I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1309: God's Eye

Song Jian glanced at Heilong and felt that she had become more irritable since she was promoted.

"Don't move, I'll pull out the war spear on your back..." Song Jian patted the black dragon's strong body and said softly.

After the Black Dragon stepped on the Centaur, his anger seemed to dissipate a lot. He glanced at Song Jian and leaned down gently on the grass.

Song Jian stood on the back of the Black Dragon, clenched the war spear in both hands, and pulled out fiercely. The body of the Black Dragon shivered slightly, enduring the pain, and let out a low hiss.

A bottle of high-level healing medicaments was drawn from the parcel bar and poured onto the wound of the black dragon. With the healing power of the black dragon, this skin trauma can heal up to a day or two, but with the help of the healing medicaments, the recovery time can be Shorten to a few minutes.

Feeling the coolness from the back wound, the black dragon became more docile.

Song Jian jumped from the black dragon and began to pick up the items that were dropped by the golden centaur.

Picking up all the loot, Song Jian's face became very ugly, obviously a king-level BOSS, even an epic-level equipment did not burst, only a gold-quality war spear.

This war spear is still a long-range throwing weapon equipped in the deputy, and the damage is not bad. After throwing, there is no need to pick up. After 20 seconds, it will automatically return to the deputy equipment column, but if it is thrown, it can be re-started immediately. Pick it up, then this cooldown will be refreshed immediately.

Song Jian took a closer look at the properties of the War Spear and immediately replaced the Skeleton Crossbow.

War Spears are also not within the range of weapons used by Imperial Sword Employers. If Song Jian attacks with them, the damage will be reduced by 80%. Against ordinary monsters of the same level, I am afraid there is no way to break the defense.

However, the additional properties of this war spear are excellent, almost five or six times that of the skeleton crossbow. The most important thing is that although it can't cause damage to the enemy, the enemy hit by the war spear will be delayed for 5 seconds, and this delay , Has domain priority, and ordinary elimination skills have no effect on it.

"Parallel goods!" Song Jian glanced at the body of the Golden Centaur and shook his head.

Although a war spear with good attributes was given, a king-level BOSS actually only dropped a gold-quality item. No matter who encountered it, I am afraid that it will be scolded.

Song Jian rolled over and rided on the back of the black dragon. The black dragon's wings spread and rose into the air, flying toward the city where the city of hope lies.

Not long after they left, the sound of "rumbling" was heard on the grassland. It seemed like ten thousand horses galloping. From a distance, more than five thousand centaur horses came from far away.

A centaur headed by a golden crown on his head, a soft body armor on his body, a shield in his left hand, and a one-handed hammer in his right hand, his face was slightly old.

This centaur is King Saqin, the ruler of this grassland. Behind it, there are five thousand guards. These guards, at worst, have the strength of elite bosses.

King Saqiner slowly walked to the body of the Golden Centaur, and looking at the scars on the Golden Centaur, King Saqin's face became difficult to see.

For a long time, a desolate ancient war song rang from King Saqin's mouth.

"The grasslands of Saqinl brought up fearless warriors of the tribe"

"Face the enemy, move forward bravely, without fear"


The hoarse voice of King Saqin rang, and the guards behind him began to sing together with King Saqin, and the singing spread throughout the Saqin grassland.

Several guards stepped forward slowly and lifted up the body of the golden centaur. The corpse of the centaur, which was originally burning a transparent flame, disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared.

"Bring Gova's body back and bury it!" King Saqin's face, like a knife cut, showed a strong expression, and said to the guard behind him: "Separate a thousand people and chase the enemy with me Even if I reach the corner of the world, I will remove the head of the enemy and pay tribute to my son!"

After listening to King Sachin’s words, the guard was slightly riotous. A burly Centaur, after a moment of hesitation, stepped forward and whispered: "Wang, you are the leader of the tribe, chase the enemy, leave it to us. I will bring back the head of the enemy who killed the Three Princes!"

"He killed my son!" King Saqiner stared blankly at the centaur. For a long time, the other party retreated back in silence without dissuading.

Soon after, King Saqin took a thousand guards and chased in the direction of the black dragon leaving, while the rest escorted the body of the golden centaur back to the tribe.


Song Jian was riding on the back of the Black Dragon and did not know that there was a team of Centaurs behind them, chasing them.

After flying for another distance, Song Jian suddenly felt his eyebrows, and came a hot pain, subconsciously covered his eyebrows with his hands, and gave a painful moan.

Heilong turned his head to look at Song Jian, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes. Seeing Song Jian's face with a painful expression, Heilong hesitated for a moment and slowly descended.

At this time, they had left the range of the Saqin grassland and came to a desolate Gobi desert, with large rocks and clusters of brown weeds all over the ground.

The wind blew past, and a sudden cry of howling and wolf sounded on the Gobi. These were the sounds of the strong wind passing through the weathered rocks.

Falling to the ground, Heilong turned into a black-haired little girl, watching her hands covering her eyebrows, kneeling down on the Gobi, Song Jian trembling slightly, frowning.

"Song Jian, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Black Dragon Kamata asked by Song Jianjian.

"Broken, broken eyes, have been conceived successfully, now, huh~, now it's..." Song Jian was sweating and panting continuously, looking very uncomfortable.

"Eyebrow, there seems to be something in the eyebrow, and it's drilling out!" Song Jian felt that the eyebrow was like a worm, constantly eating his flesh and blood, while vigorously drilling out.

A moment later, a colorful divine light burst out from the finger gaps covered by Song Jian's hands, and for a time, illuminated a range of tens of meters.

A breath of dragon **** burst from Song Jian's eyebrows, and the black dragon Kamata showed a surprised look on his face, back and forth, his mouth slightly opened, and his body shivered involuntarily: "This, how is this possible..."

Song Jian suddenly gave a low growl, only to feel a crisp crack in his mind.


After a soft sound, Song Jian felt that the whole person seemed to have been reborn, UU reading www. uukanshu.com seems to have shed a thick body. The whole world seems to have regained its vitality, and its own perception has become sharper.

The surrounding scenery has become more vivid and moving, and the taste has become more clear. Although it has been evening, Song Jian can see clearly even the scenery a few hundred meters away.

Everything around him sent him various and colorful messages, and even the wind blowing in the air was sending him messages of miles and miles.

"Broken god's eyes, gestation succeeded!" A burst of coolness came from the heart of the eyebrows, Song Jian slowly stood up, hands moved away, a dark golden vertical pupil at the heart of the eyebrows, turning slightly, observing everything around , Exudes endless majesty.

Black Dragon Kamata just glanced at the vertical pupil, then he kneeled involuntarily on one knee, his head dropped, and his mouth chanted prayers praising the Dragon God.


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