I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1310: Golden heart

"That's it, broken eyes?" Song Jian's eyes closed slightly, feeling the power from the eyebrow to the whole body, muttering to himself.

At first I thought that the broken eyes of the gods were an enhanced version of the "eyes" of the eyebrows, at most it was only a legendary quality explant equipment, but now it seems that it is far from being as simple as an explant equipment.

At this time, the broken eyes are like a new organ growing out of Song Jianjian’s body, and they are not as simple as ordinary organs. This god’s eyes are like an energy source that radiates energy all the time. These energies pass through Song Jian. The meridians in the body are transmitted to all parts of the body, improving Song Jian's physical fitness all the time.

The most important thing is that in the eyes of this broken god, there is a hint of dragon power. As long as Song Jian can absorb and digest this **** power, any future attacks will contain this kind of power, even if it is a normal blow, There will also be groundbreaking power.

Creatures with a divine level have no resistance at all in the face of divinity.

At this time, the black dragon Kamata also felt the breath of Sishen God that Song Jian's eyebrows overflowed, and became more respectful.

If Song Jian opens the battle pet information to check at this time, you will find that the intimacy of the Black Dragon Kamata has increased from the previous 80 points to a full value of 100 points.

Song Jian closed his eyes slightly and began to slowly adapt to the eyes of the arrogant. He is just an ordinary player, only a second-level combat power. If it is an NPC in this game, it is impossible to have such an organ with divine power, even if he has, This organ will also slowly occupy consciousness, counter-guests, and replace the brain function of the body, and will eventually become a puppet with the eyes of the broken gods as the main body.

Song Jian is a player and has the protection of the game system, and the broken eyes are the rewards he has received, and he is recognized by the game system, so there are no sequelae.

Just adapting to this organ is not an easy task. Song Jian stayed in place for an hour, and the colorful light emitted by God's eyes slowly slowed down, and even the eyes of God slowly retracted. In Song Jian's skull, only a dark golden vertical mark was left in the eyebrows.

The god's eyes converged, the divine power was gone, and the black dragon Kamata also looked up, looking at Song Jian in surprise. She could not have imagined that a human being had become the spokesperson of the dragon god, that is, the ground of the ordinary population. walk.

The gods cannot directly appear in this game world, they can only manifest their existence through the advent, the use of divine art, gods, saints and the like.

The so-called walking on the ground is the spokesperson of the gods. They have a lofty status. Such people, without exception, all possess the power of divinity and can display divine skills.

"How can you be favored by the Dragon God and become the spokesperson of the Dragon God?" Black Dragon Kamata couldn't help but ask, although the dragon family admits that Song Jian has the same qualifications and treatment as the dragon family, he is only after all Personally, choose a human being as the spokesperson of the Dragon God. This kind of thing has not happened for thousands of years.

"Maybe it's because I'm your fighting partner, the Dragon God is very important to you!" Song Jian patted the Black Dragon Kamata's shoulder and smiled.

"Well, I was promoted this time, but I got the most advanced dragon **** blessing and got a golden heart!" Black Dragon Kamata said proudly: "This golden heart is the foundation of sanctification. In the future, I will grow into a golden holy dragon. This is the glory of the dragon **** descendants!"

The golden dragon is a legend in the dragon family. Only the dragon with the blood of the dragon **** can become a golden dragon. Therefore, the golden dragon is also called the golden holy dragon and is the royal family in the dragon family.

However, the Golden Sacred Dragon has not appeared for thousands of years, and this kind of legend has gradually been forgotten. Only the dragon family still believes that this legend is true.

The Black Dragon Kamata is just an ordinary black dragon, and its future achievements will become the giant dragon at the peak of the legendary realm.

But now, the Black Dragon Kamata has the possibility of breaking through the legendary realm.

Song Jian showed a surprised look on her face. The dark golden vertical mark on her eyebrow opened slightly. At the heart of Kamata, a beating golden heart appeared in Song Jian's eyes.

This golden heart is beating continuously, every trace of blood enters the heart, and after it comes out again, there will be some slight changes, and the blood vessels connected to the heart are also continuously infested by the heart, and the surface is stained with a hint of gold. .

"This heart is slowly changing Kamata's physique. Maybe one day, her body will become golden because of this heart..." Song Jian secretly said.

It's just that the speed of this change is too slow, far less than the speed of his eyebrows and the speed of transformation of his body.

"Let's go back to the City of Hope!" Song Jian patted Kamata's shoulder and said softly.

At this time, Kamata, no longer had any resistance to Song Jian's orders, and obediently changed the dragon's body, lying prone on the ground.

As Song Jian was about to ride the Black Dragon and return to the City of Hope, he suddenly turned his head and looked behind him, as if he had noticed something.

"Here, this has already flown for more than three hundred kilometers, is it still chasing?" Song Jian said to herself with some surprise: "It seems that I have somewhat underestimated the status of this centaur prince..."

Song Jian did not expect that the race of the Centaurs should be reported as such, but it was just the killing of a son of King Saqin, who was like a tarsal maggot, chasing after him.

"If I keep running, will I directly chase the city of hope?" A smile appeared on the corner of Song Jian's mouth. You know, there are five or six thousand kilometers away from the city of hope. I believe these centaurs can really keep up with the speed of the black dragon.

"Since you want to die, then I will complete you!" Song Jian summoned the Po Tianjian, with a strong killing intention in his eyes, but he did not know that this time it was King Saqin himself who took the lead, if he knew , I am afraid there is no such big killing intention.

Although King Saqin and his third son are both king-level BOSS, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com But his third son has just entered the king class, and King Saqin itself has been a king class for a long time.

Seemingly feeling the presence of Song Jian, a roar came suddenly from the distance. The sound was like a thunderstorm. It turned the wind and clouds into an instant. The sky that was originally clear in the sky was suddenly turbulent, and the dark clouds covered the sky, and the surrounding area was a lot darker.

Song Jian's face changed greatly. At this time, he finally knew that it was King Saqiner who came after him personally. At this time, King Saqinr was uncovered, and his breath flowed towards Song Jian like a tide. Wherever he passed, all the plants All were cut off at the waist.

"The pinnacle of legendary realm!" Song Jian looked solemnly, staring at King Saqin, who had quickly attacked, and said softly.


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