I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1044: Profanity

Song Jian stared at the man who sat up from the bronze coffin. He had carefully perceived before that this man really did not have any breath of life. Otherwise, Song Jian would not be close to get the gold scroll from his hand.

But now, as if the man was resurrected, he sat up straight and startled Song Jian.

"The gold book does not belong to the Wallen Empire. Anyone who can enter here can take it away!" The man slowly rose from the bronze coffin holding a scepter, a surging breath from him The body bloomed out, just like Wang Yang, spreading outward.

"But this scepter is owned by the monarch of the Wallen Empire, and represents the power of the Wallen Empire!" The man stared at Song Jian and whispered, "Human, do you want to sway the power of the Wallen Empire? "

"Sorry, that's just one of my mission items!" Song Jian shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "I need that scepter to follow the path I have been pursuing. If you can give it to me, I I will be very grateful to you, if you do n’t want to, then I have to take it myself ... ”

"Damn!" The man said angrily: "You are blasphemy, you will be cursed by the entire Waren Empire. Thousands of Waren Empire warriors will bring your people, friends, and everyone you know Kill them all as punishment for you, and you, forever, will sink in the flames ... "

"The Wallen Empire? Sorry, I have never heard of any Wallen Empire ..." Song Jian sighed, holding the Sky Sword in his hand tightly, and said.

"What?" The man's tone faded and seemed to think something, his face suddenly became difficult to look: "You liar, the Wallen Empire has existed for 3,400 years, and the territory is thousands of square kilometers. From one end to the other, If you walk, it will take you a lifetime ... "

Wan Jianjue!

Song Jian lazily listened to each other's puppets and waved the heavenly sword, and directly exhibited the yehuo red lotus million sword trick!

The overwhelming spirit sword suddenly drowned the man standing in a bronze coffin, and the explosion sounded one after another.

"Blasphemy, you are rude to a great king ..." The explosion sounded the man's angry roar, a light blue light blooming from the explosion center of Wan Jianjue, a wave of The strong energy then slammed in all directions.

Dang Dang Dang ~

A series of broken sounds sounded, and Song Jian's face showed a surprised look, and he even saw that countless spirit swords were broken directly from the middle by the vigorous impact.

You know, these spirit swords do not have strength, but are energy bodies formed by the condensed sword energy. How can it be broken like a real metal sword?

The scene in front of him even caused a brief blank in Song Jian's mind!

"Zhu Xie retreats!" A loud drinking sounded, and a strong energy rushed towards Song Jian. Song Jian hurriedly avoided him.

This spirit is like a sharp blade. It cuts a deep crack in the ground, and cuts the door after Song fitness in half. In the passage behind it, there are also rumbling collapses. sound.

Looking forward, the man standing inside the bronze coffin was covered with a layer of pale gold armor, the big red robe fluttered in the wind, and the scepter in his hand protruded about three feet in length from the top. The sharp blade, from the original decoration, suddenly became a magic weapon.

At this time, the man's attributes slowly emerged above his head.

"Defilk VII, Level 59, King-level BOSS, Blood Value: 980,000 / 980,000"

Song Jian's face showed a horrified look. In front of him, this Defilk VII turned out to be a king-level BOSS. The blood value alone reached 9.8 million.

Such a terrible monster may not be able to kill the team in the game for another three years!

The mentor Duan Jian gave him an epic task, but he only got the golden book, the monsters in the entire castle, and the difficulty of entering the castle. For an ordinary player, it did reach the difficulty of the epic task, but now, because of the sword The task of Immortal Road temporarily requested Song Jian to acquire the opponent's scepter. As a result, the difficulty of this task soared directly to the nightmare level.

King-level BOSS, in this age of strenuous fighting with the level of the boss-level boss, I am afraid that players have not even heard of it.

Song Jian swallowed saliva. For a long time, he was full of confidence in his karma and red lotus Wan Jianjue, but the moment he saw the other party's attributes, Song Jian suddenly had the urge to turn around and run away.

With a blood value of nearly ten million, Song Jian does n’t know if he can use his Wan Jian Jue to fight the opponent back. If he only saw the opponent ’s method of cutting off the spirit sword, Song Jian estimates that the Red Lotus Sword Formation will be very good. Also limited.

Defilk VII jumped out of the bronze coffin, waving the long sword in his hand, and chopped it towards Song Jian. The opponent was extremely fast and his sword skills were good. Song Jian could only brace his head and face it. The effort of the meeting was suppressed by the opponent, and there was almost no fight back.

Xuanyue Streaming Sword!

Song Jianying turned around, stabbing Heavenly Sword at a weird angle toward the underbelly of Defilk VII. This trick is mixed in ordinary moves, which makes people indefensible. This is what Song Jian had thought before. A little trick is to prevent the enemy from resisting this trick.

Click ~

With a light sound, Skybreaker stabbed De Feilke VII's left waist, and before the smile on Song Jian's face, the pale gold armor on the other side suddenly appeared a translucent light curtain, like a wave of water. Rippling.

Song Jian immediately received a prompt from the system about the failure of skill release!

"Damn!" Song Jian cursed in a low voice. The opponent's armor actually had the ability to resist skill effects. This feature is not common, as long as it is on the best equipment.

"Take sanctions, the enemy of the Coulomb Empire!" Roared Defik VII, waving his sword and chopped down towards Song Jian.


The splendid vigor broke out, and Song Jian could not avoid it. He could only tilt his head to one side. His shoulder suddenly burst a huge wound. The flesh was blurred and the dark gold-quality ancestor ancestor suit was like a piece of breastplate. Tissue paper was split directly.

Song Jian's face suddenly turned white, and the sky-breaking sword turned upwards, colliding with the opponent's sword, bursting into a thunderous explosion.

The left shoulder was injured, and the entire arm dangled softly on the side of the body, making it impossible for Song Jian to have the idea of ​​retreating in his heart, but De Feilke VII was pressing hard, not swearing to kill Song Jian. Stop off look.

Dozens of tricks in the past ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Song Jian backs out while fighting, already in the channel, the rock walls on both sides are constantly being blown up by the vigor of the two fighting, palm-sized rubble, like Bullets usually flood the channel.


Song Jian suddenly stretched out his right leg and slammed towards the lower body of Defilk VII. This was the "kick" skill that he had previously mastered. Although this skill had been swallowed by Wan Jianjue, the method of release was Song Jian remembered that although this foot did not have the effect of the "kick" skill, even an ordinary blow made Defilk VII's face change, and his body could not help but take two steps back.

When Defilk VII was full of anger and fluttered forward, Song Jian finally took the opportunity to take a breath and poured all the sword gas into the Heavenly Sword.

Yehuo Honglian, Wan Jianjue!

With a light drink, Song Jian wields a heavenly sword and slams forward fiercely!


PS: Thank you for "100 Moon Coins" for rewarding 100 starting coins ~

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