I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1034: tutor

Song Jian thought that the invasion of the abyss **** would start after the abyss channel was opened, but he never expected that the invasion time would be much earlier than he expected.

When many people in the game world were actively preparing for the battle, the abyss **** was like a drop of ink dripping into the pool of water, slowly spreading out, and then disappeared.

Waiting for the moment when the abyss channel opens, those who have been infected by the power of the abyss will suddenly burst out and be taken aback.

Ruta is just a very common professional in the nearby gnoll capture, but after it accepts the power of the abyss, it will look like a seed, take root in their tribe, and infect more people. This is a game Scourge more terrible than the plague.

After watching the black dragon, Song Jian returned to the city of hope, and then engaged in intense work. The defense of the city of hope is weak and needs to be made up in many places. Recently, he is negotiating with the sin city to purchase a large city energy light curtain. Defense facilities, which are a combination of technology and magic means, can envelop the entire city in an energy light curtain according to the city walls. Once placed, they can be quietly entered into the city of hope once they are turned into black smoke by the undead mage. Things will never happen again.

However, such facilities are also strategic equipment. Under normal circumstances, no one can sell them. Even if the relationship between the city of sin and the city of hope is good, such strategic facilities cannot be sold.

However, under the premise of the invasion of the abyss hell, some of the previous bans have begun to loosen. The evil city knows that the city of hope has a magic crystal mine, so the lion opened his mouth and used the magic crystal ore to purchase this set of equipment, and The number of requests is huge, and Wang Qi is starting a round of negotiations, which is a headache.

Song Jian spent a busy day in the city ’s main government. The territorial expansion campaign has just ended and he has acquired a large territory. This time is his busiest time, because the city ’s seal must be used to plan the infrastructure and set the buildings to be built in the future. Everything is planned by someone, but it needs to be confirmed through the seal of the city owner.

After confirmation, Song Jian no longer needs to be in charge. Naturally, there will be construction workers going to build one by one according to the plan. Although the work is very simple, but it is very complicated. In the evening, Song Jian finally relieved.

"Let's go out and practice tomorrow. After passing the second-tier combat capability assessment, I haven't yet been promoted seriously." Song Jian secretly said.

The combat experience required for levels 50 to 80 is an astronomical figure. It is possible to brush a monster of the same level for one day without experiencing the experience value. This is why many npc professionals in the game spend years or even count The reason why they have not reached the third-order combat power in ten years is that on the one hand, they do not have such a convenient auxiliary system for players because of their talents, and there is no bottleneck. As long as the experience value is full, they can be upgraded. Level, requires massive experience.

Therefore, anyone who can have a third-order combat power in the game is an elite in the entire professional circle.

When Song Jian stood in front of the window of the city's main mansion and looked at the rolling black clouds above his head, a bright silver light, like stars, flickered in the sky in the distance.

The light was getting closer, and it seemed that something was flying towards the city of hope. Song Jian immediately became aware of it, unfolded the iron and steel wings, and flew over the city's main house to observe carefully.

After a while, Song Jian saw the other side clearly, and was immediately shocked, and quickly fell down.

Soon, a figure stepped on a giant sword, flying in the air, and came to Song fitness.

"Tutor!" Song Jian said respectfully.

Duan Jian looked up and down Song Jian, a look of surprise appeared on his face, but disappeared quickly, nodded and said, "Okay, okay, I didn't expect that you would have reached the second-order combat power in such a short period of time. amazing!"

Song Jian hasn't seen this professional mentor since seeing Duan Jian's side when choosing a profession at the tenth level. I never expected to meet again today.

"I don't know what the instructor is asking this time," Song Jian smiled. "If the disciples can do it, they must do their best."

Players of ordinary occupations can often receive professional tasks from professional instructors. The rewards are often the skills and special equipment of the occupation, and the instructors of excellent occupations and rare occupations can occasionally be encountered. Occupational tasks are received more frequently than ordinary occupations. It is much lower, but the difficulty and grade of the task are one level higher than the professional tasks of ordinary occupations.

As for the epic class, many players are the same as Song Jian, except that he has never seen him after seeing a professional mentor when he took office.

As for professional tasks, don't even think about it, but once an epic professional player encounters a professional mentor, the tasks received are often epic tasks. Once completed, the task reward is more than a dozen, even dozens. The professional tasks of ordinary occupations are even better.

Song Jian did not expect that his professional mentor would come to find himself and publish professional tasks. Although he looked respectful, Song Jian blossomed in his heart.

"I do have a task here for you to complete ..." Duan Jian hesitated for a moment and said, "If you can complete it, I will teach you the core skills of the Royal Sword Master, Royal Sword Art!"

Epic-level professional players seem to be much better than the ordinary professional ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but their suffering is also not experienced by ordinary professional players.

Because they hardly see the skills mentor in this profession, in addition to gaining the skills of the profession, they will need to collect the rest by themselves.

Although the skills of the epic class are much more powerful than those of the ordinary class, the mastery of ordinary class skills can form a combo, and the power is not much worse than that of the epic class with only one skill.

As soon as he heard Royal Sword Art, Song Jian's face was awkward, and he whispered, "Teacher, I have mastered Royal Sword Art!"

"Mastered" Duan Jian for a while, you know, if it ’s not for him to teach, then only those high-level monster bosses have a very small chance to drop epic professional skills. Unexpectedly, Song Jian has already acquired the sword skill .

This made Duan Jian a little embarrassed, and he quickly asked, "I used to watch you fly, not the flying sword. Since you have mastered the sword, why not use it?"

Song Jian quickly explained, "I just cast the iron wings skill. It is equipped with equipment skills and does not require any consumption. But flying with the Royal Sword will continue to consume mental energy, and I do n’t have a flying sword yet. Flying with the Royal Sword will require my weapon, and once fighting happens, I will lose my first move! "

"Since you have mastered the sword skill, I can also teach you the skill of sword gasification. I can use sword gas to evolve various shapes and increase the power of the skills. At the same time, because of the different shapes, various effects are attached. , Great power! "Duan Jian said with a smile.

"Teacher, the sword is gasified, and the disciples just learned a few days ago ..." Song Jian touched his nose and said a little embarrassedly.


PS thanks to "Book Friends 151110221537253" for the 1000 starting coins


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