I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1040: Bear man

Song Jian completed the epic task assigned by his mentor in the fortress. The City of Hope did not show any confusion because of his departure. In fact, Wang Qi and others have become accustomed to the situation where Song Jian is often not in the City of Hope. Everything After Song Jian left, everything went smoothly.

Negotiations with the Sin City are still going on. The copies of the abyss ghost shadow should be bought for acquisition, and destroyed. After the system announcement is issued, those players who first occupy the copies of the abyss ghost shadow know that these copies will become abyss hell. The bridgeheads that attack the game world will become worthless. Even if the people of the city of hope do not buy them, they will surely be destroyed by helplessness. They can still make a profit now, and they are naturally very happy.

However, there are some copies of the occupants who cannot be contacted. They have not been destroyed until now. Wang Qi has arranged a special person to contact these players. Be sure to destroy all copies near the city of hope before the invasion of the abyss.

When Song Jian went to explore the castle, three NPCs appeared in the city of hope's teleportation array. As soon as they appeared, they attracted the attention of nearby players.

The three were wearing black robes and holding a staff in their hands, and their bodies were thin. The whole man was shrunk in a wide robe. Most importantly, their bodies were exuding a faint black smell from the inside out.

The City of Hope, which has just experienced the invasion of the Undead Mage, will be very alert to any anomalies. Nearby players saw these three people, and they suddenly showed a vigilant look on their faces. Some people held the weapon directly in their hands. If not, The names on these people's heads are friendly green. I am afraid that the moment they appear, they will be attacked by people around them.

"Is this the City of Hope? It really is a city that has just been set up. It's really bad luck. Just after it is set up, you will encounter such a catastrophe." Sora put down her hood and revealed a handsome face , Pointy ears, fair skin, a pair of big eyes looking curiously, looking like a fairy in the legend.

"Such a city is impossible to withstand the natural disasters in the abyss. Our **** city is the safest place in the whole world." Another goblin-like NPC put down his hood and looked disdainfully around.

"It's not as prosperous as the city of gods, after all, it's just a newly built city, so you don't have to be so demanding ..." The last orc-like NPC looked at the residents of the city of hope slowly coming around with the eyes of inspection. Skip involuntarily.

"There are also problems with the city's response mechanism. We have been there for more than ten minutes. No one has come to ask, either the guards around are lazy, or the city does not have a crisis response mechanism at all. It is too scary. Now! "Sora sighed, and increasingly felt that the city could not survive the disaster.

"Oh, isn't that why we're here?" There was a weird smile on Golu Milu's face: "As long as we make a good statement, give them a little sweetness, I think our task should be smooth carry out."

"I hope so, the gods are watching us!" Orc Naar respectfully crossed his hands on his chest, and said respectfully.

The three walked leisurely on the streets of the City of Hope. They walked through every shop and seemed to understand the situation of the city, but their destination was very clear, that is, the tall city main house in the center of the city. , Which is Song Jian's manor castle.


Song Jian walked carefully in the aisle of the castle. After walking for so long, he did not encounter a monster, which made Song Jian feel strange.

But soon, Song Jian heard a low growl and gasp in front of him. It sounded like a beast was waiting for him.

Song Jian walked to the end of the passage. Here was an open door that looked like a restaurant. A huge dining table was placed in the center of the room. There was only one seat by the table. Sit on top of it.

This bear man has a human body and limbs, but the head is a huge black bear's head, and it has thick black hair on his body, which looks like a black bear who can walk upright.

"Fifty-eight dominance boss, Brook Bear Man!" Song Jian narrowed his eyes and stared at the monster in front of him to see its attributes: "still a mutant monster!"

"Brook Bear Man (variation), level 58, dominance boss, blood value: 1350000/1350000"

The bearman yelled and raised his hand to fly out this huge dining table with a diameter of more than five meters in front of him. The food on the dining table flew towards Song Jian, making a whistling sound.

Song Jian walked away, at this time, the Brook Bear had stood up from the seat. At this time, Song Jian discovered that the bear was over five meters tall, and his muscles were protruding, giving him a very powerful It feels like the whole person is a mobile fortress, which is very scary.

"Roar! Intruder, die!" The bearman snarled, his body glowing with blood, his body more than five meters tall, and a large section of his body growing up, his head almost against the ceiling of the restaurant.

It strode forward towards Song Jian, passing by the flying table, slamming it up and smashing towards Song Jian.

Song Jian waved the sky-sword and split the huge dining table in half. At this moment, a dark shadow came over him. Song Jian's face showed a look of surprise. He did not expect that the bear was so heavy and huge. People, action is so agile.

Before he could react, the bearman ran into Song Jian like a hill;


Song Jian felt as if he had been hit by a speeding locomotive, and the whole man rose into the air, hitting a wall three or four meters behind him severely.

Suddenly, a human-shaped pit appeared on the wall built with huge rocks, and Song Jian felt that the whole body's bones were about to break.

"This guy has so much strength!" Song Jian couldn't help spitting his blood, and his face was horrified.

"Dark blow!" The bearman snarled and waved his right fist to hit Song Jian. On his fist, a black light bloomed, and this light condensed into a huge bear head, making a low whistling sound .

Song Jian's face changed greatly. Instantly, the figure disappeared, and he became a translucent soul, passing directly through the wall!

Soul Walk ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ This is the most powerful moving and dodging skill that Song Jian has mastered. He is incarnate into a soul state. He is immune to all attacks except the soul attack. The first three seconds after being cast can pass through any obstacle. The skill lasts nine seconds, which is enough for Song Jian to avoid all fatal injuries.


The hard rock wall cracked like an explosion, a large hole appeared in front of Song Jian's eyes, huge rubble rubbed Song Jian's body and sputtered out, some even directly penetrated Song Jian's body and smashed behind him. .

Qinglong sword body, withering power!

A bright cyan light bloomed from the Song fitness body. When he raised his hand, the withering force was like a rope, twisted a few times in the air, and entangled with the bear man. Suddenly, the bear man became like a snail, with a high speed. Less.

Song Jian breathed a sigh of relief. The feeling of oppression of this BOSS was too strong. The attack was like a squall, which made people unable to breathe. From the first glance of seeing it to the present, Song Jian was unable to show even Wan Jianjue, and has been Suppression by the other party. If you do not have the ability to walk on the soul, I am afraid that you have already been seriously injured by the other party and entered the dying state.


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