jian's mind suddenly emerged the most common etiquette in the West.

However, Song Jian was not very familiar with this, just reached out and gently held Mei Linya's fingertips and shook it twice.

"Essentially peculiar to the Orientals?" Meilin Yamei stared and smiled.

"I'm Song Jian, the owner of the city of hope. I'm glad to meet you, Her Royal Highness Princess Melinya." Song Jian laughed.

"The Lord of the City? You are an Lord of the City, what a great deal!" Mei Linya was shocked to know that, as a Lord of the City, she already had the qualifications to be fair to her father Hillary.

"It's just a small city just set up, nothing." Song Jian said modestly.

"It's also amazing. I very much hope to be friends with you. Welcome to the city of Anthem. I will certainly treat you well." Mei Linya laughed.

The person in front of his eyes has endless potential, and the "City of Hope" also falls into Mei Linya's eyes. After returning, he will definitely investigate everything in the City of Hope.

"Making a person like this will have a very important role in my inheritance of the Grand Duke in the future." Mei Linya secretly said.

Several people from Tutan also came over and talked with Song Jian. Before the assessment of the world, they were deadly opponents, but after leaving the assessment world, many people saw the potential of Song Jian. Only one person wins. This strength has won the respect of everyone.

"City, the owner?" Tataya was shocked, not expecting that the young man had a real city in front of him, but this was a big man he could not even see.

嘭, 嘭, 嘭 ~

At this moment, the goblin businessman behind the counter, with an impatient expression, yelled angrily with his fingers against the counter desktop: "How long are you guys going to stay here? If you don't leave, I will No way to get off work, time is money, my friend, I am usually busy, please do n’t continue to waste my time, you only have five minutes to buy now. If you exceed the time, all your achievements will be invalidated, please Pick as soon as possible! "

After speaking, the goblin businessman turned towards Song Jian again, with a bright smile on his face: "Of course, as the winner of this assessment, it is not within the time limit. You can carefully check the attributes of these products and make the most Reasonable choice. "

Tutan: "..."

Amelia: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Uh ...

I heard it only for five minutes, and the elites who had originally wanted to come together to make friends with Song Jian and expand their connections, all crowded to the counter and used their military skills to exchange items.

We should know that treasures like this that can only be exchanged for evaluation are not only precious, but also scarce in quantity. Most of them have limited quantities. If they are sold out, later people will not be able to buy them.

"This dark gold-quality long sword is good. I bought it, and I will exchange the remaining combat achievements for the doomsday currency."

"His, is the silver-quality jewelry so expensive, it actually costs 5,400 points of merit? Forget it, buy it. This attribute and special effect are just for my profession. The remaining merit is redeemed for the end. currency!"

"I have this skill book and this handguard, and I have three points of merit to exchange for Doom, thank you!"

Uh ...

After a while, almost all the appraisers had spent their battles and were forcibly transferred out by the goblin merchants. Only Song Jian and Tataya remained on the scene, because they were also the final winners. Tataya was a little dissatisfied, but he couldn't use his power to force him to move out after consumption.

"Master, sir, I don't know if I can continue to be your subordinate as in the assessment world?" Tattaya asked nervously.

Tataya knew in his heart that the man in front of him had a thicker gold thigh than Princess Melinya. If he could hold him, he would have to rely on him for the rest of his life.

"Oh, do you want to join the city of hope? Welcome!" Song Jian laughed. Being able to recruit the indigenous people in the game world, for Song Jian, it is much better in terms of security and practicality, but he is not like it. All people need it, and some special skills are needed.

"Tataya, there is no time to understand you in the assessment world. Can you tell me what you are best at?" Song Jian asked.

大 "Master, www.ltnovel.com ~ I am best at engineering, and I have obtained the qualification of master of engineering." Tataya said proudly.

You know, people who can practice their life profession to the master level are rare even in the game world.

"Is engineering?" Song Jian groaned. After all, he had already recruited a master of engineering, Dr. Ebosdin. If there was another master of engineering, the function would be somewhat duplicated.

However, 歹 is also a master figure, there is no harm in recruiting.

"Yes, Tataya, I can build an engineering laboratory specifically for you. You have the right to choose your own research, but you must know that the City of Hope already has a master of engineering, so the usual research Funding, you need to fight for it yourself, how much can be released in the end, it depends on your research results. "Song Jian nodded.

Already has a master of engineering? Tataya was shocked, but he would not let go of this opportunity, and nodded and said to Song Jian: "Master, please rest assured, I will not let you down."

He said, Tataia seemed to have made up some kind of determination, turned to the counter, and said to the goblin merchant, "Please show me that legendary drawing, thank you!"

Uh ...

Ps: Thank you for the 500 RMB reward

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