I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1033: Embrace the abyss

Paladins are a special profession. Whether they are powerful or not depends entirely on whether the gods they serve are powerful.

The **** of light is obviously a powerful deity, so the paladin who serves him is naturally extremely powerful. The knight of light is also one of the most powerful professions of all the knights.

Song Jian paid 300 acres of land for the city of hope and the right of the bright **** to preach in the city of hope, and the reward was 300 holy knights, whether to help defend the city or as a professional instructor, the 300 The knight of light, is very useful.

Of course, not only are knights in a temple, there are also corresponding priests. They will also issue some special missions, and some will even get the inheritance of these priests. Naturally, this is an unexpected surprise for delivery.

After some discussion, both sides were naturally satisfied. Lord Fasien looked towards Fang Ai with a smile and nodded. "Fang Ai has done great work today. After returning to the Holy Light Temple, naturally there will be Lord's reward! "

Fang Ai was also prompted to complete the hidden task by himself, but with an aggressive look on his face, he didn't know what happened, even when he took and completed the hidden task.

All I could do was stare at Grand Priest Fasien, and once again cast the divine summoning skill to leave, respectfully saluting in the direction of his departure.

Divine Summoning this skill is a kind of divine skill, borrowing the divine power of light and deities, Song Jian looks envious.

That lizard-man npc, after the appearance of Lord Fasian, had no idea when it would disappear. As for the dark gold treasure chest, naturally, there was no way to compete with Fang Ai.

At the direction of Song Jian, Fang Ai was a little confused to open the dark gold treasure chest, and immediately obtained five or six items.

"Alas, a scroll of dark gold quality" Fang Ai couldn't help but screamed, holding a golden scroll of skills in his hand.

When I saw the skill scroll in the treasure chest, Song Jian couldn't help but move. In the wild treasure chest can often open good things, but most of them are equipped with weapons. Once the skill scroll is opened, they are often very precious general skills or It is a skill that every profession can't learn from the mentor. It is very precious.

"What skills, which profession?" Song Jian could not help asking.

"Half-step collapse boxing, the boxer's skills look very powerful." Fang Ai smiled and shared the attributes of the skill scroll directly.

Song Jian glanced, his face was shocked. The power of this half step collapse is really great. It can increase the crit to 100 in an inch, and at the same time, it can also cause a "breaking move" effect on the target. , Can cause a lot of damage, and the release time is extremely short, whether it is used as a connection skill, or the final skill is very suitable.

"You're rich, this skill book can sell at least three million doomsday coins!" Song Jian was surprised.

The boxer belongs to the melee profession, the equipment can only wear leather armor, and can not use other weapons except gloves, is similar to Song Jian's Royal Swordsman can only use long swords.

In addition, the boxer is a profession that relies heavily on skills. Without a large amount of skills, the power of the boxer is actually not as good as that of an ordinary warrior.

However, once you have enough skills, the boxer can create his own combo based on his skills, whether it be a heads-up boss or a group of monsters to upgrade, it has a good performance.

"I can't sell so much money. After all, the number of boxer occupations is too small. Even if I put it in the auction house, I will be content to sell one million ..." Fang Ai smiled with a smile on his face.

For ordinary players, being able to get an item that can sell one or two million doomsday coins is almost like winning a lottery.

Song Jian's Wan Jianjue has been upgraded to the tenth level. He originally wanted to buy a golden-quality skill book, but imprisoned an undead mage. After directly suppressing the devour, his proficiency has met the requirements for improvement.

Ten levels of Wan Jianjue, if you want to improve again, I am afraid that the golden quality skill book can only improve the proficiency of 1 to 2, the price is too low.

Now if you want to upgrade Wan Jianjue's level, at least you need to devour epic skills to get a big improvement.

This makes Song Jian can't help but have some headaches. This Wan Jianjue is just a monster that swallows gold, and he can't afford to support himself.

After inviting Fang Ai to the city of hope, the two said goodbye to each other. In the dark, a wolfman scarlet eyes stared at Fang Ai's dark gold quality skill book. The anger in his eyes was like a flame. Burn it and devour it.

"City of Hope, **** ..." The wolves were gritting their teeth, wishing to crush the two men in front of them, but they still had a little confidence in Fang Ai, and whether it was Song Jian or Master Faxian, it Did not have the slightest assurance.

The beast's intuition made him immediately give up his resentment against Fang Ai in the face of Song Jian, and wanted to unite with the other party to fight against Song Jian, and after the appearance of the great priest, he immediately chose to escape, and even fled. Did not dare to reveal it, and stared at the treasure chest of dark gold quality, which was occupied by Fang Ai.

"Do you want to ... revenge?"

Suddenly a low voice sounded in its ear, with a slight mocking tone ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ who, who is talking to your Uncle Luta! "Wolf NPC growled angrily.

A group of black shadows suddenly appeared in front of the wolves, Ruta. This group of black shadows seemed to be a group of black mist condensing and tumbling, while emitting endless heat toward the surroundings.

"You are ..." Ruta, the gnoll, suddenly became cautious. From this dark shadow, he felt a powerful power, which was not much different from the power felt by the great priest of Fascion before. .

"Want to get revenge, do you want to have a powerful power?" Heiying's tone was slightly charming.

"Revenge, I'm going to tear them all to pieces!" Reason seemed to slowly dissipate in Ruta Scarlet's scarlet eyes, with a **** mouth and a low roar.

"Hug the abyss, and the abyss will give you endless power!" Hei said in a low voice, "Darkness is coming, and you and your tribe will become soldiers hugging the abyss. When the darkness falls, fight for the abyss. You will receive the power from the abyss! "

"I'm willing!" Ruta's nose and mouth spit with hot air, and she looked sloppy.

"Press your brand on this contract with your blood, and you will get powerful power, and you can also give this power to your people!" A pale golden light floated out from the black shadow. Rutta didn't even look at the parchment paper, took out the weapon directly, stabbed it in his hand, and suddenly blood splattered.

"Mentally handicapped! Just a drop of blood is enough ..." Hei Ying looked at Ruta with a word of silence and pressed a blood fingerprint directly on the contract, suddenly cursing in his heart.

The moment the blood fingerprints were pressed on the contract, the parchment burned out of thin air, and Ruta's brows also appeared with a dark mark, a surging force of abyss, surging from its body.



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