I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1024: Intrusion

Seeing the scarlet eyes in the black mist, everyone felt a strong evil breath coming through the crystal ball.

"Damn, this kind of existence is not something we can deal with ..."

"I feel that its strength is not as good as that ancient red dragon, but it is stronger than all of us on the scene. I am afraid that no one except its owner is its opponent!"

"Nonsense, being able to penetrate the existence of sheltered black mist, how could those of us who have only first-order combat power be able to deal with it"

"Notify the city defense forces that the rail gun is on, ready to fire at any time, and turn on the first-level alert!" Wang Qi issued an orderly order.

The entire city of hope is like a huge machine that slowly starts to move, the teleportation array is temporarily closed, a hired npc city defense army embarks on the wall, and the huge magic crystal railgun also enters the state of energy storage. .

"Sir, I think with the means we have now, we can only stop it temporarily, and we cannot fight it back ..." Liu Zihao whispered to Wang Qi.

As a diviner, Liu Zihao can accurately predict the outcome of everything. For Wang Qi, this ability can play a very good supporting role and help him make a useful judgment on the city of hope.

"You mean, the city of hope may be destroyed because of it," Wang Qi frowned, asking in a low voice.

"No, I mean, we need to hold it, the longer the better!" Liu Zihao's forehead was blue, his face was uncomfortable, and the pupils of both eyes were covered with a touch of white.

"It's very powerful, but it hasn't reached the point where it can destroy the city. We still have vitality!" Liu Zihao shuddered and continued to say, "The master of the city is strong enough to deal with him, as long as we can drag the master out of the city, this crisis Can pass ... "

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Zihao rolled his eyes and fell down softly.

Wang Qi hugged him and instructed the servants in the city's government to take Liu Zihao down to rest. Each time he used his ability, he would exhaust all his energy. Sometimes, in order to accurately predict the direction of the event, he would even consume Liu Zihao's anger. Blood value, and this consumption is permanent, that is, each time an accurate prediction is made, Liu Zihao's upper limit of blood value will be permanently reduced.

"Huh, does that mean that every time the city of hope is in crisis, you can only rely on Song Jian alone." Wang Qi's expression was ugly. This sense of powerlessness made him feel a little hesitant. "Try to delay time as much as possible. ... "


There was a roar in the distance, and even the ground of the main city shuddered slightly.

"Railgun, this is the railgun fired, the enemy appeared!"

"Let's take a look at the city walls as well, who is the sacred one who dares to violate the city of hope alone?"

All the managers have left the city's main house and rushed towards the wall.

Wang Qi was the last one to come to the wall. Outside the high wall was a ruin of the city that had not yet been captured. Several skeleton warriors, almost tall with the wall, were slowly approaching the wall.

A man wearing a black robe with a bone staff, surrounded by this group of skeleton warriors, stood a hundred meters away from the city wall, and a pair of scarlet eyes glowed a strange light from under the hood.

"The figure shown in the crystal ball ..." Wang Qi sank in his heart.

Sosmia looked at the tall walls with a look of surprise in her eyes.

"It turned out to be a human city" This was not the same as he had previously expected. He thought that this was a ruined city and that there should be no other humans.

"I thought my enemies were a group of monsters. I didn't expect it to be a group of humans, ha ha ha ha ..." Sosmia burst out laughing.

What could be more surprising for an undead mage than encountering an unknown human city

This city is an unexplored treasure for Sosmia, and all humans are his material for making undead creatures.

"Skull warriors, ghosts, death knights, and endless research materials are in front of me. Maybe the population of this city is enough for me to build a top necropolis!" Sosmiahaha laughed.

Just when Sosmia was ecstatic, a deafening roar sounded, and a tall skeleton less than ten meters away was suddenly hit by a beam of light. The huge body ten meters tall was directly hit by this. Into powder.

"Magic Rail Gun" Sosmia's face showed a shocked look. This level of city defense cannons can only be owned by those top cities. In front of this, it seems that this human city has just been established. How can it be Such a big killer

Although he already has the peak of the second-order combat power, the magic crystal railgun is still a threat to him. If he is hit in the front, although he will not be slain like these giant skeleton warriors, Sosmia will also be seriously injured.

Thinking of this, Sosmia's figure suddenly turned into a cloud of black mist, slowly dissipating from its place.

The moment his figure dissipated ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ a beam hit him where he stood before, blasting the ground out of a huge pit.

Boom, boom, boom

The huge roar of the magic crystal railgun sounded one after another, and Sosmia's face hidden in the void was somber and terrible. The dozen or so skeleton warriors who had been recruited with great difficulty, were only caught in the moment he hid. Eliminated half.

"How can there be so many magic crystal railguns, is there a magic crystal mine in the other city?" Sosmia roared angrily.

With a thought, the remaining five or six skeleton warriors were all included in the undead space.

After receiving so many tall skeleton warriors, he immediately gave him a feeling that the space of the undead was about to burst out. He quickly released a dozen ordinary skeleton warriors and let them go to death to free up some space.

"Well, as long as I can build this city into a necropolis, by then, there will be as many undead creatures as wanted!" Sosmia's eyes showed an excited look, as if a gust of wind was rushing towards the city of hope go with.

Although the city of hope has a magic crystal railgun, but other defenses are too few, Sosmia turned into a gust of wind, and easily passed over the tall walls and entered the city of hope.

Everyone looked nervously towards the exterior of the city, without even realizing that Sosmia had entered the city of hope.

"The most critical thing now is the **** fragment, grasp the **** fragment first, then spread the plague in this city, and turn this whole city into a city of the undead!" Sosmia glanced at the city in mid-air. In the bustling scene, the look of excitement in his eyes grew stronger.

In the mid-air, I sensed the position of the fragment of the godhead slightly, and Sosmia blew a gust of wind, and flew towards the main city where Song Jian was located.



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