I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1043: King's Scepter

Blood Baron's blood sea **** skills are extremely powerful, not only wide range, but also cause the same damage to everyone in the blood sea.

In other words, no matter it is a person or a hundred or a thousand, being in the sea of ​​blood, they will not be harmed at all times. Once the sea of ​​blood is at its top, everyone will be directly swallowed and killed by the sea of ​​blood.

This trick is very powerful, but it is also easy to be restrained by the power of the opposite sex, such as the Holy Light, Fire, Thunder, these have the power to break evil and purify attributes.

Song Jian ’s karma and red lotus sword array has the world ’s most powerful purification ability. The sea of ​​blood **** may seem endless, but it is actually related to the strength of the blood baron himself. As long as the skill power released by Song Jian can suppress the blood Baron's own strength, then the blood sea **** will be purified in a short time.

The blood baron didn't even trigger the second stage, and was directly purified by the yehuo red lotus sword array, on the one hand because of the restraint of energy attributes, and on the other hand, it has a lot to do with the blood baron maintaining blood sea **** like self-harm.

After the yehuo red lotus sword array lost its goal, it slowly dissipated. The scene in front of Song Jian was directly broken, and his eyes were dark. When he recovered his vision, he found that he had been standing in the passage all the time and never seemed to leave.

"The blood sea **** before should be an illusion, but if you really die in it, I'm afraid that like the blood baron said, even the soul will sink into the blood sea ..." Song Jian secretly said, The Blood Baron looked up from where he was standing before. On the ground, there were five or six items scattered, one of which exuded a magenta epic quality light.

This is a hand guard-like piece of equipment, heavy in his hands, it looks like a plate armor.

"The Bloody Baron is obviously an agile professional, and he will drop a plate armour ..." Song Jian thought with some depression.

After finally bursting an epic-level equipment, not for your own use, Song Jian shook his head, glanced at the properties of the hand guard, and threw it into the parcel box.

"Bloody Roar Gauntlets: Plate Gauntlets, Epic, Equipment Level 58, Equipment Effects: Physical Defense +128, Resistance +179, Strength +15, Constitution +10, Attack Speed ​​Increased by 15%, Special Effect 1: Absorption (Passive): When damage is done to the target, 10% of the damage value will be converted into Qi and blood value to replenish his own blood. If his own blood is full, he will form a **** shield, which can defend 1,500. If the damage is less than 10 seconds, it will decay continuously. Special effect 2: Phantom (Passive). When damage is caused to the target, there is a certain chance to summon a blood phantom to assist in the attack. The blood phantom cannot be harmed for 30 seconds. This effect can only occur once in 5 minutes; Special effect 3: Bloody bloom (active), consumes 30% Qi and blood value, increases the attack speed by 100%, and increases the attack power by 50% for 3 seconds. After the effect disappears, the energy consumed The blood value will slowly recover within 30 seconds; equipment requirements: level 50; whether the game can be brought out: no "

This piece of equipment has average attributes, but three special effects make people shine. Obviously, it is the equipment of the Berserker, two passive skills, and one active skill, but the timing of the last active skill release must be grasped. Can not hurt the enemy, but will hurt themselves.

This piece of equipment requires level 50 to be equipped. Now, apart from throwing it into the Confederate warehouse as an exhibit, I am afraid that it cannot be sold.

Song Jian put his hands in the parcel box and continued to walk towards the end of the passage.

At the end of the passage, there was a gate. When Song Jian reached down and pressed on the gate, he was prompted by a system.

System: This door seems to be locked. You need to find the key to enter! The key to this door is hidden somewhere in the castle, or some guardian!

"Do you want me to search elsewhere?" Song Jian froze, but soon he took out the forgotten key and stuck it in the keyhole.

In the eyes of Song Jian, the forgotten key is like a master key that can open any lock.

A moment later, Song Jian was prompted to open the door for 13 minutes and 54 seconds, so he waited patiently.

Ten minutes later, a loud noise was heard inside the gate, and Song Jian took out the key of forgetting and gently opened the gate.

Behind the gate is an open hall with a fireplace on the left and a long table on the right, filled with burning candles.

Opposite the door is a floor-to-ceiling window on the entire wall, the curtains open, and the outside sunlight brightens the entire hall.

A bronze coffin was placed in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. Song Jian felt relieved when he saw it, and finally found the bronze coffin required by the mission.

This fortress is too dangerous. Just this castle, along the way, I encountered two governing bosses. Maybe there are more governing bosses hidden in this castle. Even with the strength of Song Jian It seems reluctant to explore the entire castle.

Song Jian walked quickly to the bronze coffin and looked towards the inside. The bronze coffin was open and not covered with the coffin. Song Jian could clearly see that a middle-aged man in a gown was holding the right hand Stick, holding a golden scroll in one hand, vicissitudes on his face, eyes closed, lying in a bronze coffin.

The man's face didn't have any rotten look on his face. It didn't look like the teacher Duan Jian said. He was a character who had been dead for hundreds of years, but instead looked like a sleeping person lying in a bronze coffin.

With a vigilant look, Song Jian prepared the other party to wake up to fight with him at any time, and carefully reached out to get the book in his hand.

This is a quest item needed by instructor Duan Jian. As long as you bring this volume back, you will have completed the quest.

When Song Jian grasped the golden book with his right hand, the king's body did not move, Song Jian breathed a little sigh of relief, and carefully pulled the book out of his hand.

Just when Song Jian wanted to open the golden book and look at the contents, he was prompted by the "mission item, cannot be viewed" system prompt.

Song Jian slipped his lips and could only put the gold book into the parcel box. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, another task, Jianxian Road, suddenly issued a reminder;

[After obtaining the King's Scepter ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ head to the scorching canyon, look for the master blacksmith Belen, and get information about the sword fairy set! 】

"King's scepter?" Song Jian's gaze fell again on the man's right hand in the bronze coffin.

This is a scepter that is just over a foot long. It is made of whole metal and is inlaid with many precious stones. It looks like a decorative ornament rather than a weapon.

Song Jian reached out and held the scepter, and wanted to pull it out of his hand, but found that his hand was tight, and the scepter was tightly held by the other party. Song Jian looked at the monarch in the bronze coffin, but found that the other party I don't know when, eyes have been opened.

"Insatiable human beings, do you want to sway the authority of the Wallen Empire?" The man in the bronze coffin slowly sat up, a strong breath, recovered from him, and Song Jian's face was horrified. look.

"You, are you still alive?" Song Jian was surprised.


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