I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1028: end

As soon as the Jianqi Stone Tower descended from the sky and suppressed Sosmia, Song Jian suddenly heard a sound in his mind, which sounded like a system prompt, but there were obvious differences.

"Kill, still devour"

Song Jian's "Clam"

After a while, that voice sounded in Song Jian's mind again. This time, it seemed a little impatient.

Song Jian's gaze fell on the Jianqi Stone Tower with a diameter of more than ten meters in the distance, and it seemed that the sound came from the Jianqi Stone Tower.

"This is just the evolution of my sword energy. How does it feel as if I have self-awareness? Is it that the spiritual power is eroding the fragment of the godhead too fast, causing hallucinations?" Song Jian was surprised.

When that voice was repeated a third time, and already a little angry, Song Jiangui responded in a dizzy manner to his mind and said, "Swallow!"


There was a roar of Jianqi Stone Tower. Song Jian saw that the first door of the stone tower was opened, a broken black soul was sucked into the first floor by the stone tower, and then "clicked", the door closed tightly again. .

From within the stone tower, there came a horrified roar of Sosmia, but the voice was getting smaller and smaller, and eventually, with the disappearance of the sword gas stone tower, it could no longer be heard.

"Swallowing time, three hours and seven minutes, expected to gain proficiency 8" The voice sounded in Song Jian's mind again, this time with a little joy.

"Proficientness is the proficiency of Wan Jianjue, which can swallow enemies and improve proficiency." Song Jian's face appeared a look of surprise.

You know, as Wan Jianjue gets higher and higher, it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain skills that can improve its proficiency. Wanjian Jue, already at level nine, can only upgrade even the gold-quality skills. Less proficient.

Now Wan Jianju's proficiency level has reached 98. Until another level is promoted, I am afraid that the gold level skills will not be able to obtain proficiency. Epic level skills are required.

You know, epic skills are now invaluable but there is no market. Occasionally a book is also a sky-high price. Even if Song Jian is the owner of the city of hope, it is impossible to buy an epic skill for himself with the capital of the entire city.

More importantly, Wan Jianjue after the tenth level is not an epic skill, it can be upgraded. At least ten or more can be used to upgrade one level.

Now that he can devour enemies and improve his proficiency, this makes Song Jian inexplicably relieved. Wan Jianjue is the most powerful attack method of Song Jian. If Wan Jianjue cannot be improved over time, then the skill power will appear. Can't keep up with Song Jian's increasing speed.

"However, this method is not easy. If you want to devour the enemy and improve the proficiency of Wan Jianjue, the other party can at least reach the level of the evolving sword gas stone tower ..." Song Jian thought for a while, and sighed. Not even the 50th-level **** boss has the strength to carry the sword gas stone tower, let alone other monsters in the city of doomsday.

"At least the second-order peak, or even the third-level combat enemies can improve proficiency." Song Jian secretly thought about it.

However, in addition to such powerful enemies, the number of cards in the back hand is endless. Once they are not killed, they are simply giving themselves to the city of hope and causing a great deal of trouble.

"Forget it, when you meet, at least one more way to improve Wanjianjue's level." Song Jian shook his head and looked at the streets and buildings that were seriously damaged in front of him.


The aftermath was all handed to Wang Qi. After appeasing the residents in the city, all the high-rises of the city of hope came to the conference room of the city's main mansion.

This invasion exposed too many problems in the city of hope. The first is sheltered black mist. Originally, it was thought that no one could walk through the sheltered black mist for several kilometers and entered the city of hope. I did not expect that there was only a second-order peak. The undead mage has such strength, so the enemies of the third and even legendary tiers higher than the second tier, sheltering the black mist is almost undefended for them.

"This point, when the ancient Red Dragon visited, we should have thought of it earlier!" Wang Qiqi said in a low tone, "but we were all shocked by its strength at that time, without considering this aspect ..."

"In addition to not being able to rely entirely on sheltering from the dark fog defense, our city wall defense also has very large loopholes. Although the magic crystal railgun is powerful, if the enemy has other means, it can still easily enter the city ..."

"I think the sewer in the city is also a hidden danger. A large part of the sewer in the territory of the City of Hope is connected to the old city of the Doomsday ..."

One problem after another was put on the table. Everyone actively discussed and discussed the solution. Song Jian sat on the main seat, but his mind had entered the broken kingdom of God.

The broken kingdom of God at this time is completely the same as when it was just obtained, and it is no longer the same as the barren and desolate, and it will soon collapse.

Green mountains and green waters, lake herbs, except for almost no living things, the kingdom of God seems to be a paradise.

These are the gods fragments that have repaired the entire kingdom of God. At the same time after repairing the entire kingdom, the remaining gods fragments have turned into a bright sun hanging high above the kingdom of God.

"The area of ​​the entire kingdom of God is only about 50 square kilometers, which is equivalent to a huge island ..." Song Jian's heart floated over the kingdom of God, overlooking the entire land.

At this moment, the kingdom of God is surrounded by a layer of transparent light curtain ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ There is an endless abyss outside the light curtain, and there will even be a small amount of broken stones falling off the light curtain on the edge of the kingdom of God, and it will fall into the endless abyss.

This is because Song Jian has no divine power and cannot maintain the existence of the kingdom of God. The energy of the fragment of the godhead alone can not only repair the damage of the kingdom of God, but also delay the time of the collapse of the kingdom of God.

"According to this speed of collapse, I am afraid that in a few hundred years, this kingdom of God will completely collapse, unless I get another fragment of the godhead, or even condense the godhead myself, and light the fire ..." Song Jian secretly said.

However, it is obviously much more difficult to gather the gods and light the fire than to find the **** fragments.

This is not a deity, but I get the headache of the deities. Even if I have it, I don't have the right to keep it for too long. In the end, I have nothing.

"Is this the thing that mortals do not have the right to sacrifice deities?" Song Jian could not help but grin.

Just then, Song Jian suddenly felt that someone was calling him in the conference room.

"City Lord, City Lord, do you think this matter should attract our attention? In addition, the preliminary work of these infrastructures is ready, and you need to open permissions ..." Wang Qi's voice echoed in Song Jian's ear , Immediately pulled his mind back to the conference room.

"Yes, everything will be discussed as everyone ..." Song Jian nodded expressionlessly.

At this moment, all players' ears suddenly burst into a thunderous explosion, making everyone's face change.

System announcement Abyss Hell player Doru, complete epic quest, the last wish of the devil! Gain the Abyss Demon Inheritance.

System announcement Abyss Demon Lord Doro gains the ability to create an abyss channel. The expansion pack Abyss Shadow enters the final chapter "Abyss Invasion". Please be prepared for all players!


ps thanks for the "starting speed snail" 500 reward coin


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