I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1026: adhere to

Sosmia was looking in the direction of the main city of the city of hope, Song Jian's safe house, and the manor castle.

The breath of the **** fragment disappeared, and it was only possible that it was absorbed by people, otherwise, even if it was placed in a plane-like space like a parcel, it would emit its unique energy fluctuations.

"Damn, how could it be so fast!" Sosmia's face was gloomy and terrible. He came out of the sheltered black mist and found only the city of hope, only a surprise in his heart. The idea was to create his own necropolis, but he did Note that since the fragment of the godhead is a wave of energy emanating from the city, it is highly likely that it has been obtained and is absorbing the fragment of the godhead.

When he realized that the energy fluctuations of the fragment of the godhead had disappeared, he suddenly realized this, and could not help but regret it.

"I knew that I should destroy this place directly, first get the God Fragment and then ..." Sosmia was smashing, and felt that the duck in his mouth flew like this, and suddenly there was an urge to destroy the world.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly stood over the city main mansion. Within the safe house, Song Jian could teleport at will. Here is his territory, where he can control everything.

"Second-order peak" Song Jian was surprised. Although he could not see the level of Sosmia, he was still familiar with the breath fluctuations emitted by the second-order peak. After all, he had seen second-order in other worlds. Even third-order strong.

"Unexpectedly, the fragment of the godhead really attracted a big fish!" Song Jian laughed.

The energy fluctuation of the godpiece fragment is not infinitely spread, but has a certain range, and only the strong within this range can sense its existence.

Song Jian originally thought that his mental strength was eroding the fragments of the godhead fast enough, but he did not expect to attract other people's puppets.

At this moment, Alex sent a feeling of grievance and help to Song Jian. Song Jian looked down, and the **** ghost tree, Alex, looked very miserable at this time, almost half of the branches and leaves had been broken and disappeared. No, the leaves on the remaining branches were almost gone, and the surface of the body was exuding a strong breath of death. It looked like it was about to die.

Although I know that Alex has a strong vitality and can be reborn if he has a root system, Song Jian felt it in the basement just now. If there was no Alex, the whole manor castle might be South. Mia was ruined, and he couldn't have successfully stamped the fragment of the godhead on his own mark.

"Well, don't be sad, watch me take revenge for you!" Song Jian said to Alex.

Alex was originally Song Jian's strongest support, but as time passed, Stoneman and the Black Dragon could follow Song Jian to fight, and his strength has been continuously improved, but Alex has been guarding the manor castle. Over time, its strength is also improving, but the speed of this improvement is really too slow to keep up with Song Jian's progress.

"You are ..." Sosmia stared at Song Jian, seeing that the other party was only a human of level 50, who had just stepped into the second-tier combat power, and was relieved.

But before he finished speaking, he heard a murderous rage in the air.

Yehuo Honglian, Wan Jianjue!

Suddenly, a dense and translucent spirit sword emerged from the manor castle, and the dark red red lotus industry fire was burning on each spirit sword.

Seeing this scene in front of him, a blank space suddenly appeared in Sosmia's mind. He couldn't believe his eyes, how could the other party master such terrible skills.

"Biography, legendary skills ..." Sosmia's eyes began to look terrified, and the figure suddenly turned into a dark mist, trying to escape.

However, after he turned into a dark mist, countless flame-laden spirit swords crossed an arc in the air. There was no such dense sword that collided with each other in the air, and a stroke was drawn in mid-air. Mysterious track.

Sosmia's incarnation was not fast after the black mist. Before she escaped ten meters, she was surrounded by countless spirit swords, and a red lotus cage trapped him in the air.

Sosmia was forced to show her humanoid shape, and a smile was squeezed from her dry face, and she said "maybe there is a misunderstanding between us ..."

Before the words are finished, a bright red lotus flower slowly blooms in mid-air. The red lotus petals and green lotus leaves emit a dazzling light.

Song Jian's eyes narrowed, he found that the karma red lotus sword array at this time seemed more vivid and more specific than before, the veins on each lotus petal and each lotus leaf were clearly visible, as if it were a true flower Red lotus blooming.

"This is because Wan Jianjue's level has increased, or because ..." Song Jian suddenly thought of the "sword gasification" skill that he had previously learned.

"The Lotus Sword Formation also evolved from the sword spirit!" Song Jian suddenly realized.


There was a roar in the Red Lotus Sword Formation, and Sosmia apparently gave up the negotiations and began to dismantle the violence directly. Countless strong undead powers permeated the Sword Formation, but there was no leak at all. Www.mtlnovel .com ~ The power of the Red Lotus Sword Formation has been increased by at least 30, and it is also stronger. If it was before, maybe he was rushed out ... "Song Jian's mouth appeared with a smile, and his eyes were intent. Staring at the Red Lotus Sword Formation, want to see the changes behind.

In the Red Lotus Sword Formation, swords and swords continued to chop in the direction of Sosmia, but was blocked by him constantly releasing undead creatures. Now is not the time to save mental energy. , Constantly summoning undead creatures from the undead space, blocking the swords for yourself.

I don't know how long after that, the sword array finally changed. Sosmia's cheek was cut with a three-inch sword mark. When she saw the sword's array began to change, Sosmia finally showed a smile.

"Hold on, ha ha ha, I finally resisted!" Sosmia grinned.

At this time, the space of the undead was thin, and the undead creatures that had spent almost ten years of work accumulated were all consumed, leaving only seven or eight ten-meter-high skeleton guards.

"Damn, once I get out of trouble, I must turn all the people in this city into servants of the undead!" Sosmia said with a distressed expression.

At this moment, the Red Lotus Sword Formation began to slowly close together, and Sosmia's face changed greatly, even though it was not over!

"This should be the last big move. As long as I carry it, I can get out of sleep!" Sosmia shouted with a sullen face, summoned all the skeleton guards and surrounded herself.

Several skeleton guards began to surround each other holding hands together, and the white bones on their bodies also changed and twisted and interspersed with each other. After a short time, a round white bone cage held Sosmia firmly. Protected inside.


ps thanks for the "starting speed snail" 500 reward coin


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