I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1025: disappear

"He disappeared, was we driven away?" Someone squinted his eyes at the ruins of the doomed city in the distance.

"Maybe, even if he is more powerful, facing so many magic crystal railguns, I am afraid that he will temporarily retreat ..." Another smile appeared in the corner of another person's mouth.

"Turn on all detection methods and explore the position of that guy!" Wang Qi still looked dignified, looking at the large pit in the distance. He knew that the magic crystal railgun of the City of Hope did not cause any damage to the mage. It was just a few summoners that killed him.

Just then, a shout came from the city's main government, and the ground began to tremble slightly. There seemed to be something rising from the ground.

"It's Alex, that guy is attacking the city's main house!" Wang Qi came to understand instantly and roared loudly.

Everyone was horrified and did not expect that the mage had actually reached the city main mansion and had already fought against the **** ghost tree of the city main mansion.

The city of hope, the main city!

Almost all the blood slaves ran towards the city's main government. The **** ghost poison tree Alix had stood up from the Lingtian. The thick tree roots condensed into two thick thighs, and the branches condensed into two thick. His arm, on his body, a magic vine with a stiffened steel bar, was used as a weapon, and he swung fiercely towards a cloud of black mist in the air.

"It's amazing, there are still people, no, this is a strange creature that can discover my existence ..." Sosmia's hoarse voice sounded in the air.

The black mist rolled, condensing into a figure wearing a black robe in the mid-air, the bone stick in his hand was a little bit fierce towards Alex, and suddenly a black lightning, like a long arrow, shot at Alex.


The magic vine drew an arc in the air, and it was drawn fiercely on the black lightning. After a roar, the magic vine issued a sharp hissing sound, and the thick green juice was sprayed in the air. Obviously this blow caused it a lot Heavy injury.

The damage of the magic vine seemed to anger Alex, and his right hand waved towards Sothemiya in the air. The original thick arm suddenly disintegrated and became dozens of adult branches with thick leaves and tentacles. .

"Makuten!" A roar erupted from Alix's body, and dozens of branches and tentacles shot towards Southmia, spreading like a spider web, covering the whole of Southmia.

At the same time, a green poisonous mist began to radiate from the branches and leaves, covering the entire area. At the same time, small branches penetrated into the body of Sosmia. While drawing vitality, it also affected Sosmia. Constantly releases corrosive energy.

"Really ..." Sosmia looked at the densely pierced branches in her body, and a weird smile appeared on her dry face. "A novel experience, your attack, makes me feel like I am still a living person!"

"It's a bit of a reluctance to feel like this ..." Sosmia even let go of her body's defense and allowed more branches to pierce her body. Soon, it looked like a hedgehog and was covered with wooden thorns.

Alex was desperately trying to absorb the energy of life in Sosmia's body, but no matter how hard it worked, no half of the life energy flowed out of Sosmia's body.

Soon, all the wooden thorns that penetrated Sosmia were stained with a light gray, and these grays spread at a very fast speed along the wooden thorns toward the branches of Alex.

Gray energy continued to erode the leaves and branches of Alex's spreading out, and soon to erode his subject.

This made Alex feel threatened, roared loudly, and a sound of cracking came from the air.

"Uh, uh, uh ..."

As if the steel bars were broken, all the branches were disconnected from the main body of Alex in an instant, and the original thick right hand left only a bare section at this time.

The branches eroded by gray energy in the air seemed to have self-awareness, and began to condense and entangle with each other, turning into a treeman more than two meters tall, exuding the smell of gray undead.

"Well, the response was quick ..." Sosmia glanced at the newly born Necroman in front of him and said to Alex.

Even with the magic vine, Alex has only the strength of the first-order combat power, not Sosmia's opponent at all.

This made Southmia even more confident in obtaining the fragments of the godhead.

Soon, Sosmia felt that the guards of the entire city began to gather towards the main city of the city, and his face suddenly changed. He shook his head and said, "The end of the game, the owner of this castle, hasn't he appeared. If you If you can call out the fragments of Godhead, and save me some trouble, I can let you continue to be the ruler of this city! "

"Of course, as an undead cares the necropolis for me!" Sosmia added in his heart.

Just then, the Bloody Ghost Poison Tree roared suddenly, waving its intact left arm, like a giant axe, swinging towards Sosmia.

The sturdy left arm turned into a tens-meter-long dragon for a moment, and pressed down towards Sosmia's head ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The low whistling sounded, and the sound boom made even the far away People hundreds of meters away also felt dizzy.

When Sosmia's face changed, her body turned into a black mist again, and Alex's left arm passed through it, and the energy ripped the black mist away.


There was a loud noise. On the street near the city's main house, he was severely smashed by Alex's left arm. A huge gap of tens of meters appeared on the ground. Bricks and stones on the street were crushed into gravel. The window glass shook into powder in an instant.

The scattered black mist rolled in the air for a long time before re-aggregating again and re-condensing into the shape of Sosmia.

At this time in Sosmia, a scar more than a foot long appeared in the left arm, and the wound was slowly exuding a slight green breath.

There was no blood flowing out of the wound, but with the wound as the center, there were green lines like branches, which were slowly spreading around.

"Somewhat interesting. In your attack, there is a space force ..." The anger in Sosmia's heart was burning, but a smile appeared on her face.

The grey spirit of the undead began to diffuse from his body, and a low, weird curse echoed over the city's main government. Sosmia was preparing to release the undead scourge directly, and completely destroy the city's main government. Everyone is infected with the Plague of Plague, and becomes a dead creature directly.

At this moment, Sosmia's action suddenly stagnates, and he finds that the fragment of the godhead that had always been within his sensing range disappeared suddenly, as if the previous inductions were all hallucinations.

"Why, how can this be ..." Sosmia's face looked sloppy, turning her head towards the place where the fragment of the godhead had disappeared.



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