I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1023: Threat

These skeleton lords are not a threat to Sosmia, but rather gifts to the door! You know, even as a powerful undead mage, if there is no material, there is no way to recruit undead creatures out of thin air.

This is why the powerful undead mage always cultivates his own necropolis, which is the same as when the elemental mage reaches a certain level and starts to build his own mage tower.

The construction of the cemetery in Sosmia has not begun, because in this world, the rash construction of a cemetery is very noticeable and may be wanted by all human beings. After all, the establishment of a cemetery requires at least 100,000 people The above bones will do.

However, due to chance, Sosmia opened up a half-plane undead space. Although this undead space occupies a large part of his spiritual power, it has a great effect.

Faced with the attack of more than a dozen skeleton lords, Sosmia did not panic, but began to implement the slavery contract in a hurry.

Under the defensive light curtain released by the staff, Sosmia forcibly signed a master-slave contract with a skeletal lord. Although these skeletal lords can unite and threaten him, but separating each one is not the two at all. The necromancer's opponent at the peak of the first combat power, so the contract was signed smoothly.

However, the price of successfully signing the contract is that all the mana stored in his staff is consumed. In the next twelve disappearances, the nine types of undead magic stored in his staff will not be instantaneous.

"This is really my lucky place!" Sosmia looked at these ten-meter-high powerful skeleton lords, with a smile on her face, and continued to explore in the dark mist.


Song Jian in the basement of the city's main government constantly eroded the fragments of the gods in his hands, while Wang Qi and others waited patiently in the city's main government.

They didn't feel the fluctuation of the godhead, but Song Jian went to participate in the second-level combat assessment, but they all knew that when they saw Song Jian retreat, they thought he had passed the assessment, his strength increased, and he is now adapting to the powerful Strength, so although all of them were waiting, they did not show anxious look, but instead looked relaxed and talked to each other.

At this moment, a man in a white robe suddenly showed a strange color on his face, and looked slightly nervously. He pulled out a palm-sized crystal ball from the parcel box and began to release it towards the crystal ball. Spell up.

This man's name is Liu Zihao. He is the person in charge of the Astrological Tower of the City of Hope. Among the managers, he is regarded as the lower-ranked senior, but his ability cannot be underestimated.

Seeing that Liu Zihao suddenly started casting, all the managers stopped talking, and their eyes gathered on him.

Liu Zihao's occupation is an epic class, a divination master. This occupation does not have much attack power, but he is good at using the power of divination to discover the surrounding threats or things in his favor in advance.

"God stick, what did you find?" A man about the same age as Liu Zihao, after seeing Liu Zihao's casting, couldn't help asking.

"I feel a powerful threat ..." Liu Zihao whispered.

Can be sensed by him, indicating that this powerful threat is not far away from everyone. Everyone was shocked. Everyone who originally felt that there was no opponent in the city of Doom, all came around and looked curiously at the crystal ball. What you want to see is what Liu Zihao describes as a huge threat.

"It is estimated that there are not many threats to us now, right?" A manager said with a smile.

"Unless the ancient red dragon came back again last time, but speaking, what strength that red dragon is, it can't be seen!"

"Can't see through? Well, I don't even dare to look at it. I guess it is at least the peak of the third-order combat power, or even the legendary dragon. Otherwise, how could it release such a powerful Long Wei? "

"That is, I also think it should be legendary. I feel that a dragon's breath can ruin our city once!"

"Don't talk, take a closer look. Liu Zihao's divination still has a hand ..."

Everyone quietly looked at the crystal ball in Liu Zihao's hands. The original transparent crystal ball began to roll up with white mist. Then, the mist gradually turned into black. After a while, all the crystal **** were in the crystal ball. Full of rich black mist.

After looking at it for a long time, the scene in the crystal ball has not changed, and nothing can be seen except the rolling black mist.

"What is this? The huge threat is a cloud of black fog?" Someone finally couldn't help asking.

"Shouldn't it be a monster that can control the black mist?" Someone speculated.

"Hey, how do I look, a bit like the sheltered black fog outside the city?" Someone suddenly called.

Everyone froze and looked carefully. Sure enough, the rolling black mist in the crystal ball was exactly the same as the sheltered black mist around the doomsday city.

"Can it be said that the sheltered haze has changed and is threatening us?"

"It's impossible. The sheltered haze is just an original defense facility of the city of doomsday. It is a dead thing. Until now we have not occupied the entire territory of the city of doomsday. We have not completely controlled the sheltered haze. How could it pose a threat to us? ? "

"I think it's better to close the black mist channel first, in case it comes from the black mist channel?"

After the city of hope was built, it only opened a way to go out through the black mist. This is also because there is a place in the city of hope that borders the sheltered black mist. Otherwise, the system will not allow the city of hope to have such a road.

Wang Qi, as the deputy city owner, naturally has the right to open and close the black mist channel at any time. Soon, he quickly closed the entire black mist channel with an operation. The original ten meters wide road was quickly occupied by the black mist.

However, this did not reduce the sense of threat in Liu Zihao's mind, and the crystal ball was still filled with thick black mist.

"It's not the Black Mist Channel, what's that?"

"Can someone say that someone can cross the sheltered fog?" Someone suddenly exclaimed.

From the perspective of all managers, there is almost no existence of being able to pass through the black mist, because the sheltered black mist is too powerful, not only a wide range, but also can suppress perception, and walk tens of meters in it will completely lose its direction ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ The black mist is still full of corrosive atmosphere, and there are countless boss guards inside. How could anyone pass through the black mist?

"Look at it, there seems to be a figure in the black mist!" Someone yelled at the crystal ball.

Everyone looked towards the crystal ball. In the thick black mist, there seemed to be a figure moving slowly. This figure was wearing a black robe, his face was hidden in a hood, and he was holding a bone stick. Slowly marching in the dark fog.

Suddenly, the figure stopped. He seemed to detect someone peeping, and slowly lowered the hood. A pair of scarlet eyes looked into the air. To everyone, he seemed to be separated by a crystal ball. Look at everyone.

"Interesting ..." Sosmia's dry cheeks showed a smile. He didn't expect that in the dark fog, there were still people who could peep at him. It seemed that if he wanted to get the fragment of the godhead, it would cost him a lot. After all the twists and turns.


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I Have A Doomsday City Hair Lost Chapter 1023

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