I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1035: clue

Duan Jian's face became a bit stiff, and he learned the gasification of the sword.

"You, how did you learn" Duan Jian could not help asking.

"Extracted during the second-tier combat capability assessment ..." Song Jian explained.

The second-level combat performance assessment, the rewards after passing, are very targeted, and the items that will not appear are not used by me, most of them are the skills and equipment of this profession. Thinking of this, Duan Jian's face showed a slight relief.

"I don't know what tasks the mentor needs me to complete, even if there is no task reward, I will definitely complete it for the mentor." Song Jian said firmly.

However, if Duan Jian has released an epic quest, if he ca n’t get a reward for the task of the corresponding difficulty, then this quest will not be issued at all. This is what Song Jian already knew, but now it is just a cheap word. That's it.

And even if Duan Jian can really be released, without the task reward, how could Song Jian waste time and energy to complete the big task failure, after all, there is no task reward, and there will be no serious punishment for the task failure.

Duan Jian didn't seem to hear Song Jian's words. After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "I still have a secret skill called" Changlongjue. Have you heard of it? "

Song Jian froze and asked "Tutor, what is a secret technique"

Duan Jian's face finally showed a look of relief. It seemed that the student still had something he didn't know, and nodded and explained, "All skills have grades, which you must already know, but the skills are divided into three major ones. Classes are sword skills, secret skills, and uprisings! "

"Sword skills are the basis, secret skills are developed based on sword skills, or ordinary sword skills have changed. It is a move that is greater than the power of sword skills. Upanishads are similar to magic forbidden spells. Existence, once released, the mountains and rivers will collapse, the rivers will change course, and the nature will change. The power is huge! "Duan Jian glanced at Song Jian and said slowly.

"Secret skills, upright ..." Song Jian couldn't help thinking of his Wan Jian Jue. We must know that Wan Jian Jue was an ordinary skill of summoning the Spirit Sword and releasing the Spirit Sword attack.

But in the end, there was a mutation, which merged into the red lotus industry fire, and became the red lotus industry fire million swords. This is probably the sword skill variation in Duan Jian's mouth, and it has become a secret skill.

"Teacher, the disciple will do another trick, Honglian industry fires Wanjianjue, see if it belongs to the secret technique," Song Jian said quickly.

Speaking of this, Song Jian was exhibiting the Red Lotus Industry Fire Wan Jianjue in front of an open space. This time, he did not exhaust all his sword energy, but just performed the ordinary Red Lotus Industry Fire Wanjian Jue. In this case, There is no way to trigger the Red Lotus Sword Formation, and there is no way to trigger the following Red Lotus Sword, Red Lotus Palm Seal and Jianqi Stone Tower.

Looking at the hundreds of spirit swords burning with dark red flames covering the entire sky, Duan Jian's face also showed a look of surprise.

"Wan Jianjue is really Wan Jianjue ..." Duan Jian's eyes were a little moist, and even looking at Song Jian's eyes, he even had a hint of jealousy.

"You know, Wan Jianjue is the core skill of the only professional sword fairy," Duan Jian said slowly.

"The disciples know!" Song Jian nodded.

"You know a p!" Duan Jian was furious. "Sword fairy, the only professional sword fairy, that is the existence that my generation has been pursuing. Is this the core skill of this profession that you can learn?"

"The mentor did not ask you how to obtain the core skills of Jianxian profession, but you have to know that the more such core skills, the less likely it is to change, but once it happens, that power is comparable to the common secret skills. "Duan Jian's body shook slightly.

"Disciple, disciple ..." For a while, Song Jian didn't even know what to say.

Duan Jian took a few deep breaths, calmed his mood, stared up and down at Song Jian and looked up carefully, for a long while, shook his head and sighed, in his heart he scolded two words "shit!"

Then, Duan Jian's face turned into Yan Yue again, and he patted Song Jian's shoulder and said, "Cultivate this skill well, the core skills of the sword sword mutated, the power no longer needs the ordinary mystery, you, you really ... ... "

"Teacher, then what you said about cutting dragons" Song Jian asked carefully.

Duan Jian was speechless, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Since you have learned Wan Jian Jue, then don't learn other sword skills, just show me your weapon!"

Song Jian's thoughts summoned the Heavenly Sword from his body!

Duan Jian's eyes narrowed, he did not expect that Song Jian's weapon turned out to be a weapon that could be integrated into the body. You should know that generally such weapons are equipped with sword spirit and can grow.

"Epic, invisible Skybreaker!" Duan Jian carefully looked at the properties of Skybreaker, and couldn't help but give a sigh of praise, knowing that with his strength, at the age of Song Jian, the weapon he held was just A dark gold-quality long sword ~ ​​www.ltnovel.com ~ This long sword has the best attributes and is also a set of five weapons. This set is formed by combining five dark gold long swords. But unfortunately, it is too difficult for the five sword spirits to merge and conceive. Even the sword fairy professional who was famous for hundreds of years ago, his weapon is just a set of two weapons ... Duan Jian seemed to think of something, and the look of memories appeared in his eyes.

After a while, Duan Jian continued to say, "Your weapon base is good. If you can grow up, your sword fairy sword is definitely more powerful, but now the sword spirit belonging to this sword has not been fused and bred. Once the unique sword spirit belonging to this sword is bred, the sword spirit will also become five and five in one, and the attributes of this sword will greatly increase! "

"Tutor, I don't know if there is any way to speed up this process," Song Jian asked quickly.

"I'll post a one-person mission to you now. After you finish, you have two choices. One is the sword spirit crystal in my hand and the other is a clue to obtain a sword fairy suit!"

"Sword Spirit Crystal can accelerate the breeding of sword spirit in your sword, and the Sword Fairy Set is the legendary top-level professional suit that matches the only profession, but I only have one clue for this suit and I haven't got it!" The sword explained.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly felt a reminder in the taskbar and opened it quietly. The "Sword of the Immortal Road" task, which had been stuck for a long time, actually appeared new changes.

[Jianxian Road (Epic Mission) Complete the mission of the Imperial Sword Duan Jian. After completing it, you will automatically get the clue of the sword fairy suit. According to the clue, find the legendary only professional suit, the sword fairy suit! 】


ps thank the "book friend 151110221537253" for the reward of 100 starting coins


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