I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1055: Earth Splitter

After listening to the words of Datura, Song Jian smiled slightly and said, "It's all here, can anyone be against us? I think it's nothing more than that we're moving too much and it alarms some monsters outside the scorching canyon. They are Spying in the dark. "

Dodor nodded and said in a low voice: "The Brother Song is extremely true, I also think so, but ..." Dodor looked vigilantly and said, "This glance seems to be getting more and more The more and more, and my heart has begun to feel uneasy, Brother Song may not know yet. My talent skills are beast instincts, and I can detect the approaching danger in advance ... "

Hearing Dodora's words, Song Jiancai became aware that he was not so afraid of being surrounded by monsters because of his strength. Even if he went deep into the scorching canyon, he had the means to protect himself, not to mention that he has not yet entered the canyon, just at the entrance.

After a little perception, Song Jian also found that the surrounding monsters seemed to be surrounded by a little more, and they did not attack, which was not like the actions of the monsters, but instead seemed to have a unified command behind them.

"Is there anyone behind these monsters who wants to make a ghost?" Song Jian frowned slightly, thinking secretly, but after thinking for a while, he gave up the idea that some people were making ghosts. At this time, the number of monsters surrounding them was already hundreds. Only, and it seems that there are powerful monsters. They are constantly coming. If these monsters are really controlled by people, not to mention players, even NPC adventurers, I am afraid they do not have such strength and control.

"Excluding artificial possibility, then there is only the monster leader ..." Song Jian secretly said, "Is there any boss-level boss around?"

However, after thinking about it for a while, Song Jian shook his head again. Among these monsters who peeped at them, there were already more than ten second-level lord-level bosses. The bosses of the same rank would not obey each other, even the one behind them. BOSS is a Tier III combat lord, and it is not possible to make a Tier II combat lord BOSS so obedient.

"Government level, or king level?" Song Jian guessed in his heart, but judging from the monsters surrounding them now, there is no grade that surpasses the lord level. Song Jian estimates that the boss of the control level is more likely.

When Song Jian was about to speak, there was a sudden roar in the scorching canyon, as if there was a roar from a giant beast.

Banging ~

Song Jian felt the ground tremble slightly, and he couldn't help but start to stand up, looking at the scorching canyon in the distance with a look of horror.

The others were also startled, looking towards the canyon, whispering and talking, even the flame giant wolf lying on the side, stood up vigilantly, a pair of small triangular ears, non-stop Shaking, watching the movement around.

Seeing Song Jian's move, Dodora waved at him with a smile: "Don't panic, it's just howling, nothing big ..."

"Dude, I'm afraid that such a terrible howling is from a giant beast?" Song Jian said with a frown.

"Brother Song is here for the first time and is unfamiliar with the environment here, and excuses!" Dodor laughed: "This is not from a monster, but the environment in the scorching canyon ..."

"Environment?" Song Jian frowned even more, arching his hand towards the Datura: "Please ask my brother for my confusion."

Datura dropped two firewood into the bonfire, organized the language and said, "Do you know how big the hot valley is?"

"I don't know!" Song Jian shook his head.

Datura sighed and said, "At this moment, the hot valley looks thousands of meters wide. The deeper it goes, the wider it becomes. The length is even a few thousand, tens of thousands of meters away. Several countries ... "

"In this Grand Canyon, the terrain is also complex and diverse, not only grasslands, forests, Gobi, swamps, but also deserts, volcanoes, and even lakes!"

"And here is full of violent flame energy. Because of the complicated terrain and the constant flame energy, the climate in the canyon is also complicated!"

"The first second may still be hot in the air, and the next second may be a torrential rain. The most terrible thing is the sandstorm weather. The sandstorm that covers the sky, once there is no place to hide ..."

"As for the whistling sound just now, it sounds like a giant beast. In fact, it is a stone forest at the entrance of the scorching canyon. Because of perennial corrosion, a stone pillar stands on the ground. These stone pillars are eroded by sand and fire year round. Burning, the long-refined wall steel is still hard, and once a strong wind blows through this stone forest, it will make a sound like the roar of a monster just now, which is actually not inconvenient ... "

After listening to the explanation of Datura, Song Jian was relieved and recalled the roar just now. Although the sound was loud, it had no power and should not have been issued by a powerful creature.

At this moment, the middle-aged and strong man who had been guarding by the earl's son, Xi Lin, suddenly grasped the spear, stood up, and shouted, "There is an enemy, be on guard!"

Everyone was shocked. Song Jian also felt that a fierce monster was rushing towards the camp where they were.

"The strong man has amazing perception ..." Song Jian couldn't help but be surprised. He also rushed within 100 meters to sense the danger, and the strong man felt at least five seconds ahead of him. This group of monsters.

At this time, the sky was dark, and a shadow like a brown bear was rushing towards them quickly.

Boom ~

Some people have begun to launch attacks. This time at least are the second-order peak adventurers. Facing these elite BOSS attacks of level 50 or 60, they are not very afraid. In the face of the charge of monsters and long-range attack professions The author locked up a monster, launched skills, or other attack methods. In a short time, more than a dozen monsters fell on the road of charge ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but soon, more monsters rushed Come up and keep approaching the camp of the crowd.

At this time, some people recognized these raid monsters and shouted in a frightened voice: "It's a rift beast. Damn, you haven't entered the scorching canyon. Why are there rift beasts?"

The first rift beast rushed into the camp quickly. The huge figure stood up to two or three meters tall, with a skull like a wolf, a slightly curved horn at the center of the eyebrow, and a fierce light radiating from both eyes. .

Its palms were slamming towards the ground, a bang sounded, and the ground cracked a gap more than three feet in length. An adventurer couldn't escape and stood on this gap, cracking the ground under his feet. The moment he opened the gap, his face looked terrified.

Click ~

The gap on the ground spread, and his whole body was torn apart by a forceful tear. Song Jian could not help but took a sigh of cold air, his face changed, and a cautious look appeared in his eyes.


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