I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1045: despair

At this time, there were more than three hundred magic swords around Song Jianjian's body, and the entire passage was suddenly filled. Some of them even overlapped, like a wall.

The action of Defilk VII was delayed for a moment, and in the direction of Song Jian, he opened his mouth and made a roar;

An unreal image of the head of a male lion emanated from Defilk VII, and his roar was like the sound of this male lion.


This roar was unprecedented, with strong sound waves rippling down the channel, like a gust of wind blowing towards Song Jian's location.

Song Jian just felt a thunderous explosion coming from his ears, his two ears were buzzing and shaking, his body was shaking, and he looked like he was unstable and about to fall.

More importantly, the densely packed spiritual sword before Song Jianming also appeared to be unable to maintain its shape, and it was about to collapse. A branch trembled violently. It seemed that it would be out of Song Jian's control at the next moment.

Song Jian was shocked. In addition to attacking, howling can shatter skills?

Wan Jianjue!

As soon as he thought about it, the sky-sword slashed fiercely, and countless spirit swords flew toward Defilk VII like rain hitting bananas. Song Jian was afraid that they would all collapse and disintegrate if released later.

This was a skill that was released after consuming all his sword energy. If he returned without power, it would be enough time for Defilk VII to kill him three or four times.

The spirit sword fluttered towards the target. Although the speed was slightly delayed, it did not crash directly.

The sonic attack continued. Defilk VII kept his roaring and roaring posture, and a wave of sonic energy kept rushing forward, colliding with this group of dragon-like spirit swords rotating and flying. .

Dang, pong, click ~

During the sprint, dozens of spiritual swords were directly shattered by sound waves and turned into fragments and ejected around, but more spiritual swords rushed in front of Defilk VII and slashed wildly at his Body.

A layer of light blue light curtain emerged from the surface of the light gold armor, resisting the attack of hundreds of spirit swords, but the attack lasted only five seconds. This layer of light blue light curtain broke apart under the crazy impact of the spirit sword. Come.






A series of damage values ​​floated on the head of Defilk VII, but this damage value is just like a mosquito bite to a king-level boss with a value of 9.8 million blood. Take it to heart.

Defilk VII showed a disdainful look on his face, constantly waving his scepter and sword to resist the attack of the spirit sword. Many spirit swords were chopped by it to fly out, and bursts of fire broke out. But the spirit swords that were chopped out were not destroyed, and they swirled in the air, continuing to pierce towards the target.

Ten seconds later, all Spirit Sword attacks stopped, and Defilk VII lost hundreds of thousands of qi and blood.

"Hahaha, do you have that ability?" Defilk VII laughed. "If that's the case, then you must be ready to bear the wrath of a Warren Empire monarch!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge red lotus sword array wrapped it all up, and the blazing dark red flame swallowed it all up.

The yehuo red lotus sword array was officially opened. The bright red lotus was slowly rotating. Numerous crimson sword atmospheres, like a red red dragon in the lotus package, wandered back and forth, bombarded on the body of Defilk VII With each bombardment, he would take away a lot of his blood value, and those sword bombarded on Defilk VII, but they reunited shortly after disappearing.

At this time, Defilk VII finally felt a touch of pressure. The scepter and sword in his hand continued to chop around, and the red gas of the sword was dashed one by one, but it did Everything is in vain. As long as the karma red lotus sword array has not been destroyed, these karma red dragons formed by the sword energy will be endless.

After ten more seconds, Defilk's blood value had lost nearly two million points. His hair had become messy, sweaty, and a light gray hair was clinging to his forehead and his hands. Holding the scepter and sword tightly, panting heavily.

Seeing the red dragon disappearing in the surrounding industry, Defilk finally breathed a sigh of relief. The red dragon's damage was only a few thousand points, which was not much to him, but the endless stream could not stop the despair at all. Feeling, but Defilk felt heavy pressure.

Before he could catch his breath, a strong threat hit him from the top like Tarzan's top, and his sweaty hair seemed to be affected by static electricity. He stood up one by one, and De Feilke looked up. A sharp sword with a length of about ten meters is quickly chopping at it.

This long sword is not controlled by anyone, but it feels to Defilck that it seems that a peerless swordsman is holding the sword and chopping it.

"Fortress of thorns!" DeFilker VII roared, a bright green light bloomed from his body, and a huge rattan wrapped it, growing upwards in an unstoppable posture, instantly In between, it grows into a plant with sharp spines.

This giant thorny rattan resembles a long snake, centered around Defilk VII, swirling around like a spiked steel fortress.

This is the life-saving skill of DeFilker VII. After casting, the defense and resistance will be greatly improved, and it will also cause 100% rebound damage to everyone who attacks it.

However, the cool-down time of this skill is quite long, one hour, and once released, there is no way to cast this skill in a short time.

The red lotus sword in the air chopped heavily on the thorn fortress, as if the hot knife cut into the butter, and cut the thorn fortress in half directly.

A sharp wailing erupted from the thorn fortress, the whole thorn and rattan trembled violently, and numerous thick green juices were splashing around, and all of the surrounding passages were immediately stained green ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Defelke VII's left shoulder shattered completely, blood stained half of his body, and a huge sword injury stretched from his left shoulder to his chest. It looked as if he had left his entire left side. The arm was cut off in general.

This blow directly exploded more than 800,000 injuries. Defilk VII's eyes showed a terrifying look. It had never suffered such a serious injury.

However, when it was struggling to stand up, there was another momentum like Mount Tai on his head, and he looked up, and a huge palm almost covered the whole castle, and countless swords encircled the palm. Melted into the palm, the palm prints spread out, making this palm look exactly like it really is.

"No!" Defilk VII uttered a desperate growl, feeling that the entire space in which he was located was blocked and there was nowhere to escape.


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