I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1029: Choice

The abyss channel is open

Everyone's heart was stunned, this was a precursor to the beginning of war!

If it's just a game, no one will care, but will be excited, and new games will appear.

But this game is deadly!

"City Lord, we should now occupy all the remaining doomsday cities as soon as possible, otherwise ..." Wang Qi said immediately.

Song Jian suddenly realized that in the old city of the doomsday city, there are still many copies of the abyss ghost shadow. These copies are equivalent to the bridgeheads of the abyss **** in the game world. They will be opened one by one by the people of the abyss **** in the future. Become an abyss channel.

"There are still a few copies of the abyss shadow in the old city, and how many copies of the abyss shadow in the wild around the city," Song Jian asked quickly.

You know, in addition to the old city of the doomsday city, there are many copies of the abyss in the wild, and there are countless copies of the abyss in the entire game world. This was originally a disaster that was bound to be unavoidable.

"The old city still has a third of the area, there are five copies of the third-level abyss, and there are three copies of the fourth-level, the problem is not big, but the copies of the abyss shadows outside the dark fog shelter ten kilometers. Inside, there are more than twenty ... "Wang Qi looked at the information in his hand and said ugly.

"How many of these copies have been cleared?" Song Jian asked.

"Most of them are in the hands of the players. After they occupy them, they will receive the entrance tickets. One person is about three hundred doomsday coins!" Wang Qi said.

Most of these copies of the abyss have a cooling time. After entering one, they will have a cooling time of hours or even days, but even so, there are players who have the entry qualifications for five or six abyss shadows. There are tens of thousands of yen!

"Explore with those players who occupy the copy. Once the abyss channel is opened, the copy they control will become the channel exit. It has no value. At this time, it can be bought at a low price and then directly destroyed!" Song Jian said.

Depending on the level of the abyss shadow copy, the level of the open deep channel is different, and the number of passes that can pass at one time is also different.

The lower the level of the copy, the higher-level abyss creatures cannot pass. Some powerful lord-level abyss creatures can only enter and exit through the abyss channel above level 4. Like the only fifth-level copy in the city center before, it can be opened. The largest abyss channel, allowing the abyssal creatures of the demon class to enter and exit.

"Okay, that's it!" Wang Qi nodded. The fewer abyss passages around the city of hope, the safer the future.

"The old city must be fully captured as soon as possible, so that the defense system before the Doomsday City can be fully used. The sheltered black mist is now only in a passive defense state. Once it is turned on, even if it is a strong third-tier force, I am afraid Can't get in easily! "Song Jian said after thinking about it.

"Understand. At most two weeks, the entire city of Doom can be completely occupied and become a city of hope!" Wang Qi nodded and said, "By then, the entire city can accommodate millions of people, but the pressure of defense will be very high. Big!"

After all, the bigger the city, the longer the walls, and the more defensive power needed.

"Recruit npc guards as much as possible, and build more magic crystal railguns. In addition, how is the magic crystal mining now?" Song Jian asked.

"Very well, about 300 kilograms of magic crystal ore can be mined every day!" Wang Qi said.

Magic crystal is a strategic resource and will not circulate on the market at all. In addition to manufacturing the magic crystal railgun and magic crystal shell, magic crystal is used in many places such as alchemy, enchanting, and forging.

No matter how much is mined, the magic crystal will always be in short supply.

A group of people held a full morning meeting, and after all the issues were determined, the people dispersed and Song Jian breathed a sigh of relief.

He has never had experience as a manager, and he always throws his hands on the shopkeeper. The actual executive of the entire city of hope is Wang Qi. If it is not the city ’s seal, holding power in this way, I ’m afraid it wo n’t be long. It is dead.

In the Broken God's Kingdom, on a lush meadow, a woman in a white shirt looked up at the light mass above her head, motionless.

That is the sun evolved from the fragment of the godhead. Although it is smaller than the ordinary sun, it is more than enough to provide light and heat to the kingdom of God that is only 50 or 60 square kilometers.

The kingdom of God has been bound to Song Jian. With one mind, he can see the whole kingdom of God. If there is any abnormality in the kingdom of God, he cannot escape his eyes, but this is the woman in white clothes. Standing generously on the grassland of the kingdom of God, Song Jian didn't notice it, as if she didn't exist at all.

For a long time, a heavy sigh sounded, and the woman's figure slowly disappeared into place, as if it had never appeared.

As for the systematic things, Song Jian has always been at ease, and hasn't noticed that in his own kingdom of God ~ www.ltnovel.com ~, there is something he doesn't know.

After having a morning meeting, Song Jian felt very tired, feeling more tired than the monster who cut it all day and night.

The abyss channel is open, there is still a period of time, this is the time left for players in the game world to prepare, but also the time for the abyss players to build the abyss channel.

At this time in the abyss hell, everyone, whether the player or other abyss creatures, issued a shout of earth-shattering shouts when they were notified by the system.

They have been waiting for this moment for too long, and many people are eager to return to the game world. Compared with the game world, the resources in the abyss **** are too scarce.

Almost everyone passively accepted the task of collecting resources and rewarding different items according to the amount of collected resources. This is almost the collection of the power of the abyss to build the abyss channel.

Doru has also become the hero of the entire abyss hell. His name is sung in many abyss npc mouths. The seven abyss demon kings have fallen. Doru now has the inheritance of the abyss demon king. Maybe in the future, he can unify the whole abyss **** and become abyss **** The only king.

However, at this time, Dulu was staring at a flame throne in an abandoned palace, and in the deep, he found the guardian temple of the abyss that Song Jian had once visited. The inheritance of the abyss demon is in this flame. On the throne.

But what made Douru embarrassed was that on the throne of flames in front of him, he had the inheritance of seven abyss demons at the same time, each of which was at least a legendary grade, which made him feel distressed.

The phantoms of the abyss demons floated in the air, staring at Doru tightly, waiting for him to make a choice.

"This, this is really the pain of happiness. Which devil's heritage should I choose?" The corner of Dulu's mouth twitched slightly, and it was difficult to make a decision for a while.



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