I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1051: Dream journey

Latest website: Under the guidance of Marie, Song Jian quickly came to the Adventurer's Bar in Fengming City.

This bar is not only a place to drink, but also the most informed place in the city, where you can drink, stay, gamble, trade, and even hire a horse.

Entering the bar, Song Jian was somewhat surprised to find that it is different from bars in other cities. Although there are many people, it is not noisy at all. The bar is soft and the guests are sitting in card bags. Whispered, without knowing what they were talking about without getting close to them.

In addition to small card bags, there are compartments and boxes in the bar. If you do not like the card bags in the lobby, you can also choose the compartment and box services.

Looking around, there are at least a dozen adventurers in the card bag in the bar lobby, but there are not many players, almost all of them are NPC adventurers.

Most of these adventurers have second-order combat power, and some have even reached third-order combat power.

Almost all of these adventurers are holding a colorful cocktail and talking to each other while sipping on the cocktail.

This cocktail of different colors looks very beautiful, but Song Jian can smell it. The alcohol content of this wine is very low, which is probably equivalent to the alcohol level of a glass of beer in the real world.

Song Jian came to the bar. Behind him was a bartender in a black dress, wiping a cocktail glass with a piece of blue velvet.

"Hello, I want to ask ..." Song Jian asked.

"A dream trip with a cup of two hundred doomsday coins!" The bartender said without looking up.

Song Jian frowned slightly: "What ..."

"Two hundred cups, a dream trip!" The bartender glanced up at him and said noisily to other adventurers in the hall.

It seems that this is the rule of the bar. Before asking for information, you need to buy a two-hundred-dollar "Dream Trip" cocktail.

Song Jian took out two hundred doomsday coins and took it on the bar: "A cup of dream journey!"

The bartender smiled at Song Jian. He magically put out more than a dozen bottles of wine and started pouring them into the mixing tank according to different proportions. Then he was dazzled. Like acrobatic mixing, the mixing tank was like A cheerful elf flew up and down around the bartender.

Slap ~

With a light whistle, the mixing jar steadily landed on the bar. After standing for a few seconds, the bartender opened the mixing jar, and suddenly a strong fragrance emanated from the mixing jar.

The bartender poured the tuned wine into the wine glass, and then dripped two drops of silver liquid. Suddenly, the turbid liquid began to settle slowly. After a while, the wine showed stars. The light is like the night sky.

Soon, the dripped silver droplets began to spread slowly, and soon gave off a dazzling light, like a round of sun. The original starry sky suddenly turned into a scene of sun.

"It's amazing ..." Song Jian couldn't help but sigh, he could feel that this glass of wine was just an ordinary cocktail, without any magical power.

The original strong aroma of the wine has now become more and more absent. The bartender gently pushed the cocktail towards Song Jian.

"Fantasy journey!" Said the bartender lightly. After finishing speaking, he took out another upside-down glass and began to wipe it gently with blue velvet.

Song Jian stared at this cocktail, after a while, the flame-like light in the glass slowly disappeared, replaced by a bright rainbow, in which the colors were arranged in order from top to bottom, forming a bend Curved arc.

Song Jian took it up and took a sip. Sure enough, when in the mouth, the wine tasted very light, almost no different from beer, but when Song Jian swallowed, he immediately felt a line of fire from his throat into the stomach. It's like drinking a piece of charcoal. The flushed face flushed instantly, and the whole person felt almost boiling.

Just when Song Jian felt that he couldn't stand it, a feeling of dizziness came to his heart, as if he had lost weight in space. Moderate, drifting with the wind.

It took a long time for this feeling to slowly disappear. Song Jian took a deep breath and felt like he was hypoxic. At this time, what a hot valley, what epic quest, sword fairy suit, he was all left behind, now he , Just want to slowly clean this glass of small mouthfuls.

At this moment, the door at the bar door was suddenly knocked open by a strong man. With a bang, the door was bumped into the wall and then quickly bounced back, grabbed by the strong man.

"The scorching canyon, looking for the three-tailed fire scorpion, found the end of 500,000 yen, not found within seven days, paid 100,000 hardships, all expenses are reimbursed!" Strong man shouted towards the bar: "As long as three places, second order Above the peak of combat power, I am not afraid to die and follow my polydala to make a lot of money! "

"Datura, you broke the rules!" The bartender's face was so dark and terrible that he lowered the wine glass directly and pulled out a double-barreled shotgun from under the counter. With a click, he opened the treasure chest and filled in the thickness of two fingers. Silver bullets aimed at the strong man at the door of the bar.

"Jason, I'm a regular at the bar, why can't I understand the rules?" Dodora glanced at the bartender with a look of sarcasm on his face, pulled out two banknotes from his pocket, and threw at the bartender. Passed.

Two thin paper-like doomsday coins, like bullets, sent a sharp whistling in the air, and were inserted into the wooden bar counter extremely fast.

Song Jian's eyes narrowed, and a corner of each banknote was deeply inserted into the wood. If ordinary people did not damage the counter and banknotes, they would not be able to take them out.

"Well, every time you see nothing good!" The bartender Jason's face was still ugly, but he slowly closed the double-barreled shotgun, and twitched his fingers twice on the counter, and the two banknotes jumped on their own. It bounced out ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ lying on the counter lightly, and Jason grabbed it in his hands.

"Cocktails are gone, just the cost of repairing the counter ..." Jason said with a cold glance at Datura.

Datura shrugged his shoulders, seemingly indifferent.

"Three-tailed fire scorpion, Datura, are you crazy, but that monster that can only appear in the depths of the scorching canyon, who will follow you for the one hundred thousand yen? Do you die?" A one-eyed, The NPC adventurer dressed like a pirate stood up from the card bag and laughed loudly: "Three days, the whole package is consumed, whether it is caught or not, it is paid 300,000. My Hawkeye Danu is willing to go with you trip!"

Datura looked at the eagle-eyed Danu with one eye, and there was a look of disdain in the corners of his mouth. He snorted and did not speak. Song Jian stood up and said to Datura, "I am willing to go, but After entering the scorching canyon and catching the three-tailed fire scorpion, I have another thing that needs to be separated from you, okay? "


PS: Thank you "Jeffrey Child" for the 100 starting coins ~

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