I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1046: Scepter Sword


The palm of the sword fell, the passage where Defilk VII was located collapsed, and the corner of the castle cracked outward from the inside, and the rubble rolled down.

Defilk's figure has been crushed in the ruins by the palm of his sword, this time even the Thorns Bastion cannot save his life!

After a long time, the smoke and dust cleared, and Defilk was facing up. His pale gold armor was covered with cracks, and his body was covered with blood. His blood value was directly lost by one-third, leaving only more than five million blood values. Defilk didn't die, it was just the moment when the sword Qi palm was pressed down, it felt hopeless with no resistance.

"You, how could you have such a powerful skill ..." Defilk VII struggled to get up from the ground, his eyes burning with raging anger: "This, this sword art mystery, should not exist at all! "

Speaking, Defilk VII snarled and rushed towards Song Jian. This king-level boss was also a master of swordsmanship. In the battle, Song Jian, once suppressed, was unable to fight back. Sword art alone, Defilk VII went a few blocks beyond Song Jian.

But in front of Wan Jianjue, Defilk VII was like a naked child standing in the snow and ice. The inability to resist and the threat of death at any time made him deeply desperate.

Song Jianying retreated sharply. As soon as Defilk VII rushed forward seven or eight meters from a ruin, he hit a layer of invisible walls, and his face suddenly showed a horrified look.

Looking up, a sword tumbling over his head, an illusive seven-story stone tower, looming, there is still a figure roaring and roaring in the stone tower, seems to be struggling, trying to escape from the stone tower.

Song Jian looked at the Jianqi Stone Tower, and was a bit worried. You must know that the dominion-level BOSS in the stone tower was not completely swallowed up. I wonder if the king-level BOSS in front of him could continue to be detained.

If it does not work, it can only cause some damage to it. With the strength of DeFilker VII and the remaining blood value, it will definitely escape from the last hit.

"At least about three million qi and blood values ​​can be left ..." Song Jian murmured in his heart, glanced at the qi value of the sword, and recovered only less than one-fifth, and suddenly felt anxious.

Song Jian's condition is not good now. His blood value is less than 3,000 points. The breastplate is damaged. A large amount of sword gas value can't be released even ordinary Wan Jianjue. With the respite of Krishna, the whole situation may be reversed.

Bang ~

The Jianqi Stone Tower was crushed down severely, and De Feilke VII threw the scepter and sword in his hand aside, holding the bottom of the Stone Tower with both hands, and fighting hard to prevent the Stone Tower from falling.

"I, I will not give in. I am Defilk ... VII, I am ... the monarch of the Warren Empire!" Defilk's face turned red, and the blood vessels were like earthworms. Protruding from the skin, the muscles on both arms are knotted like tree roots and hard as steel.

The Jianqi Stone Tower was actually carried down by him. This scene stunned Song Jian. He had never seen anyone or a monster and could compete with the Jianqi Stone Tower.

"Is this the strength of the king-level boss?" Song Jian felt a deep shock, but his eyes quickly fell on the scepter and sword that Defilk VII was throwing aside!

"My mission is not to kill it, but to get the king's staff ..." Song Jian thought of it, and the sword shadow was cast as a show, and a figure exactly like him immediately turned into a state of soul, toward Defilk VII Rushed over.

The stone tower was slowly pressed down. Defilk VII could no longer hold it with his hands. He could only rely on the strength of his shoulders. After a stalemate for a moment, he suddenly felt that the sword gas stone tower on his shoulder seemed to be loose. It seems that as long as you persist for a while, you can completely lift the stone tower out.

When DeFilker VII regained his hope, when full of confidence, a translucent figure rushed towards him, which made it immediately vigilant, his two feet involuntarily stepped deep on the slate, and the ground was slightly Sink in.

"Do you think you can attack me this way, even if my hands are restricted, but my legs are not as bad as those with swords!" Defilk's eyes showed a scornful look.

But soon, he was surprised to find that the figure rushed to the scepter and sword it had discarded, grabbed it, and then returned back at a very fast speed.

This made Defilk VII, who was ready to give the opponent a heavy blow, dumbfounded, and could only watch his opponent steal the scepter and sword in front of him.

"Despicable, you are ..." DeFilk VII was instantly utterly corrupted, anxious, and anxious to break Song Jian to death.

At this time, De Feilke VII, who was slightly relaxed, immediately felt the weight of his shoulders, and the already injured left hand. Then he suddenly shot a blood arrow, and a crisp sound came from the bone.

"Ah, no!" De Feilke VII broke his left arm and could no longer bear the weight of the Jianqi Stone Tower, which was severely pressed down.

At this time, Song Jian, already holding a scepter sword, observed it carefully.

However, this scepter sword with purple and golden light radiated. The first time after Song Jian started, the sword blade retracted again, and turned into a scepter with a length of one foot.

And its attributes, like the previous gold book, have become quest items!

"A legendary quality quest item ..." Song Jian was a little speechless: "It's a luxury!"

If this scepter is an original attribute, not a quest item, Song Jian does n’t know if he is going to take it for the task or secretly hide it by himself. After all, a legendary quality item is worthless to the city. Too.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound in front of him. Song Jian looked up and saw that the sword gas stone tower was pressed down, and most of the castles began to collapse. The huge rocks broke into pieces, as if they were raining. .

The figure of Defilk VII has long disappeared, presumably has been pressed under the sword gas stone tower ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Song Jian waited for a while, and finally a system prompt appeared in front of him;

System: Repression, or devour?

"Suddenly swallowed?" Song Jian smiled with a surprise on his face and immediately chose swallow!

This is a king-level BOSS. Once swallowed successfully, maybe Wan Jianjue can directly upgrade one level!

At this time, the second floor of the Jianqi Stone Tower suddenly lighted up, a figure with a broken arm, roaring and roaring in the second floor, and a closer look, it was Defilk VII being detained in.

Song Jian's eyes brightened: "The sword gas stone tower has seven floors, which means that I can detain and consume seven bosses at the same time ..."


PS: Thank you for "Jeffrey Child" for the 100 starting coins ~

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