I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1054: court

The latest website: Song Jian actually entered Tansang Town, and Song Jian found that it was more desolate and desolate than what he had seen outside before. A group of people entered Tansang Town for more than ten minutes without seeing a figure. Song Jian could perceive that Some people are hiding in the buildings on both sides of the street, looking out the door slits, one by one, like bow-struck birds, and the whole town is filled with panic.

"There is nothing to be done here. Go ahead and wait until the rest of the scorching canyon!" Huafu Juvenile looked disappointed and looked around, his eyes showing disgust.

The group is mainly based on the Chinese youth. Since he said this, there is no objection, and the town was only attacked by monsters. It is estimated that there are no more than 50 people in the entire town. Resting here is also There's no point.

The middle-aged man with a spear next to the Huafu teenager showed a hesitant look on his face. He seemed to want to persuade the Huafu teenager, but he hesitated and shook his head slightly without saying anything. Beside the teenager.

In his opinion, even if the town of Tanzan is broken again, there are walls and houses anyway. Finding a room here and taking a night's rest is better than sleeping outside in the hot canyon.

However, since the teenager has made a decision, with his personality, he will now discourage him. Not only will the other party not listen to himself, but it will also cause the teenager to have an aversion to himself.

There are flame wolves walking, and their team is a second-order peak and a third-order strength. They are not tired, and they are only a dozen kilometers away from the hot canyon. They can be reached in half an hour and pass through Tanzania. In the town, a group of people continued to move forward until they left the town. Only a few people who wrapped their whole bodies came out of Tansang Town, staring at the back of Song Jian and his group, looking at it motionlessly.

Although it's noon, as the distance from the scorching canyon gets higher, the temperature rises, and the whole person seems to be in a large stove. Some people with low resistance have started to sweat and lose their physical strength. .

On the contrary, the flame wolves seemed a little excited. From time to time, the wolves screamed with excitement as they ran, and the thick howls whizzed up and down, causing some people to start to worry.

Fortunately, these flame wolves have been tamed for a long time. Although they are slightly excited, they have not made any extraordinary actions. Instead, due to the high mood, the running speed has also been accelerated by a few points.

After leaving Tansang Town, no green plants were seen along the way, only clusters of dark red needle-like plants survived stubbornly on the cracked land, and the Flame Wolves rushed past, many hiding in The beasts in these low bushes were all startled, making a panic movement.

Soon, a grand canyon like a red dragon appeared in front of everyone.

The scorching canyon is very wide, with a width of more than a few kilometers on the left and right, and its length is even more unquantifiable, meandering like a dragon lying on the ground.

The temperature in the canyon is extremely high. Whether it is sand or stones, it emits a dark red light, and it looks as if the entire canyon is burning at all times.

"It is said that this was the place where the two gods fought ..." Hao Haihai murmured with a look of admiration in his eyes: "I am afraid that only the power of gods can make such a spectacular sight here!"

There was a smile on the corner of Song Jian's mouth. As long as there are some strange places in the game, people will always be connected with the gods, thinking that only gods can be so powerful to create these splendid awe-inspiring works, but they do n’t know about nature Thousands of years of evolution can still create such a magnificent terrain.

"Well, everyone will be stationed here today, take a good rest for a night, and explore the canyon tomorrow!" The middle-aged man began to instruct the crowd to set up tents, cook dinner, and arrange night defense matters under the direction of the Chinese clothing boy.

Song Jian can feel that their arrival has already attracted the attention of some powerful monsters around, these monsters are hiding in the dark and watching quietly, perhaps because of the powerful breath emanating from them, let these monsters Not afraid to act lightly, just watching them from a distance.

"This is just the entrance to the canyon. There are so many powerful monsters, and it is indeed the highest level of sparring!" Song Jian secretly said.

Players want to brush monsters in this area, at least it will take another three years in the game time. After most players reach the third level, it is possible to enter the team to brush monsters.

Now only NPC adventurers dare to enter this area to explore.

After some exploration, Song Jian also knew that this time it was the son of an earl of the Aiweier family of Fengmingcheng, Xilin Aiweier, that is the Chinese suit boy, who wanted to capture a three-tailed fire scorpion as a fighting pet. So I recruited so many helpers and came to the scorching canyon.

The three-tailed fire scorpion can be regarded as one of the most powerful monsters in the scorching canyon. Their bodies are huge. The body of an adult three-tailed fire scorpion is three or four meters long. If the tail hook is counted, the length of a three-tailed fire scorpion can be close to ten. Meter.

The three-tailed fire scorpion can be used as a combat pet or as a mount. Although it has a large body, it can move very fast and has a good skill. It can also rank among the best in the list of mounts.

It's just that such powerful creatures all live in the depths of the scorching canyon. Not to mention how difficult it is to capture, ordinary adventurers may be difficult to meet.

"I don't know how Master Cullen has survived in such an environment for more than ten years ..." Song Jian stood in front of the tent, staring at the scorching canyon with the dark red light not far away.

"Brother Song, barbecue is ready, come and have some food together!" Dodor greeted loudly in front of a campfire.

Song Jian turned his head, and the scorching yellow oil of a wild animal on the bonfire was overflowing with scent. At this moment, he felt that his stomach had begun to scream, smiled slightly, and walked towards Datura.

"Come, **** craftsmanship. This is baked with the sauce made by my wife-in-law, and it is full of flavor!" Datura tore a thigh and gave it to Song Jian.

Song Jian took it and tasted it, it was delicious, and he was also prompted by a system;

System: You start using the secret barbecue, increase your satiety by 6 points / second, and consume more than fifteen seconds, you will get a special effect of increasing blood and blood value by 500, and increasing blood and blood value recovery speed by 15% The effect lasts for 2 hours;

"You have a good craft!" Song Jian's eyes brightened, and he took a bite again, his mouth full of oil. The cooking effect is second. The key is the taste of the barbecue, which is too delicious. It is the best barbecue that Song Jian has ever eaten since he never entered the game.

Datura said with a thick smile: "Don't eat too much, but I can't finish it by myself anyway."

Song Jian nodded, and didn't speak, but ate it bit by bit. After a while, he ate only one bone stick for the barbecue.

After filling his stomach, Song Jian did not leave immediately, but looked at the Datura with a slight smile on his face.

Seeing Song Jian's weird expression, he didn't speak. After Dodora coughed twice, he asked in a low voice: "Brother Song, have you felt that we seem to be following something?"


PS: Thank you for the 500 starting coins of the "Miki Taka" reward.

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