I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1057: Red light curtain

After everyone entered the scorching gorge, they looked at the rift beast standing at the entrance and suddenly felt a little weird.

These ground-breaking beasts didn't rush in, just like people, standing in Taniguchi and looking at the crowd, and they were no longer crazy when they attacked the camp.

"What the **** is going on with these rift beasts?" Someone whispered.

"They are consciously driving us in ..."

"How do I feel as if someone is manipulating these rift beasts, and it's weird to have rift beasts here?"


Everyone talked, and for a while they didn't know what to do!

Song Jian glanced. The original fifty people were only forty-one and two, and most of them were still injured. They looked very embarrassed. There were only a few people without injuries on him.

Just then, there was a scream of birds and birds in the sky, everyone looked up, and the sky was dark, but the music could also see two huge birds and birds slowly falling towards them.

"Hey, the Lord is here. When the Earth Splitter attacked us, the two of them hid in the air, and they seemed to treat us as dead ghosts!" Someone whispered in the crowd.

Everyone didn't speak, but they all looked ugly. Although they were all hired, similar to the existence of mercenaries, they could not protect the employers, and the employers could not avoid it. But this was abandoned when they were in danger. It feels that there is always some resentment in everyone's hearts.

"Are you all right?" Tu Guman jumped off the flying mount with no expression, then put it away and looked at everyone and asked.

Everyone didn't speak, just looked at him, hoping he could give an explanation.

"Tuguman, why did the Earth Splitter appear at the entrance of the canyon, why did the Earth Splitter suddenly attack us and drove us into the scorching canyon? What conspiracy did you hire us to come here?"

A man in black took the lead and stepped out, pointing at Tuguman and yelling.

Song Jian looked at the man in black, and saw that the man in black was holding a weird long knife. Half of his body was infected with the blood of the cracked beast, but he didn't see any embarrassment in his body. The breath is like the deep sea.

When they saw someone taking the lead, the others shouted and asked Tuguman to give them an explanation.

"His name is Stan Lee. He has a third-order strength, the level has exceeded one hundred, and his strength is strong. Before that, he killed more than three Earth-splitting beasts alone!" Dodor said softly in Song Jian's ear.

"Conspiracy? Are there any conspiracies? Can we say that we are hiring you so that you can come here to die for nothing? What's the benefit to our earl's house?" Tuguman sneered: "Stan Lee, you said, what conspiracy we have Don't forget, our little boy is still here! "

As soon as Stan Lee heard, his face suddenly became difficult to look, and he stood frowning in situ. He didn't know why this happened. You know, he did n’t come to the scorching canyon and never met at the entrance. Earth Splitter.

"This mission is a bit weird. Sorry, I want to quit, and the commission doesn't have to be given to me anymore!" A second-order peak strongman stepped out and arched his hand towards Tuguman.

Seeing that someone wanted to quit, Tu Guman didn't feel the accident, ignored the person, turned his head expressionlessly and shouted at the others: "Do you want anyone to quit, and you can leave at any time if you don't want to, But don't think about the credit rating of your mission, we can tell you good things! "

The face of the person who wanted to withdraw changed, and the credit rating is still very important for them, such as adventurers. If there are too many bad reviews, the number of people hired will be reduced, and some even have a bad reputation, only Go far away and leave this area.

But that's it. Four or five adventurers have opted out one after another. Tuguman didn't stop it, but his face became harder and harder to look.

"Brother Song, this mission is a bit strange. You might as well quit, anyway, you are not an adventurer here, and credit evaluation will not affect you!" Dodor said in a low voice.

Originally, Datura recruited Song Jian for a bait cannon fodder, but at the critical moment, Song Jian did not leave him alone and fled, which made Dodor feel a bit moved.

Anyway, Song Jian chose to join them for his own task. Now that the situation has changed, it is not as safe as a person entering the hot valley.

Song Jian shook his head slightly. The scorching canyon is so large. With his own strength, if he wants to find someone, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. He can stay in this team and use the power of others to search. As for the danger, From the perspective of Song Jian, there is no danger. He cannot break one sword. If not, then two swords!

And the fusion of the Heavenly Sword is almost complete, especially the sword air stone tower of Wan Jianjue, which has swallowed up a boss, and has improved his proficiency by a fifth, and if the rest is the king-level boss Devouring, Wan Jianjue's level may be able to increase another level. By then, the power will become stronger, and Song Jian will be fearless.

Seeing Song Jian's refusal, Datura naturally understood that he had his own intentions, so he no longer persuaded, but just stood beside Song Fitness and regarded him as a dependant.

"Well, a few of you can leave, and the rest of you choose to stay. The reward of the mission remains the same. We just entered the hot valley one night in advance. What's the big deal?" Tuguman yelled.

The other people who chose to withdraw, and arched towards Tugumanuel, and were about to leave the Scorching Canyon. You should know that the entrance to the Scorching Canyon stretches for several kilometers. It can not be blocked by dozens of rift beasts at all. Place to leave, these fissure beasts must not be entangled with them.

Tu Guman looked at the back of several people, and a weird sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth. At this moment, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded in the sky ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Countless red light spots, like stars Flashing in the dark sky.

"This, what's the situation!" Everyone was like a bird of surprise, one after another showing a look of vigilance.

The attack of the Earth Splitter originally disturbed everyone, and now a vision has appeared in the sky. If the two are not related, it is simply insulting everyone's IQ.

Song Jian narrowed his eyes and looked into the sky. These red spots of light soon spread out in all directions, like a large net, covering the entire hot valley.

"Here, what is this?" Song Jian's face also became harder to look at. The scorching canyon is vast and can cover the whole canyon, obviously not by human effort.

Hum ~

The red light, like a light curtain, blocked the entrance of the scorching canyon, and the Earth-splitting beast that had been standing outside the mouth of the valley began to retreat. Several adventurers who wanted to leave at this time returned ugly. There was a look of despair in his eyes.


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