I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1047: Undead Legion

The latest website: Jianqi Stone Tower slowly disappeared and it took more than 70 hours to devour Defilk VII, which made Song Jian feel a bit surprised, but was able to kill a king-level boss in person, Song Jian was still very satisfied .

"It's just a pity that there were no items falling ..." Song Jian thought with some regrets. This is probably the only regret for hunting DeFilk VII.


A monster's angry roar sounded, and Song Jian looked back. The castle had almost collapsed. The battle was too loud. The other monsters in the fortress had been alarmed and rushed towards this side.

Song Jian has seen many elite-level, boss-level bosses, and even three or four governor-level bosses are coming here.


Song Jianying slowly disappeared, and before all the monsters had besieged the castle, Song Jian immediately cast a soul walk and fled away.

Back at the manor castle, Song Jian gave the gold book to his tutor Duan Jian. Duan Jian glanced at him with a strange expression on his face.

"You look a little bit embarrassed?" The instructor asked curiously.

Although the task he handed to Song Jian was epic, as long as he was careful, he should not be in danger of life. However, Song Jian seemed to have just experienced a battle of life and death at this time.

"Don't you take the other items of that king, and want to take them?" Asked Duan Jian with a smile on his face.

Seeing Song Jian nodded in depression, the instructor Duan Jian laughed, "It was a monarch who was once a huge empire, powerful, and has touched the edge of the third-order combat power. It can be said that one foot has stepped Entering the ranks of the third-tier combat power, the ordinary second-tier peak combat power is not his opponent, let alone your little guy who has just stepped into the second-tier? "

"In the future, you need to remember that you must control your own hands. Anyone has a heart of greed, but if you do not have the strength to match it, it will become a delusion ..." The instructor Duan Jian couldn't help teaching Road.

Song Jian nodded, his face looked like he was taught, but he felt a little disapproved.

"Well, this sword spirit crystal is yours. If I hadn't bred my own sword spirit, I wouldn't give it to you!" Teacher Jian Jian's face showed a reluctant look, He took out the sword spirit crystal and handed it to Song Jian.

"How does this stuff work?" Song Jian held the sword spirit crystal for a long time, and found no way to use it.

Duan Jian glanced at Song Jian and said, "Summon your Skyscraper and blend it with the sword spirit crystal. If you are lucky, you may increase your Skyscraper grade by one level. If you are not lucky, Okay, that's just a little bit more to enhance the attributes of the Sky Sword ... "

Song Jian summoned the Broken Sky Sword, but before approaching, the Broken Sky sent out a tremor, an impatient appearance, and the sword spirit crystal began to bloom with a dazzling light, shaking slightly.

The two are like two magnets, constantly attracting each other.

Song Jian didn't even need to bring the two closer, just let go of his hands, and the Sky Sword and Sword Spirit Crystal instantly attracted each other and clung together.

The moment the sword spirit crystal touched the Skybreaker, it immediately melted into a liquid, wrapping the Skybreaker as a whole, and the surface of the entire long sword seemed to be covered with a layer of enamel, emitting a glass-like light.

After a while, the entire sword was melted into a ball of liquid, floating trembling in the air.

"Here, how long does it take to fuse?" Song Jian asked, frowning, looking at the sky-sword that had no weapons.

"If the attributes match, it only takes three days. If it is slow, it will take up to seven days ..." The instructor Duan Jian opened the gold book, looked at it with interest, and then replied: "During this period, you You can fight with spare weapons first, and you must not use the weapons that are being merged, otherwise, it will likely disrupt the fusion process and cause failure! "

"Failure of integration will not only waste a sword spirit crystal, but even break the sky sword, there is a certain chance of being completely destroyed. I will be irresponsible at that time!" Duan Jian looked up at Song Jian and said.

"Reserve weapons ..." Song Jian was a little speechless. After learning the sword, he didn't even have a formal flying sword. Where can there be spare weapons.

Thinking of this, Song Jian suddenly took out the scepter sword of Defilk VII from the parcel, holding the scepter with both hands and twisting it vigorously.

Uh ~

With a light sound, the top of the scepter ejected a blade more than two feet long.

The scepter is about one foot long, but the blade is only two feet. The whole sword looks strange.

Although the attribute is only a "mission item", this sword has a purple-gold light, and its quality is one level lower than that of the invisible Skysword. Although there is no attribute, the material of this sword will not have Any change, using it as a spare weapon, is much better than just finding a dark gold quality long sword.

Duan Jian glanced up at will, and looked back, but after a moment, his face showed a surprised look, and looked up fiercely, staring at the scepter sword in Song Jian's hand.

"You, you stole the king's authority back?" Duan Jian looked like a ghost and asked loudly: "How did you steal it? No wonder you are so embarrassed. You turned out to be a symbol of the power of the Coulomb Empire." Stolen back ... "

"Why, is there anything special about this scepter?" Song Jian had some strange expressions on Duan Jian. You know, since the golden book and this scepter were held in the hands of Defilk VII at the same time, obviously, the two An item has about the same value.

"This is the power of the Coulomb Empire!" Duan Jian shook his head and sighed: "It is said that the decline of the entire Coulomb Empire was due to Defilk VII, who took it without inheritance! In this scepter, there is It holds the wealth of the entire Coulomb Empire, and it is also the key to control the undead army of the Coulomb Empire. In the original rebellion, if the Coulomb Empire sent an undead army, the entire empire would not be destroyed in just three months. ... "

"The wealth of the entire empire? An army of immortals?" Song Jian quickly moved to his heart ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and asked quickly: "Specifically, is there a treasure map or something in this scepter?"

"Good!" Duan Jian nodded and said, "In this scepter, it is said that there is a treasure map. According to the treasure map, you can find the wealth that the Kurum Empire has collected for thousands of years, and this huge wealth, Guarded by an immortal legion, only with this scepter can the treasure be opened! "

"Undead Legion? Is it the undead?" Song Jian could not help asking.

"No, it is an alchemy creature. It has immortality. No matter how you kill them, even if you crush them into powder, they will recover again in just ten seconds ..." Duan Jian said : "Hundreds of missiles have been used by countries to bombard this legion, but none of them have been killed ..."

"This is not in keeping with the law of conservation of energy ..." Song Jian couldn't help but whisper, but he was full of interest in this immortal legion.


PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins of "Bread84".

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