I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1052: recruit

The latest website: Seeing Song Jian come out, Danuhaha with one eye laughed: "Another rookie who is not afraid of death, this is the number of the month? Fifth, or sixth? Boy "The scorching canyon is not a place for you kids to go."

Other adventurers in the bar took a look at Song Jian and laughed. If he did not use Wan Jianjue, Song Jian looks like a young man who has just stepped into the second-tier combat power, and may be quite good outside. But in this bar, so many people with peak second-order strength and third-order strength will naturally not take Song Jian in their eyes.

Even Datura frowned and looked at Song Jian. After staring at him for a while, he said, "Do you have a mission to enter the Hot Canyon?"

Song Jian nodded with a smile and did not explain, Dado could not let him speak the task content in public. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and said, "Yes, you can count it! But if you are on the road, I find you It's going to be a hindrance, so I'll leave you alone at any time ... "

"No problem!" Song Jian agreed quickly.

Datura nodded, motioned Song Jian to come out, and then looked towards the bar: "Do you still want to make money? Seven days, even if the task is not completed, there will be 100,000 doomsdays, time is limited, I only wait five minutes ... "

A few minutes later, two more adventurers stood up. One of them was Level 80, Level 2 Peak, and Level 97, Level 3.

Compared to Song Jian, these two people seem to be a lot stronger than him, so Datura naturally chose it without hesitation.

"Migao!" The person at the peak of the second order introduced himself after glancing at the third-order strength.

The third-tier man looked at Mi Gao and nodded slowly: "Hao Dahai!"

Neither of them looked towards Song Jian, nor did they have any intention of association, as if Song Jian was just a transparent person and did not exist.

Song Jian didn't care, standing quietly behind Datura. Five minutes later, Datura turned without a word and walked out of the bar.

As soon as the door of the bar was closed, Datura glanced at the three members and said, "What kind of consumables do you have, you need to say in advance, you can't add it to the hot valley!"

"My consumables are adequately prepared. If I need to use them at that time, I will say in advance and convert them directly into doomsday currency." Hao Haida said calmly.

After hearing Hao Dahai's words, a smile of joy appeared on Dodora's face, and his gaze turned to Mi Gao.

"I'm a firearms division. I need about 3,000 doomsday conventional ammunition and 2,000 doomsday special ammunition!" Miko said, scratching his head, looking a little embarrassed: "It is OK to reimburse after the mission!"

Datura directly took out a large amount of doomsday coins, counted five thousand, and handed it to Miko and said, "Add more, this time we will go deep into the scorching canyon, and it is estimated that the battle will be very frequent by then. Ammunition store to replenish you! If you use too much, you will be reimbursed for completing the mission! "

There was a touch of joy on Michael's face, and he nodded repeatedly after receiving the Doomsday currency: "Wait for ten minutes before I go and buy some ammunition."

Having said that, Miko turned directly and rushed towards an ammunition store.

Song Jian smiled slightly. The profession of firearms division is a very long-range attacking occupation. At the time, Song Jian's musketeer occupation when he selected the task at level 10 belonged to the same occupation as the firearms division. The long-range attack is strong, but the consumption is also biggest.

After a battle, it is likely that the spoils obtained will not even earn the ammunition consumed, so occupations such as gunners, whether players or adventurers, are always in a state of no money in their pockets.

Datura naturally knows the characteristics of the profession of the Miguel Gunner, so pay some consumption costs in advance without hesitation.

Seeing Miko's departure, Datura's eyes turned to Song Jian again and asked, "How about you, boy, do you need any consumables to be replenished in advance?"

Song Jian slowly shook his head and said, "No!"

When Datura heard it, his face suddenly showed a slight disappointment. You must know that except for occupations that require ammunition such as gunners and archers, once other occupations require consumables, it means that he has mastered a kind of Strong skills, many powerful skills, need some special consumables. These consumables are valuable, but only useful to the user. Even if other occupations are acquired, they can only be sold to the system store as sundries.

"What kind of profession are you?" Dodor asked more and more disappointed with Song Jian, and his attitude became a bit harsh.

Song Jian replied indifferently: "Yu Jianshi!"

Polydrama frowned slightly. He hadn't heard of this profession, but it should be a swordsman class and it should belong to a melee class.

"Melee combat, at least it can also be used as cannon fodder ..." Dudala secretly said.

After looking at Song Jian up and down, Dodora suddenly felt a little strange. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally found that the man who claimed to be the Imperial Sword had no weapon on his whole body.

"You, what about your weapon?" Dodora could not help asking. If it was changed to Mi Gao or Hao Dahai, the Datura would not ask such direct, after all, this is already personal privacy.

"Here!" Song Jian didn't seem to care, and stretched out his right hand, summoning the Heavenly Sword within Dantian. At this time, the sky-breaking sword was still in its incubation stage. It looked like a crystalline liquid ball with a metallic luster on the surface, which rolled in Song Jian's palm.

"Here, this is your weapon?" The expression of Datura "I don't read less than you don't lie to me" looked as if I had eaten something indescribable.

"Spirit?" Hao Dahai's eyes lit up, staring at the ball of metallic liquid in Song Jian's hand, he couldn't help saying.

"Yes, your weapon can be contained in your body, it is a magical weapon!" Datura patted his thigh with a look of comprehension, looking at Song Jian's eyes, could not help softening a lot.

You know, even if they are third-tier combat powerhouses, they do not have a magic weapon of their own, let alone a young man like Song Jian who has just stepped into second-tier combat power.

"You're lucky!" Dadora's eyes showed an envious look. This kind of weapon that can be incorporated into the body is not a powerful weapon. It takes great luck to meet.

And this kind of magical thing recognizes the Lord. Once it is acquired, even if he is killed, there is no way to blast it out. Www.ltnovel.com ~ The spiritual thing only destroys with the master, so look To people with magical tools, others will only envy, and will not have any bad intentions.

Hao Dahai couldn't help but interjected, "Yeah, you're lucky, magical weapon, a legendary master and uncle in my family, has always dreamed of obtaining a magical weapon ..."

Song Jian smiled slightly and took the Skybreaker back. The Skybreaker, which is still in the spiritual fusion stage, is not suitable for showing for a long time.

"I, I'm back!" Miko ran over panting, his body was full of ammunition chain armor, if the gunner's ammunition couldn't fit in the parcel box, it could be hung on the body, but it would increase the load and reduce Movement speed, while consuming a lot of physical strength.

Seeing that Datura and Hao Dahai's attitudes towards Song Jian improved significantly, Miko scratched his head in confusion, and asked, "Did I miss something ..."

"No, let's go. Let's meet with the big troops!" Dodor turned and walked towards the south gate of Fengming City, and said loudly, "Time is tight. If we fall behind, we won't wait for you, faster ..."


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