I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1030: influences

The inheritance of the Seven Abyss Demon Kings, in this way Chiguoguo was placed in front of Dulu, and a pair of Ren Jun picked it at will, which made Dulu feel embarrassed.

Duluu looked at the inheritance of the demon kings one by one in the Abyss Guardian Temple. Song Jian was already a bit burned at this time. The abyss channel was about to open. Dozens of kilometers around the city of hope, even copies of the abyss within hundreds of kilometers. Once destroyed, the amount of this task was too great.

And after the invasion of the undead mage, many problems have been exposed, and they need to be corrected one by one. In addition, one third of the doomsday city is not completely occupied, and everything is piled up together. , People have a feeling of breathlessness.

But just when it takes time and you need to race against time, all players receive a system announcement at the same time, because the final chapter of the abyss invasion comes, the game needs to be closed for twelve hours!

Five minutes after the game announcement was issued, all players were kicked off the line, which made Song Jian back in the real world feel a little embarrassed. This was the first time that the game was actively kicked off the line.

"Damn, do you still need a server upgrade?" Song Jian sat up from the bed and couldn't help cursing.

You know, many people no longer treat it as a game, but a real world. Now Song Jian spends more time in the game than in the real world. After all, the time flow on both sides is not the same. same.

This brought him back to the real world, instead he had a slight sense of discomfort.

Song Jian was in a sweet shop at this time, but it looks like this little girl is not in the shop. The shop is very quiet. It stands to reason that everyone was kicked out by the game at the same time. Only in the game.

"This little Nizi, owes me so much money, do you know to hide?" Song Jian snorted coldly and walked towards the next building, where his residence was.

Seeing Song Jian's departure, the sweet figure in the shop slowly appeared, patting his **** and exhaling.

"If it wasn't for the **** hidden task, how could I owe you so much money, huh, Cuibao bamboo leaves are really a treasure. Without it, this task can be dangerous, but how do I get this money? Ah, I'm sad! "Meng Tiantian looked sad and sighed, and for a while she didn't know what to do.

Completed an epic hidden mission, Meng Tiantian ’s strength has increased greatly, but the cost is also very large, millions of doomsday coins, converted into realistic Chinese currency, it is probably tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. For the money, Meng Tiantian couldn't get it all at once, so he had to avoid Song Jian first.

"I knew I wouldn't recommend the building next door!" Meng Tiantian patted his head and confessed.

When Song Jian chose a residence, it was still a suggestion given by Tiantian. Now it seems that he really feels like he has shot himself in the foot.

I do n’t know who built this overseas island. Most of the people who live in it are gamers, and most of them are professional life players.

Many countries have already begun to implement the Game Player Registration Act. As long as they are players of this game, they must actively register with the relevant departments, and at the same time be subject to state surveillance.

This is almost like a bomb exploding among the players, which immediately caused dissatisfaction and resistance of all players, but most players do not have the strength of Song Jian. Without the game equipment bonus, many people also Impossible to fight against state machines.

However, such as Song Jian has reached the existence of second-order combat power, each pass is passed with an evaluation of s and above, the highest point of its own attributes has exceeded 200. Such a person is simply a humanoid nuclear bomb, even if Song Jian Nothing reveals the identity of his player.

However, there are too few players with such strength as Song Jian. Many people have just passed the first-level combat assessment, and their attributes are only 50 or 60. For ordinary people, they are already considered superman, but in Lost the equipment bonus, but can not fight the more powerful hot weapons.

Song Jian doesn't want to be stared at by everyone around him every day. The powerful perception can make him know all the actions of everyone around him. Even if someone is holding a high-powered telescope to monitor from a long distance, as long as he watches Song Jian for a little time Long, he will be sensed.

This feeling of being monitored at any time, for Song Jian, he really didn't want to experience it, and he didn't want to conflict with the country, so he just walked out. As a tourist, it was totally unexpected joy to discover this small island.

When I came to this small building next to the Mengtiantian store, Song Jian looked up and down. This is a three-story stone building that looks a little humble, but there is a small empty space in front of and behind the small building, which can be used for Plant some flowers.

Being able to own such a small building in the hinterland of an island is already quite amazing.

"Ordinary flowers and plants, I'm afraid I can't support them here, I can only grow some special herbs!" Song Jian walked into the courtyard, glanced at the open space, secretly in his heart.

As soon as he entered the building, Song Jian felt a faint sense of undead. For Song Jian who had killed and had no idea how many undead creatures ~ www.ltnovel.com ~, this kind of breath can be felt even by the weakest.

Raise your right hand, and a dazzling sword light shines at your fingertips. The golden sword air is like a breeze, which blows across the small building instantly, and a scream screams out of the small building, some hiding in the dark The ghost of ghosts couldn't bear such a sharp sword attack, and the soul flew away.

As for the ghost that Meng Tiantian said, it is impossible to survive in such a sword atmosphere, Song Jian is very relieved about this.

After some cleaning and cleaning, Song Jian officially moved to this small island.

In the evening, Song Jian turned on the TV with some boring news.

"... A plague has occurred in a certain place in Africa. As of 22 o'clock, 3,600 people have been infected with this plague. The people infected with the plague are manifested as bloodthirsty, unconscious, severely dehydrated, and have strong Offensive ... "

"... A strange creature appeared on Jecheon Island, which looks like a wild boar, but is full of scales and has a strong sense of territory ..."

"... A terrorist attack occurred in Tokyo, Japan, and a violent explosion at the Ginza building at 11 am. It was suspected that the two men's fighting triggered the terrorist attack. It was officially disclosed that the incident was caused by Japan's largest terrorist organization, the Alliance of Gods' Supporters. Cause ... "

After watching the news for a while, Song Jian turned off the TV. This game has an increasing impact on the real world. Song Jian doesn't know if it is good or bad. There is always a bad feeling in his heart, as if something big will happen.

"With more and more players, more and more powerful, the impact on the real world is getting more and more ..., hey, how disasterful and difficult!" Song Jian sighed, secretly in his heart.


ps thanks the "bread84" for the 100 starting coins


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