I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1020: Sword gasification

It turned out that the original owner of the broken kingdom of God that Song Jian had previously acquired has been extinct in the battle of the gods, and the remaining kingdom and gods of gods and gods of fire have been floating in the void for thousands of years, and then the game system , Which is the creation **** in the eyes of NPC, ingested from the void and sold as a special commodity.

的 There are still many items in the entire world like this, and only those who have achieved outstanding results in the combat performance assessment are eligible for them.

This is a shortcut to the path to the deities, and many ancient families have recorded this aspect.

As for Song Jian's worries about the resurrection of the original owner, it will absolutely not exist. The gods are destroyed, and even the most primitive soul brand is broken. It is equivalent to the person no longer exists in this world. Hundreds of millions of believers pray day and night, and these dead gods cannot be resurrected.

The "resurrection" said by the goblin merchant is a resurrection in another sense, which is actually equivalent to creating another existence that is similar to the kingdom and brain of the kingdom of God. It is not practical to help Song Jian manage the existence of the kingdom of God. Man or shrine.

After some explanation, Song Jian finally understood. Looking at the statue on the counter, he said with a swipe of his mouth, "How much does this godhead need? No, how much is it?"

"Oh, not much. It only takes 100,000 battles, and what I want to point out is that this godhead is only a broken godhead, with only one-tenth of the original power, probably barely equivalent to a weaker godhead. Well, after taking it back, it is best to be pregnant for a period of time, and then merge with the kingdom of God. At the same time, you must be branded with your spirit during pregnancy! "Said the goblin businessman.

"Is it only one-tenth, what about the rest?" Song Jian asked curiously.

"Of course it is broken. The godhead fragment is a good thing. It can be used to create artifacts. It can be used to increase the power of your godhead. It can be used to make **** coins ... but most of the goddess of war has been scattered in the sky. Deep in the void, after you have the power of the deities, you will have the opportunity to search for something in the void, maybe there will be gains! "Said the goblin businessman.

"Become a god?" Song Jian smiled bitterly, shaking his head slightly.

Is only a single occupation, Song Jian is now only touching a corner, as to become a more powerful deity, that is really a long and impractical idea.

"Actually, you have already embarked on the road of deities ..." The goblin businessman said mysteriously, "Don't you think it's strange, why is your assessment different from others every time?"

Song Jian hesitated, and he also found that the special circumstances encountered in the first-level combat capability assessment could be interpreted as good luck, but when the second-level combat capability was evaluated, as soon as he entered the assessment hall, the corresponding assessment door changed. , It feels like it was opened for him.

"Are you saying anything?" Song Jian quickly asked.

"Oh, I ca n’t disclose the specific situation, violations will be punished severely!" The goblin businessman smiled with two mouse beards and smiled: "I can only say that you are on the right path now Just keep it up! Every time you pass the battle assessment, you will pass with excellent results, and you will have a position of your own deity. "

Song Jian was silent for a long time, and finally a smile appeared on his face, and he nodded, and paid 100,000 battles directly, and bought the white jade statue.

Later, the goblin merchant gave a matching method of nourishment and fusion. This is a bonus. It does not require war effort. In fact, these two methods are the secrets that many people have dreamed of, and those who use gods to forge artifacts. The method of using gods to make **** coins is the secret method that can be transmitted between gods.

With more than 10,000 battles left, Song Jian redeemed another dark gold quality skill book and merged it with Wan Jianjue. At this time, Wan Jianjue's proficiency has reached 98%, and only one dark gold quality is required. Skill book, you can upgrade one level.

In addition, the golden skill point that Song Jian obtained after the assessment was not hesitated to point to Wan Jianjue, and raised the level of Wan Jianjue to level 9, at this time Wan Jianjue ’s level was 98% of level 9 .

Level 9 Wanjian Jue can summon 50 to 300 spirit swords, each of which increases the damage of the sword by 10%. At the same time, the additional effect, in addition to deepening the damage, has an additional fragmentation effect. In other words, the Spirit Sword attack has a certain chance to directly break the target apart, which is equivalent to another immortal effect, which is very scary.

"There is also an epic skill book ..." Song Jian put the white jade statue into the parcel box, glanced at the extracted epic skill book lying quietly in the parcel box, his face hesitated. Look.

The skill books drawn are all the skills books of this profession. This book is also the skill of Yujian to make the profession, the sword is gasified. This skill book is a passive skill. After releasing Jian Qi, Jian Qi can evolve into various shapes. While increasing the damage, there will be various damage effects due to the different shapes.

It's just that this "formation" has a lot of randomness and is not controlled by the releaser himself. This makes Song Jian a little bit embarrassed. And now that he possesses the Red Lotus Wan Jian Jue, Song Jian does not lack these attack skills. Instead, he really wanted to get skills like sword shadow avatars and blue dragon sword bodies with special effects.

"Proficiency has been increased to 98%, and upgrading with this epic skill book is a bit extravagant ..." Song Jian hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to learn it first, and if it did n’t feel useful in the future, wait until Wan Jianjue improved again. After swallowing, at least you can avoid waste.

Sword Qi Forming (Passive): Level 1 ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Skill Effect: When you cast any sword Qi skill, it will randomly evolve the shape of all things to increase the sword power and effect; Skill consumption: None, Skill cooldown: None, skill trigger conditions: sword gas attack;

A passive skill, the introduction is simple, and it is a bit shabby. It doesn't look like an epic skill. Song Jian left it behind at a glance, didn't care, and didn't expect anything.

"After the godhead is taken back, conceive it as soon as possible, otherwise this treasure will be sensed by other legendary characters who want to light the fire and become a god, even if there is a means of space isolation!" The goblin businessman reminded again.

"Isn't it safe to put it in the parcel box?" Song Jian nodded, his figure slowly disappeared.

Seeing that the last appraiser also left, the body of the goblin businessman began to change slowly, and the surrounding counters and product shelves began to distort and deform, as if milk was added to a cup of coffee, and the shape of the milk was slower as it was stirred. Slowly twist and deform, forming a vortex-like pattern.

The entire space changed silently, and finally formed a golden palace, and the place where the original local merchants sat, also became a tens of meters wide, a shrine that jumped a hundred meters high. Sitting on the seat of the god, his eyes glowed endlessly like the moon and the sun.

"Finally found an interesting little guy, I hope you can grow up as soon as possible, but there is not much time left for you ..." Throughout the temple, the low voices and laughter of tall oracles echoed.

Uh ...

PS: Thank you for the starting point of 500 rewards

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