I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1056: Drive out

This person is at the 80th level, and the second-order strength is at his peak. He was easily spiked by an ordinary Earth-splitting beast. We can imagine how powerful these earth-splitting beasts are, and what is behind them that can control their existence. Tough?

"Splinter Beast, **** it, how could you meet them here!" Datura's face suddenly became hard to look, stood up, and kicked toward the campfire.

Countless burning woods flew around, and the surroundings suddenly became dark.

"The vision of the Earth Splitter is very weak. They mainly rely on the hind limbs' sense of the earth to sense the target. Without light, they can't detect our existence without motion ..." Datura looked at Song Jian At a glance, said softly.

There was a bitter smile on Song Jian's face. At this time, dozens of ground-breaking beasts had rushed into the camp, and continuously released the ground-breaking technique to the ground. Cracks spread like spider webs in the camp, even if Song Jian and Datura stood If you don't move in place, it won't be long before they will be swallowed by these cracks.

A few moments later, Datura also realized this, and his face suddenly became difficult to look, and his eyes became desperate.

At this time, adventurers with acceleration skills began to rush out of the camp, and two or three of them even summoned the flying mounts and fled into the air.

Song Jian looked up. The man with the air mount was the son of Earl, who had recruited them, and the middle-aged man with a spear who had been guarding him.

The two looked indifferently at the ground-splitting beast raging in the camp, and did not look down to save these adventurers.

"Brother Song, it looks like we are going to die here today ..." Dodora looked up at the two of Xilin, with a look of hatred in his eyes.

The organization of Datura is just a small force affiliated with the earl's house. It usually relies on the earl's house to live and work for the earl's house. However, when there is danger, the earl's house obviously does not take them into account. In his eyes, Datura and the small organization he belongs to are just a dog. After death, it is enough to raise them. In Fengming City, the small forces who want to cling to the earl's house do not know how many, there is no shortage of Datura. People like Luo.

A fissured beast rushed towards Dodora, and Dodora drew a palm-sized bronze bell from her arms.

Looking at the figure that the Fissure Beast rushed over, Dodora gritted his teeth and knocked his fingers towards the bronze bell.

Uh ~

The bronze bell trembled slightly, a sound sounded, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye radiated out of the vibrating bronze bell, rushing towards the fissured beast that flew over.


Datura spit out blood, his face suddenly turned pale, Song Jian raised an eyebrow, and he could feel that the breath on Datura's body quickly fell down, and within a few seconds, Datura even stood Can't stand anymore, sitting directly on the ground, panting heavily.

At this time, the value of Qi and blood of the polydala fell directly from the full value to only one tenth of the remaining position;


The smashing beast that rushed over was hit by the energy from the bronze bell, and it even took off directly. A dark red blood spray was sprayed out, burning a blazing flame in the air, and before it landed, the blood of the shard beast Exhausted, nothing left.

"Song, Brother Song, I can only do this, and take this opportunity to run away ..." Dodor looked at Song Jian with a sad look on his face.

Song Jian was a little speechless about the way of the Datura. From the moment he still clutched the bronze bell in his hand, we can see that the Datura was not as loyal as it appeared.

However, the two did not have a close relationship, and the Datura behaved like this, it was just that he wanted Song Jian to flee him here and live a life that is understandable.

Thinking of this, Song Jian grabbed Dodora directly on his shoulder and rushed towards the scorching canyon.

At this time, Skybreaking Sword was still bred and could not be used. Song Jian found a dark gold-quality long sword from the package and held it in his hand.

When Song Jian left the City of Hope, he casually found a long sword with good attributes as a substitute, but Song Jian couldn't figure out whether it would be possible to use the long sword to display the complete tenacity of the sword.

What surprised Song Jian was that when these crackling beasts saw Song Jian rushing towards the scorching canyon, they all turned a blind eye. Even if there were cracking beasts blocking their way, they somehow ducked away.

Song Jian rushed out of the camp smoothly into the hot canyon, glanced back at the fissured beast still raging in the camp, and suddenly frowned.

"These rift beasts seem to be consciously driving us towards the scorching canyon ..." The Datura, who was shouldered by Song Jian, seemed to be aware of the problem and couldn't help but say.

"Strange, the scorching canyons were originally our destination, why can't they wait even a night?" Song Jian murmured to himself.

The adventurers who followed the earl's son, Xi Lin, were all human spirits. When they saw Song Jian rushing out of the camp, all their eyes brightened, and some even saw the scene of the ground-splitting beast giving way to them. Immediately, their eyes brightened and they were striving toward the heat. The canyon rushed.

Xilin rides on a big bird, and looks ugly at the camp. Although there are more slash beasts than these adventurers, if this group of adventurers can work together, there is no problem to fight back the slash beasts. He It is not seen that there are still people behind these ground-splitting beasts.

"Waste, a bunch of waste, relying on them, can I capture the three-tailed fire scorpion?" Xilin couldn't help cursing, turned her head, stared at the middle-aged man with a spear next to her and yelled, "Tuguman , Is this the helper you recruited for me, do you think they can really make a difference? "

Tu Guman's face was gloomy and terrible. You need to know that most of the people he recruited were at level 80 or above. In the face of a group of land-splitting beasts of level 60 or 70, even some BOSS, but a little touch , It was directly defeated, there was no fight, it was unimaginable.

"Master, this group of people are just some adventurers, not trained, and in danger, the first reaction is to avoid. They are not the earl's own soldiers and have no experience with others ..." Tuguman whispered. .

Xi Lin didn't listen to Tu Guman's words, she kept screaming and cursing.

The adventurers below have found that this group of rift beasts seems to be driving them into the scorching canyon. Some injured adventurers still rush towards the scorching canyon. Once they break through, the scorching canyon ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ There isn't even a shard of beasts obstructing it. Instead, those adventurers who want to escape in other directions are surrounded by a large group of shard beasts and keep attacking;

Earth-splitting beasts are thick and thick, and their attacks are also powerful. Even if they are third-order powerhouses, at the same time, they are already at the limit of seven or eight, and more than fifteen. There have been more than sixty, and it is more than enough to contain a few adventurers who flee to other directions. After a short time, all these adventurers were driven into the scorching canyon except for those killed.

"Master, they have all fled to the scorching canyon. Shall we keep up?" Tuguman whispered.

"Nonsense, otherwise why did we spend so much money here? Just to see a big defeat?" Xilin gave a glare to Guman, yelled loudly, finished, and controlled the one under him. A big bird flew towards the scorching canyon.

Tu Guman looked at Xi Lin's back, a strange smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, turned his head and glanced at the distant place, took control of the flying mount, followed closely behind Xi Lin, and looked at him. The direction was a thick darkness, and nothing could be seen at all.


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