I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1022: Undead Mage

Southmia is an undead mage, level 80, and possesses the strength of the second-tier combat power. In fact, three years ago, he already had the ability to challenge the third-tier combat performance assessment, but he did not succeed in the challenge.

"No one can stop me from leading to the legend ..." Sosmia stared at the sheltered black mist rolling in front of her eyes, her face gradually becoming sullen.

Taking out a bone staff, Sosmia summoned several skeleton soldiers with elite bosses. These skeleton soldiers are more than two meters tall, wearing heavy iron armor and holding a heavy sword in their hands. Instead of exuding a black undead breath, it looks like a human reloaded warrior.

Poussosmia did not know that the sheltered black mist had an entrance and exit, thinking that it was a land without a master, and the waves emitted by the fragment of the godhead came from the depths of this land without a master.

With such a powerful defensive facility, if it is normal, Sosmia will bypass even if it encounters such an area. After all, having such a powerful defensive facility also means that the monsters in it are both in quantity and quality. None of them can be explored by a person whose strength has not reached the third-tier combat power.

However, the fluctuation of the godhead fragment has always attracted his attention and made him unable to give up. If he can obtain this godhead fragment, whether it is to absorb and strengthen himself, or to make his own exclusive equipment, or to use it with other People trade, he can get great benefits.

I do n’t know, do n’t say that he has a second-order peak, even those who have reached the third-level combat power, even the legendary combat power, can't refuse the attraction of a **** fragment.

Do know that for those legendary characters who have surpassed the third-order existence, Doomsday Coins have no attraction to them, because the items that Doomsday Coins can buy have no effect on them.

They need to use another currency, the **** coin, which is made from **** pieces. If Sosmia can get a **** piece, it will be a huge wealth for him, which will allow him Easily cross the bottleneck of the second-tier combat power and reach the third-tier combat power.

"Third-level combat performance assessment, I have failed three times, and the next time must not fail again!" Sosmia whispered, as if to encourage herself.

He controlled several powerful skeleton warriors, and Sosmia slowly walked towards the sheltered black mist, and soon the figure disappeared into the black mist.

After entering the dark mist, Sosmia felt many powerful breaths, including the breath of undead that he was most familiar with.

"There are even undead creatures inside?" A smile appeared on the corner of Sosmia's mouth. You should know that as an undead mage, what I do best is to deal with undead creatures.

Within a short time, Sosmia felt that a huge stone man surrounded him and the skeleton warrior he controlled. Each of these stone man monsters had the strength of a 50th-level elite boss. This kind of strength is not much for an 80-level undead mage. At the beginning, he could calmly control several skeleton warriors to hunt and kill these stone people, but soon, he noticed a trace of Strange.

"How can there be so many ..." Sosmia frowned, even if it was only a level 50 elite boss, if it exceeded a certain number, it could still pose a threat to him.

Several skeleton warriors have shown a slump in front of the swarming stoneman guardians. Although the skeleton warriors have no physical exhaustion, at the same time, it is also very difficult to deal with several stonemen. The armor made of magic iron Cracks have begun to appear. I am afraid that it won't be long before these skeleton warriors, which are finally made, will return to the underworld.

"You can't fight hard, you must pass as soon as possible!" Sosmia secretly said, as he controlled the skeleton warrior to prepare for a breakout, he suddenly felt a familiar atmosphere.

A group of huge skeletons more than ten meters tall are slowly moving towards them. Each of these huge skeletons has the strength of a sixty-level lord boss. For Soss, who has not yet broken the peak of the second-order combat power. For Mia, it is definitely a huge threat.

But after feeling these undead creatures, Sosmia not only did not recede, but a look of joy appeared on her face.

"It's an unexpected delight. I didn't expect that such high-quality undead creatures were hidden here. Most importantly, these undead creatures did not have a mastery consciousness. They acted just by instinct, hahaha, it was just sending me war Favorite! "Sosmia laughed wildly.

He originally wanted to continue to summon undead creatures. He stopped immediately. You must know that every time he summons an undead creature from his undead space, it consumes mental energy, and each time he summons a limited number, the more powerful the undead is. Creature, the higher the mental power consumed, and in order to maintain their existence in this world, he also needs to consume a lot of mental power, so although the undead mage is also a legal profession, but it is the most lack of "blue" a mage occupation.

After a while, more than a dozen skeleton lords more than ten meters tall appeared in front of Sosmia. They were holding huge black bone knives about six meters in length, and they faced the skeleton warriors fiercely. Split off.

The strong coercion caused the earth around these skeleton warriors to crack a gap. All the stone men who besieged the skeleton warriors began to flee around. Some stone men who could not stand the strong coercion even collapsed directly. Shattered.

Boom ~

The thunderous thunder sounded in the sheltered black mist, and the skeleton warrior being hacked couldn't even piece together a complete corpse, all shattered into palm-sized bone fragments.

Almost instantly, all skeleton warriors were hacked to death, and Sosmia didn't even have a chance to take them back to the undead space.

A milky soul floated from the bone fragments of Skeleton Warrior, and was about to return to the dead space of Sosmia ~ www.ltnovel.com ~, but was slashed by its skull lord with a big mouth, directly Into the soul of the skeleton warrior.

"It's really powerful!" Sosmia didn't pay attention to the loss of several skeleton warriors. His eyes shone with scarlet light, staring at the dozen or so skeleton lords in front of him, his face exulting. .

"The underworld creature, in the name of Hades Hades, concluded an ancient contract with me, ..." Sosmia said something in her mouth, her withered right hand threw the bone stick directly to one side, and a ray of black light bloomed from her fingertips. A huge and complex magic circle is drawn in front of him.

This is the magic array used by the undead mage to enter into a contract with an undead creature. Once the magic array is formed, it can forcibly conclude a summons contract with any undead creature, which can be included in its own undead space.

However, the undead mage can only enter into contracts with undead creatures who are not weak. For these sixty-level boss bosses, Sosmia has a maximum chance of successful conclusion of only five or five.

It seemed to feel the threat. A dozen skeleton lords turned around, stared at Sosmia, and issued a silent roar towards him. This is a roar that can only be felt by the soul, even more than the "Sorceress of the Banshee". Skills are horrible.

However, the staff that Sosmia lost aside, floated up and stopped in front of Sosmia, while a transparent light curtain bloomed out of the staff, holding Sosmia firmly. .

Uh ...

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