I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1039: Enter the castle

A slow unlocking progress bar was slowly advancing in front of Song Jian, and the forgotten key was flashing with various colors, as if cracking a password.

The key of oblivion at this time is no longer the black and inconspicuous appearance of the previous, but like a bright flowing crystal, filling the keyhole of the entire trial treasure chest.

As time passed by one minute and one second, the progress bar finally came to the end, a "click" sounded, the treasure chest opened, Song Jian drew in it, and found several items.

A skill book with delicate gold trim, exuding a faint purple-red light.

Song Jian's eyes looked surprised, but he did not expect to open a skill book.

Take a look, this is a professional thief-specific skills, "forced cooling off", after activation, all the skills into the cooling state, all recovered, can be used directly.

Mandatory Cooling Cancellation: A rogue class-specific skill. After use, all skills with a cooling time of less than 5 minutes can be eliminated; the cooling time of this skill is 15 minutes.

The thief profession has many skills. Like the mage, it is a profession that completely uses its skills to deal damage. With this skill, the thief profession can completely burst out two rounds of damage, and the combat power can be doubled instantly.

In addition to this skill book, there is a piece of gold, a piece of silver-quality equipment, and some miscellaneous things that can only be thrown into the store.

Song Jian took a look at this skill book, and directly chose the ability to devour. The original ten-level Wan Jianjue had a great deal of proficiency, and Song Jian looked at it, about a fifth. In other words, Level 10 Wan Jian Jue requires five epic skills to be upgraded to Level 11.

After opening the epic treasure chest, Song Jian continued to touch the castle in the depths of the city. Occasionally, when he encountered one or two monsters that had orders, he would go up and clear them out. With the horrible damage of Wan Jianjue, he encountered The monster couldn't react at all, and was immediately spiked, and there was no way to summon other monsters to besiege Song Jian.

In the process of using Wan Jianjue again and again, Song Jian carefully experienced every change. This is the core skill of the only professional sword fairy. It takes a lot of time and energy to fully master. This is not a short time. Song Jian is not in a hurry.

Gradually, Song Jian approached the castle in the middle of the fortress. In front of the castle, there was an open square. Song Jian hid behind an auction house on the fifth or sixth floor and looked towards the square.

The square is wide, with thousands of square meters. Zombie soldiers are swaying upstream in the square. They are holding rifles in their hands and carrying long swords and cold weapons like long knives behind them. Some of them are wearing leather armor, and some are even wearing scales. A, chain mail.

Among these monsters, a powerful warrior more than three meters tall, holding a gatling multi-machine rotating machine gun, his body is full of bullet chains, wearing a special forces combat suit, and a sword in his waist. There is also a dagger tied to the calf.

At first glance, this powerful warrior is an extremely powerful BOSS. Although he can't see his level, the scent emanating from the dominance-level BOSS can still be felt by Song Jian.

If you want to enter the castle, you must pass through the square in front of you. There is no second way to go, but Song Jian has tried before. The weakest range of these soldiers' zombies is about three meters. Most of them are between 5 meters and 6 meters. The squares are densely packed. I am afraid that they are not even one meter away from each other. In this case, even the most top thieves cannot pass through here.

"There is no way, I can only be hard!" Song Jian whispered to himself after a moment of groaning.

As soon as he thought, Song Jianying suddenly became blurred. After a violent shaking, two Song Jian who looked exactly the same appeared in place.

Sword shadow clone!

The fourth-level sword shadow clone can inherit 50% of Song Jian's ontology and inherit all skills at the same time, but the inherited skills are only one level.

After the avatar appeared, rushed directly towards the square, stood on the edge of the square, and waved the long sword in his hand. Dozens of spirit swords appeared, floating around the avatar, and as it waved, it smashed toward the monster on the square.

Bang Bang Bang ~

The first-level Wan Jianjue shrouded a large area, causing damage to hundreds of monsters and attracting more monsters' attention. Even the BOSS in the center of the square issued a roar, holding his hand. Machine gun, striding towards the clone.

Bang, bang, bang ~

Already, a close-up monster fired at the clone, and several blood flowers burst out of the sword's clone, and then turned into a black mist to dissipate in the air, and the blood value plummeted.

Song Jian was startled. The monsters attacked with powerful damage, and he did not dare to let the clones resist, and quickly controlled the clones to run towards the alley behind them.

A large group of monsters were led in the past, and within a short time, less than half of the monsters on the square were wandering. These were too far away to attract monsters.

Even the BOSS was led out by the clone. Within a short time, the alley sounded unique to the Gatling machine gun in the alley, and the blood value of the clone dropped sharply.

"It must be fast, and the clone can't hold on for long!" Song Jianying burst out like lightning, and the whole body was full of sword gas, and all of them flew into the heavenly sword in his hand, and the sword light bloomed.

Yehuo Honglian Wanjian Jue!

Song Jian rushed to the center of the square and waved his sword at the monsters blocking the gate of the castle.

For a moment, hundreds of dark swords burning with dark red flames, such as missiles, attacked these monsters, while Song Jian ignored them and rushed directly towards the castle gate.

At this moment, Song Jian felt that the connection between the avatar and himself was suddenly interrupted, knowing that it wouldn't be long before those monsters and bosses who had been taken away were coming back, and his feet could not help moving a bit faster.

The monsters around the gate of the castle were crooked and crooked by the spirit sword. As they were about to rush to Song Jian, a huge red lotus was spinning and sucked them all into the center of the sword array.

Song Jian almost wiped the bodies of several monsters and rushed forward. Just as he entered the gate of the castle, the roar peculiar to the Gatling machine gun sounded behind him.

Suddenly Suddenly ~

Suddenly, Song Jian felt a sharp pain coming from his back. At the same time, the rocks on both sides of the castle door around him were swept into debris, and the messy rubble was shot around, causing a pain in Song Jian's face.

Song Jian swooped forward subconsciously ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Bent over and rolled twice, hiding in the castle, behind the fire red lotus sword array sent a roar, and a row of experience values ​​quickly appeared in the battle status bar. Get tips.

The monsters behind did not seem to dare to enter the castle. After Song Jian hid in the castle, the boss and the monsters chased back lost their targets and began to wander.

Soon, the yehuo red lotus sword array disappeared, and Song Jian entered into a non-combat state. At this time, he saw his blood value, which was reduced by more than 3,000 points.

"It's horrible. The monsters here are too powerful. If you want to kill them, I'll take a lot of people to pile them up, but if you can explode the BOSS weapon, then it's really sent out." I glanced behind the gate of the castle. If the BOSS weapon really explodes, it is at least of epic quality, and may reach legendary level. Such a multi-barreled rotating machine gun is a strategic weapon in the war. Can reverse the war in an area.

While thinking about it, Song Jian walked along the road in the castle toward the depths. He felt that the bronze coffin that the instructor said should be deep in the castle.


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