I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1311: Abyss

The character who can pressurize a family of hundreds of thousands of people and rule the grassland for hundreds of years can't be underestimated. From the breath, the strength of King Saqinr is comparable to the evil fire phoenix.

"There is a boss that can shake the sky..." Thinking of this, Song Jian snorted, greeted the black dragon, and immediately fled towards the distance.

At the peak of the legendary realm, Song Jian is still unable to contend. When he reaches the peak of the third-level combat power, or enters the legendary realm, it is possible to fight alone with such an existence.

Seeing Song Jian riding a black dragon to escape, King Saqin's face showed grief and indignation. He could kill Gowa. His strength should not be weak. He should not turn around and face the challenge of the strong. If Saqin King Er knows that Song Jian only has second-level combat power, and I am afraid that his strength will not be revealed uncovered.

"You still have a little dignity of the brave!" King Saqin roared loudly, chasing after sleeplessly for most of the day, the physical strength of King Saqin and Thousand Guards dropped sharply. More than one hundred kilometers, I am afraid that there will be manpower in the guards to leave the team.

"You have so many people, how much do you bully, do you have a little dignity of the brave?" Song Jian rode on the back of the black dragon and heard the roar of King Sachin, shouting disdainfully.

"You come down, I will fight with you alone, a fair fight!" King Sachin waved his shield and warhammer and shouted towards the Black Dragon and Song Jian who had flown into the air.

Song Jian looked back at King Saqin, who was angry, and a disdainful smile appeared on his face. Without saying a word, he controlled the Black Dragon and continued to fly towards the distance.

King Saqin roared and was about to continue to chase. A nearby guard leader hesitated to step forward and whispered: "Wang, the soldiers are exhausted. Are you taking a short rest and going to catch up?"

At this time, King Saqin was full of anger and glanced back. Although thousands of Guards stood neatly, every Centaur Guard's face was exhausted.

You know, it was a long-distance raid for at least three or four hours, and it ran for three or four hundred kilometers. Even if it was iron, it would be exhausting.

"With so many people, that guy will not fall down to fight me..." King Saqin secretly said.

"You take everyone close to rest and wait for me to return!" King Saqiner shouted loudly. After that, King Saqinl chased toward Heilong and Song Jian alone.

"Wang..." The Guardian commander showed an embarrassed look on his face. After turning around and instructing him, he also stepped on his four hooves and followed closely behind King Saqin.

Most of the guards are of elite strength, but the guards of the guards are the ranks of the masters. Their strength is much higher than that of the ordinary guards. Seeing that the king is not willing to give up, this leader should naturally follow closely. Behind the king, otherwise, if something happens to the king, the thousand guards, including himself, will all be executed.

Seeing that only two centaurs were chasing towards him, Song Jian smiled slightly, even if the king-level BOSS, if the physical exertion is too much, it can not exert its full strength.

Song Jian is still in the process of adapting to the miserable God's eyes. The eyebrows' eyes are like a mass of high-quality energy sources, constantly emitting energy. If he can't adapt to it, Song Jian can't fight at all.

"Catch it, chase it, chase it for a while, you may not even have the strength to raise your arms..." Song Jian muttered to himself, and the eye of the eyebrow flashed a dark golden light from time to time.

King Saqin and the leader behind them, they have been chasing after day and night, their speed is far inferior to that of the black dragon, but they have special tracking methods, and Song Jian does not know the reason, and did not let the black dragon fly too high , So the two barely managed to keep up with the Black Dragon.

King Saqinr was tearing a piece of jerky while looking at a small black spot in the air in the distance, and he began to hesitate.

"King, drink some water!" The commander next to him handed over a kettle, and King Saqin took it, and gulped a few sips of water.

"Kuze, let's go back." King Saqin sighed and looked down at the direction of the black dots that had disappeared in the distance.

"King, we have written down the human breath. Once he appears on the grassland, our warriors will definitely avenge the three princes." The leader comforted.

"Go back!" King Saqin waved the warhammer in his hand and slammed it on a rock more than three meters high next to him, which immediately smashed the rock into pieces.

Song Jian did not know that King Saqin had given up chasing. One person and one dragon saw a large lake in the air. Song Jian patted the black dragon and pointed to the big lake. The black dragon adjusted its direction and fell towards the big lake.

"The two centaurs, should they have given up?" Song Jian laughed. With the eyes of the broken paradox, Song Jian's perception has increased a lot, and King Saqin is like a small sun, even if he leaves Far away, Song Jian can also perceive his existence.

However, after a long time, Song Jian could not perceive the energy fluctuations emitted by King Saqin, which was equivalent to chasing King Saqin for two days and one night, and finally gave up, which made Song Jian relieved.

Being chased all the way by a powerful legendary pinnacle, Song Jian is also under considerable pressure.

"Huh, wait for me to break into the legendary realm, and then come to the Saqin grassland, you will be a king for a while!" Song Jian secretly said.

The level strength is too low, even with powerful skills, it can not exert all its power. When Song Jian reaches the legendary realm, he should be able to practice the Chaos Sword Code. By then, a centaur at the peak of the legendary realm may not necessarily be able to be Song Jian put it in his eyes.

After the black dragon fell, it changed into a human form. The two began to take water and cook together by the lake. They were ready to take a rest and catch up all the way. Heilong and Song Jian did not have a good bite of hot food. In the same way, while running, I ate some simple cooked food, and I did not take a good rest for two days and one night.

Just as the two were cooking, there was a sound of fighting in the distance. After a roar of the beast, a snow leopard over five meters in size suddenly came out of the jungle.

This snow leopard has a single horn on its head, and its fur is as white as snow. However, it is now stained with a lot of blood, and at the same time, its right hind leg and waist also have a deep bone scar, which makes its movements deformed. .

"Eighty-level boss boss?" Song Jian looked up and UU read www. uukanshu. com's eyebrows opened his eyes, and immediately saw the snow leopard's attributes.

The eyes of the broken **** inherit all the effects of the eye of insight, and there are no sequelae of the eye of insight, which will not attract the attention of the spied, and the attributes of the view are more comprehensive than the eye of insight.

Seeing that it was just a lord-level boss of more than 80 levels, Song Jian suddenly lost interest in it. Looking at it, it should be a prey that was chased by someone, and could kill an lord-level boss of level 80. At this level, it is clear that the people who chase it are of great strength.

Soon, the three humans with black breath ran out of the jungle. They all held weapons in their hands, and when they saw the snow leopard, their faces showed excitement.

"Abyss Human Race..." Song Jian looked at the three people who rushed out, frowning suddenly, and slowly stood up.



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