I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1053: Flame wolf

The latest website: Song Jian followed the Datura to the south gate of Fengming City. Here, a large group of people were waiting. Song Jian glanced at about 30 people, most of them were two. Tier Peak and Tier 3 combat NPC adventurers, no player.

When seeing Datura returning with three people, most of the people's eyes fell on Song Jianjian, and a faint and strange smile appeared on his face.

Among the crowd, a man in a luxurious robe stared at Song Jian, with a smile on his face, patted Datura's shoulder, and laughed, "Dodora, I'm assured of your business, recruiting Nice people, I'm satisfied! "

"Thank you, Master, for your praise!" A embarrassed smile appeared on Dodora's face, and he did not dare to look at Song Jian's location.

He originally planned to recruit a low-ranking person who would act as a bait to attract the attention of the three-tailed fire scorpion when the three-tailed fire scorpion appeared.

The three-tailed fire scorpion's favorite food is human flesh. If a human appears, it can easily attract the three-tailed fire scorpion and allow it to stay in place for a while. This group of people happens to use this time to capture the three-tailed fire scorpion. .

The original purpose of Datura's recruitment of Song Jian was to make him the bait, but after Song Jian showed the sky-breaking sword, Datura's heart was overshadowed, and it felt that Song Jian was not as good as he thought. weak.

Soon, several more people joined the team. The total number of the team reached more than 50. These people glanced at each other and speculated in their hearts about the strength of these temporary companions. When their eyes fell on Song Fitness , Will automatically ignore the past, Song Jian also found that he seems to be the lowest rank of the entire team.

"Master, almost everyone is recruited ..." a middle-aged man whispered respectfully to the man wearing a gorgeous robe.

"Okay, let's go." The boy raised his head and waved his hands, and walked toward the south gate.

Out of the city gate, a large group of mounts, flame wolves, were ready outside. These wolves were dark red and trembled slightly, their fur was like a burning flame.

Their limbs are inlaid with silver metal, which looks like they are wearing boots, with a saddle-like gear fixed on their backs.

These wolves are more than five meters long and nearly two meters tall. They are very fierce in appearance, with scarlet red lights on both eyes, standing in place, roaring and groaning, ordinary people do n’t say to ride it, I ’m afraid they even approach Do not dare to approach.

These devil wolves were all provided by the Chinese service boys. Just hiring these flame wolves is a large amount of expenses, but it is clear that this money is not much for the Chinese service boys.

"Hey, it's a big deal. Only this kind of flame wolves can endure the high temperature in the hot valley ..." An NPC adventurer touched the fur of the flame wolves and said with envy.

Such a mount is a mount that adventurers in Fengming City have always wanted, but whether it is to capture or tame these wolves, it is a very dangerous thing. Every year, the adventurers die under the claws of the flame wolf. There are hundreds of them.

Song Jian stared silently at the wolf that was almost as tall as himself, and turned over and rode up.

"The levels of these wolves are much higher than themselves ..." Song Jian couldn't help secretly looking at the flame wolves showing the skull level.

These flame wolves have always exuded a touch of warmth, and it is very comfortable to ride on them. The wolves under Song Jianming can seem to be aware of Song Jian's strength, seem very docile, and have been lying on the ground, After Song Jian rode on, he stood up slowly, motionless.

Many adventurers yelled at the flame wolves when they rode them, and then fell down fiercely, causing others to laugh at them.

These flame wolves have the strength of the second-order peak, even if some adventurers who reach the third-order ability, in the case of one-to-one singles, may not be able to kill them, those adventurers with the second-order peak strength, Naturally, these flame wolves will not be in the eyes, it is common to tease them.

"Well, the kid is sitting still!" Some people found that Song Jian was riding on the wolf, and the wolf under him stood honestly, that is, he did not yell or growl. Jumping everywhere.

"Perhaps the kid was lucky and met a very tamed wolf?" Someone whispered.

"Maybe, maybe luck, met a meek flame wolf ..."

Datura's face showed an uneasy look. Even him, it was impossible to make the flame wolves so quiet and docile, and a bad feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

"This guy, wouldn't it be to eat pigs and eat tigers, but the level is not deceiving. Looking at his level, it is really only level 50. He has just passed the second-level combat assessment ..."

After a lot of toss, the large troops began to march toward the scorching canyon. Song Jian suddenly realized that these wolves ran very fast, each step could reach two or three meters away, and the action was very fast, even if they carried a People, they didn't look at all struggling.

"The two attributes of strength and agility are at least more than a hundred points ..." Song Jian secretly said in his heart: "Such a creature already has the lord-level BOSS strength of the second-order combat peak!"

More than two hundred kilometers, it took only half a day for the flame wolves to arrive. At half-afternoon, a group of people saw the villages and towns in front of them.

"Tansang Town has arrived. We will take a night's rest in this town and set off for the Hot Canyon tomorrow morning!" Shouted a middle-aged man who was next to the boy in Huafu.

This middle-aged man has a level of 100, a level of combat power of three, and a set of dark gold-quality armor suits. He holds a lance about two meters long in his hand and looks like a general.

Song Jian narrowed his eyes and looked at the villages and towns ahead: "Is this Tansang Town?"

The town of Tansang in front of it looks dilapidated, just like an abandoned town. There are traces of repairs in many parts of the town's walls. Most of the buildings behind the walls are broken.

"A few months ago, it was attacked by a monster riot in the scorching canyon. At that time, it was said that the whole town had only lived a dozen people, and the rest were all old, miserable!" Mi Gao bitterly controlled the flame seat under him The wolf whispered.

"Is it a riot? Is that the time of Fengming City's protection of the beast?" Song Jian asked with a smile.

Mi Gao nodded, and said solemnly, "It was that time ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ That phoenix is ​​so big. It ’s a dark day, I guess it is at least a king-level boss ..."

Song Jian nodded, and it seemed that the guardian beast turned out to be true.


The flame wolves under Mi Gao began to be dishonest again, groaning and trying to fall Mi Ga from his body. As a gunner, Mi Gao was inferior to melee occupations, and was scorned by the flame wolves.

Song Jian stared at the flaming wolf, and a killing intention was immediately revealed. The momentum of killing the king-level boss caused the wolf under Mi Gao to become stiff, his four legs began to tremble slightly, his tail clipped Tightly, bowed his head, his eyes showed a look of fear.

"This dead wolf, old convulsions!" Mi Gao did not find Song Jian's leaked killing intention. He was almost lifted down by the wolf just now, and now he saw it again to be honest again, he could not help but curse.

Song Jian smiled slightly and didn't say anything. He drove the wolf, followed a group of people, and quickly ran towards Tansang Town.


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