I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1048: Forging union

Latest website: "Teacher, do you know where the Hot Canyon is?" Song Jian couldn't help asking.

"The scorching canyon?" Duan Jian changed his face and shook his head. "It is not a place where you can take risks now. Even if I enter that place, there is a risk of falling ..."

"Is the monster high there?" Song Jian asked with an eyebrow.

"Even an ordinary monster has a third-order combat power. The elite bosses and lord bosses have strengths beyond the third-order combat power. There is no place where even the abyss **** dare not set foot easily!" Duan Jian said .

"Is it so dangerous?" Song Jian frowned, and the sword fairy road mission required to send the scepter to the scorching canyon and give it to a blacksmith named Belen to get the sword fairy suit information.

"Teacher, have you heard of a blacksmith named Belen?" Song Jian continued to ask.

In the game, as long as you can have a good relationship with the NPC, you can get a lot of secret information from the NPC. Some difficult tasks. If you can get some relevant information from the NPC, the task will be much less difficult.

"Bellan? This name is too common. If you are a forging master, you can check with the forging union. If he is really a forging master, the forging union must have records about him." Duan Jian thought about it. Would say.

"Forge a union, thank you mentor ~" Song Jian nodded.

"Well, you prepare a room for me. I need to stay here for about three days to study this golden book." Duan Jian's face showed a trace of fatigue, said.

"Okay, mentor, please come with me!" Song Jian was a little surprised. Before that, Duan Jian was still in a good state of mind. After just looking at the gold book for a few minutes, he was exposed to fatigue. Could it be said that looking through the gold book was very mental Power?

"Teacher, what is recorded in this golden book?" Song Jian could not help asking.

"This is a trick of swordsmanship. Only when you reach the peak of the third-tier combat power is you qualified to comprehend it!" Duan Jian took a look at Song Jian and did not hide it. He continued: "In this world, the road to legend has been cut off. It can only reach the highest level of the third-tier combat power. If you want to break through to the legendary level, you must have great luck and chance. The swordsmanship in this golden book is said to be able to break through to the legendary level after you fully understand it. ! "

"Really?" Song Jian stared at the golden book in Duan Jian's hand with envy.

"You are my disciple. If you can reach the third-tier combat power in three years, then I can lend you this gold book for an hour. As for whether you can comprehend and break through, it depends on your luck. Come! "Said a smile on Duan Jian's face.

"Teacher, you are so good at drawing this big cake!" Song Jian could not help but said, "With your current strength, after less than ten minutes of watching, you are showing fatigue. How could I be in an hour?" Will you realize the mystery of swordsmanship recorded in it? "

"Ha ha ha ha!" Duan Jian ha laughed and patted Song Jian's shoulder and said, "Do you know what this golden book is? This is the general outline of swordsmanship. The swordsmanship contained in it is tens of millions. Everyone can understand the sword technique that suits them from the inside. The higher the strength, the more powerful the sword technique is. Even if you can't understand the meaning of the sword technique inside, but you can understand another sword technique that suits you. Not bad! "

"Is that so?" Song Jian nodded and said, it seems that Duan Jian is really good for himself, at least when he reached the peak of the third-tier combat power, he can use a sword technique, Song Jian believes that with his strength, In the worst case, you can also get an epic-level swordsmanship, even a legendary level. If you are lucky, you will realize the mystery of the sword-making method inside, and you will make a lot of money.

After setting up a good instructor, Duan Jian, Song Jian went directly to the forge union, the forging union in the instructor Duan Jiankou.

Although the city of hope is just a newly built city, various building facilities are complete. Not only the forging union, but also the alchemy union, the mining union, etc. Most of these unions were established by NPCs in the game, but There are also two unions, which are established by the gods, that is, the players themselves, one is the drug collection union, and the other is the assassination union.

In fact, the name of the assassination union is "Assassin's Union", which sells all kinds of information and does some wanted tasks by the way.

These wanted missions were issued by NPCs, but more were posted by other players. The mission content was often the assassination of other players or NPCs. Over time, this guild was known as the assassination union.

For Song Jian, the assassination of the union may have some adverse effects on the stability of the city of hope, but some news released by the union has greatly helped Song Jian.

Wang Qi arranged for many people to enter the assassination union in order to obtain these news in time. Every month, the funds invested in the assassination union have hundreds of thousands of yen.

For the city of hope that has not yet established its own intelligence organization, assassination of the union is an essential channel of information.

Soon, Song Jian came to the forging union. As the owner of the city of his hope, he easily met the chairman of the forging union.

"Welcome to you, respectful Lord of the City of Hope!" A dwarf wearing a cloth robe, stood with a group of people respectfully standing in front of the union to greet Song Jian.

"Hello, President Talov." Song Jian said in a ceremony: "I'm here to ask you for help."

Talov respectfully said: "As long as the forging union can do, we will do our best."

"Then I said thank you in advance." Song Jian smiled. "Can you go in and say, this is not a good place to chat."

"Please follow me, Lord City Lord." Talov made a requesting gesture, directing Song Jian to enter the forging union.

This is Song Jian's first time to forge a union. In the entire union hall, there are forges everywhere. There are players and NPCs. Some are trading some materials and some are handing over tasks. Song Jian even saw a forging. The division is showing a weapon of dark gold quality that it has just forged. It seems that it can also serve as a small auction house.

"It's too noisy here, Lord Lord, please come up with me on the second floor. It's quieter there," Talov laughed.

Song Jian nodded and followed Talov to a reception room on the second floor.

As soon as the door was closed, the noisy sound outside disappeared without any trace. The sound insulation of this club room was excellent.

"I didn't expect that there were so many blacksmiths in the city ..." Song Jian couldn't help but sigh ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Blacksmithing is a very profound and profound knowledge, and the introduction is very simple, for the usual adventures and battles It's also very, very helpful. "Talov laughed:" So many people choose to use blacksmithing as their first life professional skills! " "

Song Jian couldn't help laughing, you know, just entered the game and got the Abyss Flame, Song Jian has also been exposed to forging, and has the Abyss Flame bonus. Even a junior blacksmith can create good attributes. equipment.

But unfortunately, in the abyss **** party, the abyss of the flames that Song Jian mastered was lost with the disappearance of the book of the abyss.

"I'm here today to inquire about a forging master named Coulomb from the forging union. I don't know if there is any information about him here?" Song Jian ended the greeting and asked directly.

"Cullen?" Tarov frowned, with a thoughtful expression on his face.


PS: Thanks for the 100-Year Coins for "Yeququ Chaoran" ~

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