I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1032: Knight of the Light

Seeing Song Jian's appearance and walking towards his own side, Fang Ai first stared, and his eyes fell on Song Jian's head involuntarily.

At this time, Song Jian no longer needs to cover up like he did when he first entered the game. The attributes above his head are all revealed, but his level is too high. Even if it is revealed, most players ca n’t see his level is How much, all you see is a skull.

"Skull level ..." Fang Ai chuckled, this was at least ten levels higher than him, and the breath emanating from Song Jian was not like the appearance of first-order combat power, especially Song Song. Equipment, although the grade light is turned off, but no matter the shape or style, ordinary equipment can not be comparable.

Fang Ai, who is already at the 38th level, does not know how many battles have been experienced in the game. At a glance, you can roughly determine the opponent's combat effectiveness.

After seeing Song Jian, Fang Ai couldn't help shuddering, looked at the npc lizard man on the opposite side, and immediately saw a trace of fear in the other's eyes.

The two looked at each other, and approached each other involuntarily.

The npc encountered in the field is actually no different from those monsters in the eyes of players, but the npc in the field can communicate, but if there is a conflict of interest, it is not impossible to hack it directly as a monster, and the npc is hacked. Later, like monsters, they can also burst skill books and equipped weapons.

However, in the face of greater threats, Fang Ai and this lizard-man npc even thought of each other, and the two were extremely tacitly prepared to join forces in preparation for Song Jian.

Seeing the attitudes and actions of the two, Song Jian couldn't help laughing, and waved his hand, "Don't be afraid, I just look at your profession, so I want to ask, yes, how did you find me just now?"

Concealment, but the epic necklace comes with skills, high rank, most people can not find him.

"This is my professional skill, detect evil!" Fang Ai answered honestly, "As long as someone pays attention to me for too long and is not a believer in my Lord, it will be detected."

Song Jian froze and nodded.

"So which deity do you worship?" Song Jian asked.

"I believe in the God of Light, and my profession is the Knight of the Holy Light!" Fang Ai said respectfully to Song Jian's etiquette.

"Knight of Light" Song Jian's eyes narrowed, but the power of Light was not weaker than the power of Dawn, even when dealing with the abyss **** race, the power of Light was stronger than Dawn.

This has been learned from Song Jian, a follower of Song Jian before.

"I do n’t know, the **** of light is willing to build a temple in the city of hope" Song Jian laughed. "The goddess of dawn has already built a temple in the city of hope. I would like to invite the **** of light to build a temple in the city of hope. Know if it ’s ok "

"This" Fang Ai Yiyi, you know, although both the priest and the knight belong to the god, they are two systems. Most of the knights of the **** are only responsible for fighting, similar to the role of a thug.

And preaching the prestige of the deities, creating shrines, and soliciting believers is the chief responsibility of the clergy.

"This, I don't know ..." Fang Ai hesitated. Although he was only a combat professional, he didn't know nothing. Naturally, he knew how good it was to create a shrine in a city to promote the reputation of the gods.

However, he did not have the right and qualifications to make the decision. For a time, he did not dare to agree to it directly. He had to wait until he returned to make a report before making a decision!

Song Jian nodded, slightly disappointed, and was about to speak. Fang Ai suddenly burst into a golden light. This light was like a stream of water, constantly flowing. After a while, one could only accommodate one person in and out. A teleportation gate appeared beside Fang Ai.

"This, this is the sacred call" Fang Ai's expression changed greatly, and she looked surprised.

Divine Summoning is a skill in the Temple of Light. Only the great priest in red robes is qualified to use it. Ordinary light knights like him will be seen every time they feel God ’s grace. Usually they are not qualified to face red The priest of the robes would never see this skill at all.

An old man in a gold-red robe quickly walked out of the portal.

"Faithian priest" Fang Ai quickly performed a knight ceremony solemnly towards the great priest. The priest Fasien is the archbishop of the temple of light in the city of light, and Fang Ai can only look at him from a distance on each Muen day.

Song Jian looked at the old man wearing a gold-red robe and felt the strong light of the light exuding from the other side, and couldn't help but look.

Third-order combat power!

This great priest had a third-order combat power. Song Jian narrowed his eyes and looked up at the opponent's head. He thought he saw only a skeleton level, but he did not expect that the opponent directly displayed all his Attributes.

"Eighty-first, it should have just entered the third-tier combat power!" Song Jian secretly said.

As long as you pass the assessment, you can enter Level 2 at Level 50, Level 3 at Level 80, and Legend at Level 120, but most people can only reach the peak of Level 2 in their lifetime and stand on the level of combat power. Hovering outside the threshold.

Without special encounters, more than 90% of the people in this world would not be able to step into the third-order realm like the great priest in front of him.

"Dear Lord of the City of Hope, I am the great priest under the crown of the light **** Berkandol, Faxion!" Faxion said respectfully to Song Jianxing.

"Master Faxian, are you ready to discuss with me the creation of the temple?" Song Jian laughed.

"Yes, my lord expresses his appreciation to the city's willingness to create the Temple of Light in the City of Hope!" Fasian said blushingly. "At the same time, the Temple of Light was given the qualification to recruit three hundred Knights of Light. I believe the city owner should be able to satisfaction!"

Song Jian Yiyi ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ He smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile in his heart. He only said that he wanted to create the Holy Light Temple. The other person directly guessed his purpose. Sure enough, these groups of **** sticks were all human figures. In the future, Be careful with them.

The abyss invasion is imminent. The city of hope is only a start-up. Song Jian is not very sure whether he can hold the city of hope in the invasion war. The creation of the Holy Light Temple is only the idea that Fang Ai thought. The temples are more established in the city of hope. For the common benefit, at least a lot of priests and oracle knights will guard the city of hope.

With the help of the gods to guard the city of hope, Song Jian did not know whether he made such a decision is right or wrong, but at least the hope of survival is a little more.

"Can you send some more knights of light to know that the abyss **** is about to invade immediately, I'm afraid ..." Song Jian frowned slightly, he felt that the number of three hundred knights of light knights was a little too small.

"Oh, the city owner didn't know, the three hundred Holy Light knights were enough to fight ten times and hundred times the enemy!" Fasian said with a smile on his face. "Even if it is the City of Light, there are only two hundred Light Knights!"

"That's it!" Song Jian sighed slightly, disappointed.

Even if the Holy Knight is powerful, but there are only three hundred people, under the invasion of endless abyssal creatures, even if it can really resist a hundred times the enemy, but if the enemy is a thousand times, what to do ten thousand times

"Each of these knights of light is qualified to impart the tradition of knights of light. The city owner can encourage more people to become knights of light. We must know that the power of light is extremely restrained by the power of the abyss!" Lord Sean continued.

"Three hundred professional mentors" Song Jian blinked his eyes. If so, he would be able to form an army of three thousand or more knights.



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